Housing News & Announcements
On This Page
- Draft FY 2026 Annual Action Plan Available for Public Comment
- HUD and City of Alexandria Tour Affordable Housing Developments Together
- City of Alexandria and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Celebrate Community Development Block Grant’s (CDBG’s) 50th Anniversary
- Alexandria Redevelopment Housing Authority (ARHA) to Present at Hybrid February AHAAC Meeting
- ARHA Draft 2025-2029 Five-Year Plan and Draft 2025 Annual Agency Plan Public Comment Period is Now Closed
- City Showcases Affordable Housing Projects to HUD
- City Affordable Housing Projects Receive State Funding
- Housing Director Receives Ronald F. Kirby Award for Collaborative Leadership
- Local Rental Subsidy Program Study
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Draft FY 2026 Annual Action Plan Available for Public Comment
The City of Alexandria's Draft One-Year Action Plan for Housing and Community Development (“Draft Action Plan”) for the period July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 will be available for a 30-day comment period beginning on or about Monday, March 17, 2025 and ending Wednesday, April 16, 2025. Persons wishing to comment on the Draft Action Plan may do so either in writing and/or by providing testimony the public hearing to be held before the Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee at their regular meeting on Thursday, April 3, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Room 1900 in Alexandria City Hall, 301 King Street.
Copies of the City’s Draft Action Plan (accompanied by a Resident Summary) may be reviewed or picked up beginning Monday, March 17 at the Office of Housing, located at 421 King Street, Suite 215, Alexandria, VA from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. These documents will also be available on the City’s Website: alexandriava.gov/Housing and for review at the following City libraries:
BEATLEY CENTRAL LIBRARY: 5005 Duke Street, Alexandria
BARRETT BRANCH LIBRARY: 717 Queen Street, Alexandria
BURKE BRANCH LIBRARY: 4701 Seminary Road, Alexandria
DUNCAN BRANCH LIBRARY: 2501 Commonwealth Avenue, Alexandria
Translated copies of the Draft Action Plan and copies of the Draft Action Plan accessible to persons with disabilities are available upon request. Written comments may be sent or delivered to the Office of Housing or emailed to kimberly.cadena@alexandriava.gov. Comments will be accepted until 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 16. Once approved by the City Council, the One-Year Action Plan will then be submitted to HUD, per their instructions, for the City to receive the FFY 2025 CDBG and HOME Program funds.
For reasonable disability accommodations, please contact Anelva Corcos-Beltran at 703.746.3092, Virginia Relay 711, or Anelva.CorcosBeltran@alexandriava.gov If you prefer communication in another language, free interpretation and translation services are available to you. Please email LanguageAccess@alexandriava.gov or call 703.746.3960.
Draft Section 108 Guaranteed Loan Application Now Available for Public Comment
The City of Alexandria's Draft Application to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Section 108 Guaranteed Loan (“Draft Application”) in the amount of $5,573,000 will be available for a 30-day comment period beginning on Saturday, February 22, 2025 and ending Monday, March 24, 2025. Persons wishing to comment on the Draft Application may do so either in writing and/or by providing testimony the public hearing to be held before the Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee at their regular meeting on Thursday, March 6 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Room 1900 of Alexandria City Hall, 301 King Street.
The City’s Draft Application has been developed in accordance with guidelines set forth by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Draft Application describes the City’s planned use of $5,573,000 of Section 108 Guaranteed Loan funds to support Housing Alexandria’s for the Sansé project located at 3600 Mt. Vernon Ave, Alexandria. The activities described in the Draft Application were included in the City’s 2025 Annual Action Plan, which was approved by City Council in April 2024. The City Council approval for Sansé project funding package on June 27, 2023 included use of these funds.
Translated copies of the Draft Action Plan and copies of the Draft Action Plan accessible to persons with disabilities are available upon request. Written comments may be sent or delivered to the Office of Housing at 421 King St., Suite 215, Alexandria, VA 22314 or emailed to kimberly.cadena@alexandriava.gov Comments will be accepted until 5 p.m., Monday, March 24. After all comments have been received and addressed appropriately, the Application will then be submitted to HUD, per their instructions, for the City to receive the Section 108 Guaranteed Loan funds.
For reasonable disability accommodations, please contact Anelva Corcos-Beltran at 703.746.3092, Virginia Relay 711, or Anelva.CorcosBeltran@alexandriava.gov If you prefer communication in another language, free interpretation and translation services are available to you. Please email LanguageAccess@alexandriava.gov or call 703.746.3960.
HUD and City of Alexandria Tour Affordable Housing Developments Together
On November 21, 2024, participants in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) SOAR (Students + Opportunities + Achievements = Results) Academy visited with the City of Alexandria's Office of Housing, the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA), and local nonprofit development leaders for a tour of two of Alexandria’s affordable housing properties and a shelter for the unhoused. More than 20 students from HUD’s SOAR program and their mentors attended the tour. They visited Lineage at North Patrick Street, formerly the Ramsey Homes public housing development, which was transformed from 15 units of public housing into 52 units of affordable housing serving 0-60% households. They also visited The Bloom at Braddock, a 91-unit LIHTC property with 10 dedicated permanent supportive housing units, and Carpenter’s Shelter, a shelter for unhoused families with 64 beds, classrooms, a dining hall, a playground, and a drop-in area for unsheltered individuals. The Bloom and Carpenter’s Shelter share a building, with the shelter on the ground floor and the multi-unit building above it. The project was developed through a partnership between Housing Alexandria and Carpenter’s Shelter. The Shelter provided the land and Housing Alexandria provided the development expertise to finance and construct the project.
The goal of the tour was to showcase the City's innovative affordable housing properties and allow the SOAR Academy participants to see firsthand the work being done to address the affordable housing shortage and learn about collaborative efforts between HUD, local governments, non-profit developers, and community partners. During the tour, SOAR Academy participants learned about the properties’ resident services, development financing, and property operations and management. They were also able to tour common areas and units in the properties and see property amenities such as community rooms and a community garden.
City of Alexandria and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Celebrate Community Development Block Grant’s (CDBG’s) 50th Anniversary

HUD and the City of Alexandria joined together to celebrate the CDBG program’s 50th Anniversary by touring a home that had been renovated using the City's Home Loan Rehabilitation Program. The City has participated in the CDBG program since it was created by the federal government in 1974. Over the years, the Office of Housing has used CDBG funding to support many housing and community development projects benefitting low- and moderate-income Alexandrians. HUD and the Office of Housing commemorated the CDBG program's impact in the City and looked forward to how it will continue to be an important source of funding that benefits residents of Alexandria.
Over the years, CDBG funds have been used to address multiple objectives: in the 1970s, The Office of Housing used CDBG funds to address blight along King Street and conduct the City’s First round of fair housing testing. Continuing in the 1980s, CDBG funds to assist low-income homeowners rehabilitate their homes, in the Potomac West and Strawberry Hills areas. And, in the 1990s and 2000s, CDBG funds were used for economic development, such as loans to support small business along Mt Vernon Avenue and microloans to a variety of businesses, and to create the Rental Accessibility Modification Program to assist renters with disabilities remain affordably in their leased homes. To highlight more recently, in 2020, more than $5 million in emergency CDBG relief funds to provide rental assistance to low-income renters across the city during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, developing a low barrier application process that became a national model.
In addition, the Alexandria City Council designated the week of April 1-5, 2024 as “National Community Development Week” to celebrate the CDBG program's anniversary. Councilmember Sarah Bagley presented and read a Proclamation celebrating CDBG’s 50th anniversary to the Office of Housing staff, Helen McIlvaine, Director of Housing; Noah Simon, Chief of Staff for Congressman Don Beyer; Eric Keeler, Deputy Director of the Office of Housing; and Kim Cadena, Housing Analyst in the Office of Housing. You can learn more about this proclamation here.
The City of Alexandria is proud to celebrate an enduring partnership as we work with HUD to use CDBG to have a positive impact in our communities. The partnership and collaboration has been instrumental in advancing affordable housing initiatives, economic development, and enhancing community well-being.
Alexandria Redevelopment Housing Authority (ARHA) to Present at Hybrid February AHAAC Meeting
The Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee (AHAAC) will hold its next monthly meeting on Thursday, February 6, at 7:00 p.m. As part of the Housing 2040 Master Plan (Housing 2040) process, ARHA will provide a presentation on its mission and current repositioning strategy in Alexandria; how it has evolved as an organization; and an overview of its operations and current affordable housing portfolio. In addition, ARHA will present on information on the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV, Section 8), who is being served by the HCV, and what the waitlist for public housing and HCV tells us about housing need in the City. If you are interested in learning more about public housing in Alexandria you are encouraged to attend. This is the third in a series of topical Housing 2040 meetings. Please check the Housing 2040 website and future eNews releases for the timing of future topics, and review the Housing 2040 Education Month website.
This hybrid attendance (virtual and in-person) meeting is open to the public. Please register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MYbBznCRRxuqOJ81ADfb1Q
If you have not had an opportunity to do so yet, please also consider completing our Housing Survey and joining us at a listening pop up near you! Presentations and recordings of the Housing 2040 kick-off meetings, held on September 18 and 25, are available at alexandriava.gov/HousingPlan. Starting with the Housing Needs Assessment, the Housing 2040 process will establish new housing affordability goals and examine housing policies, programs, and tools to support all Alexandria residents and workers. The current Housing Master Plan ends in 2025.
For updates on the Housing 2040 process, in addition to eNews, you can also follow us on X @HousingAlexVA and on Facebook @HousingAlexandriaVA. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Housing at 703.746.4990.
For reasonable disability accommodations, please contact Anelva Corcos-Beltran at 703.746.3092, Virginia Relay 711, or Anelva.CorcosBeltran@alexandriava.gov. If you prefer communication in another language, free interpretation and translation services are available to you. Please email LanguageAccess@alexandriava.gov or call 703.746.3960.
ARHA Draft 2025-2029 Five-Year Plan and Draft 2025 Annual Agency Plan Public Comment Period is Now Closed
Public hearings were held to discuss the Alexandria Redevelopment & Housing Authority’s (ARHA) 5 Year Agency Plan FY 2025-2029, FY 2025 Annual Agency Plan, and the Capital Fund Five-Year Action Plan (the Plans). The 5-Year Agency Plan lays out the Agency's goals and objectives for the next five years. The Annual Agency Plan identifies ARHA’s changes to essential PHA elements, and activities that enable the Agency to continue serving the needs of low-income, very low-income, and extremely low-income families for the next year. The Capital Fund 5-Year Action Plan shows how capital funds provided by HUD are to be allocated for ARHA building and unit improvements.
Public hearings for all Plans were held at ARHA’s main office located at 401 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 on Wednesday September 11th, 2024, and Wednesday September 18th, 2024.
The Plans are available on ARHA's website, alexandriava.gov/Housing, and at ARHA’s main office at 401 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, Princess Square at 1532 Princess St, Alexandria, VA 22314, and the Ladrey Highrise at 300 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
ARHA provided time for public comment (both before and after the scheduled public hearings). Written comments or questions were accepted until September 20th, 2024. Interested parties had an additional opportunity to comment on the Plans during the September 23rd, 2024, ARHA Board of Commissioners' meeting. ARHA’s Board of Commissioners' meetings are open to the public.
For further information or to request reasonable accommodation, please call Denise Kaffka, Director of Compliance, Operations and Policy (COPs) at 703.549.7115x225 or email dkaffka@arha.us
City Showcases Affordable Housing Projects to HUD
The City is committed to expanding affordable rental and homeownership opportunities for Alexandria residents and workers through partnerships with local nonprofits and state and federal agencies. A range of funding sources, including the City’s Housing Opportunity Fund and the federal Community Development Block Grant and Housing Investment Partnership (HOME) Programs, help fund the preservation and construction of affordable housing communities, as well as provide down payment and closing cost assistance to low- to moderate-income first-time homebuyers.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Region III Administrator Matthew Heckels and HUD’s DC Field Office team visited Alexandria on May 20 to participate in a walking tour of federally assisted properties in the Braddock metro community. Joined by representatives from the Office of Housing, the Department of Community and Human Services, the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA), and community partners, including nonprofit housing developers, the tour featured stops at Old Town Commons, the Pendleton Rooming House, The Bloom/Carpenter’s Shelter, Samuel Madden, and The Lineage. NEW! View a short video of the visit.
“We were able to show HUD our Braddock neighborhood where we have affordable housing and public housing that is being redeveloped into mixed-income communities that are using federal funds,” said Office of Housing Director Helen Mcllvaine. “In each case public housing units are being replaced on a 1:1 basis, and new density is adding affordable and market rate units.”
Learn more about affordable homeownership and rental resources today!

City Affordable Housing Projects Receive State Funding
The Office of Housing is pleased to announce that the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has announced awards totaling $14.3 million to three Alexandria affordable housing projects: $3.4 M for Community Housing Partners’ Witter Place; $8.1 M for Phase I of Housing Alexandria’s Sansé and Naja project; and $2.9 M for Housing Alexandria’s Seminary Road project.
- Located at 2712 Duke Street, Witter Place will redevelop a former car dealership into 94 family-sized affordable rental units welcoming residents with incomes between 40% and 60% of the area median income (AMI); the project will start construction in early 2025.
- Over multiple phases, a total of 474 units, including 416 rental units affordable at 40-80% AMI, and 58 affordable condominium units will be built as part of the Sansé and Naja communities in Arlandria Chirilagua. The project includes neighborhood-serving commercial space and flex space for city agencies. Construction of the underground parking, as well as infrastructure and stormwater management improvements, are underway.
- Seminary Road is a new affordable condominium community offering 36 townhome and multifamily-style homeownership units affordable to first-time buyers with incomes up to 80% AMI. Three additional condominium units will welcome adults with intellectual and development disabilities replacing an aging group home at the development site. Sitework began in January, and homes are anticipated to be delivered in mid/late 2025. Funding for Seminary Road also included an award for Housing Innovations in Energy Efficiency (HIEE), a program that supports energy efficiency upgrades in affordable housing buildings.
Housing Director Receives Ronald F. Kirby Award for Collaborative Leadership
On Wednesday, December 13, Helen McIlvaine, Director of Housing for the City of Alexandria, was honored with the Ronald F. Kirby Award for Collaborative Leadership at the Annual Meeting of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) in Washington, D.C. McIlvaine received recognition for her instrumental role in driving innovation and developing creative strategies to address Alexandria's housing challenges and her work with representatives of other jurisdictions to tackle regional housing issues throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The Kirby Award honors area government executives who work collaboratively with elected officials, stakeholders, and their communities to shape a better region.
“I want to extend my sincere congratulations to Helen for receiving this prestigious and timely award,” said Mayor Justin Wilson. “As Director of Housing, Helen has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to successfully collaborate with multiple stakeholders and advocate for the needs of all Alexandrians. Her tireless leadership in the preservation and production of affordable housing in the City, along with her work with nonprofit and private developers and the local housing authority to structure and finance developments, continues to make a lasting impact on people’s lives."
As the head of the Office of Housing, McIlvaine leads implementation of Alexandria’s 2013 Housing Master Plan and the Regional Housing Initiative, aimed to create 4,250 affordable housing units by 2030. In 2023, under McIlvaine’s leadership, the Housing staff are actively involved in advancing the Zoning for Housing/Housing for All and Alexandria West Small Area Plan initiatives.
"Helen and the hard-working staff at the Office of Housing deserve to be celebrated for their service to the community,” said City Manager James Parajon. “Helen’s leadership in Alexandria continues to bring innovative solutions to current housing challenges and stronger relationships with our community partners. We are all thrilled that she is being recognized through this award."
The Kirby Award is presented in the memory of Ron Kirby, COG’s Transportation Planning Director from 1987 to 2013.
If you prefer communication in another language, free interpretation and translation services are available to you, please email LanguageAccess@alexandriava.gov or call 703.746.3960.
Local Rental Subsidy Program Study
The Office of Housing hosted a virtual community meeting with Spanish, Amharic and Arabic interpretation on December 4 to solicit input for a study that is examining how a local rental subsidy program could be designed, structured, and operated in the city. The City, along with HDAdvisors and the Virginia Center for Housing Research, are undertaking the study to help inform future City Council discussions and the Housing Master Plan Update. No program funding is being proposed at this time. For more information, contact Tamara Jovovic.
Meeting Videos:
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City Celebrates Grand Opening of The Waypoint
Wesley Housing, the City of Alexandria, Fairlington Presbyterian Church, and numerous partners celebrated the grand opening of The Waypoint at Fairlington with a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 28. Located on Menokin Drive, within walking distance of the Bradlee Center and multiple transit lines, the new 81-unit community offers three studio, 12 one-bedroom, 49 two-bedroom, and 17 three-bedroom apartments for households with incomes between 40% and 60% of the area median income; it also includes nine deeply subsidized apartments through the City's pilot rental subsidy program. Approximately 19 of the apartments are attributed to the project's application of the City's bonus density program which grants optional increases in density in exchange for the provision of affordable housing. The project is designed to meet universal design standards with nine units fully accessible. The project is also achieving a Green Building Silver Certification.
Residents will have access to free wireless internet, a community room, business center, and a shared courtyard plaza with the Fairlington Presbyterian Church, in addition to a menu of Wesley's established holistic supportive services. The project was made possible through a partnership with Fairlington Presbyterian Church, the support of Virginia Housing, and a $7.65M gap loan from the City.
City Approves Study on Co-Living
Learn about what co-living is, why the City studied this housing type, and what zoning changes were approved at the project website.
City Submits to HUD the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan and 2022 Action Plan
The City's Five-Year Consolidated Plan for the period July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2025 and One-Year Action Plan for the period July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 for Housing and Community Development were approved by City Council on May 25, 2021. The Plans have been submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for final approval.
The Five-Year Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive planning document that identifies the housing and community development needs of the City of Alexandria’s extremely low-to moderate-income, homeless and special needs populations, as well as of any target areas identified by the City, and outlines strategies for addressing the needs of these groups and/or designated areas over a five-year period. The One-Year Action Plan describes actions to be taken during City FY 2022 to meet housing and community development needs identified in the City's Five-Year Consolidated Plan and serves as the City's application for HUD Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2021 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds. For more information, please contact Kim Cadena at kimberly.cadena@alexandriava.gov or 703.746.3104.
- Resident Summary (updated May 3, 2021)
Affordable Housing Partners Announce Acquisitions in Arlandria
In February 2022, the Alexandria Housing Development Corporation (AHDC) announced its acquisition of Parc Vue Apartments, a 196-unit building in Arlandria. AHDC recently completed its due diligence and is pleased with Parc Vue's state of repair and operation. Initial financing for the purchase is being provided to AHDC through a loan from Amazon's Housing Equity Fund. Rents will be maintained at approximately 60% AMI, pending permanent refinancing, when affordability levels will be fixed and potentially broadened.
In January 2022, Wesley Housing announced its acquisition of Parc Square Apartments, a 66-unit six-building property in Arlandria. One of the buildings, which is located near Four Mile Run, is being considered for future rehabilitation and conversion to affordable for-sale housing. Wesley's acquisition of Parc Square ensures that rents will be maintained at no more than 60% of the area median income pending redevelopment, when Wesley hopes to introduce a range of affordability below 60% AMI consistent with identified housing need in the community. While Wesley will manage the properties, the nonprofit is partnering with its neighbor, Community Lodgings, Inc. (CLI), to provide services, including educational support, to residents and their children.
The acquisitions mark an important milestone in the implementation of the recently adopted Arlandria-Chirilagua Small Area Plan and its commitment to expanding housing affordability and stability in the community.
Fair Housing Certification Training Held for Property Management and Real Estate Professionals
The Landlord-Tenant Relations Board and the Office of Housing hosted a virtual training opportunity to property management and real estate professionals. The free informative and interactive three-hour seminar was taught by Mahalia “Mally” Dryden-Mason, Fair Housing Training Specialist on source of income protections which became effective in Virginia in July 2020. The seminar met the requirements for real estate continuing and post license education, and fair housing certification.
Ramsey Homes Symposium
The Ramsey Homes Symposium on Historic Preservation, Community, and Architecture of Public Housing in Alexandria was held virtually on February 11, 2011. The symposium discussed the innovative construction of the World War II era Ramsey Homes and their African American residents. Originally built as temporary housing for African American war industry workers in the 1940s, the homes later served as permanent affordable housing for Alexandria residents for 65 years. Symposium panelists explored the history of public housing, genealogy of early residents, and the building’s unique construction and place in architectural history. The symposium concluded with a virtual experience of the new Lineage community on North Patrick Street. Recordings of final two sessions can be accessed here.
City Receives 2020 Audrey Nelson Community Development Award
The City of Alexandria’s Office of Housing was awarded the National Community Development Association’s (NCDA) prestigious Audrey Nelson Community Development Achievement Award for its support of the construction of The Bloom/Carpenter’s Shelter. The project, an innovative partnership between the Alexandria Housing Development Corporation (AHDC) and Carpenter’s Shelter, colocates 97 units of affordable housing with a shelter that can accommodate up to sixty individuals experiencing homelessness. Ten of the affordable units are designated as permanent supportive housing for persons exiting homelessness. The property also features a playground, three outdoor terraces, a 1,600 square foot food production garden, and TransitScreen technology, along with a modernized day shelter, David's Place, and winter shelter.
AHDC was offered the opportunity to obtain the air rights above Carpenter’s Shelter property in exchange for building a new shelter. The development of The Bloom was funded by Low Income Housing Tax Credit equity, Virginia Housing loan funds, City of Alexandria Housing Trust Fund, federal Home Investment Partnerships Program funding, and additional loans from the City of Alexandria. The Bloom was also the first development in Alexandria to receive Virginia and National Housing Trust Fund awards in 2018.
This project is an example of how federal funding administered through local governments can support innovative partnerships between diverse kinds of housing organizations to the benefit of all. Working together, AHDC and Carpenter’s Shelter have created a unique development that provides housing for low-income families, as well as emergency shelter and supportive services for those experiencing homelessness.
In 2018, the City of Alexandria, Community Lodgings, Inc. (CLI), and HomeAid of Northern Virginia were awarded the Audrey Nelson Community Development Achievement Award for their collaboration the substantial renovation of CLI’s multifamily building located at 607 Notabene Drive.
Alexandria Nonprofit Expands Affordability at Parkstone through Innovative Partnership
On January 28, 2020 the Alexandria-based Alexandria Housing Development Corporation (AHDC) purchased Parkstone Alexandria (formerly called Avana Alexandria Apartments), a 326-unit rental property at 3001 Park Center Drive. Made possible through an innovative partnership among AHDC, JBG SMITH’s Washington Housing Initiative Impact Pool, the Virginia Housing Development Authority (now Virginia Housing), and the City of Alexandria, the acquisition of the property will help preserve and expand an important affordable and workforce housing resource to support the City’s and region’s growing labor force.
AHDC’s plan makes 130 units at the property affordable to households with incomes up to 60% of the area median income (AMI). In addition, 114 units have become affordable to households with incomes up to 80% AMI. The remaining 82 apartments at Parkstone are continuing to rent at market rates. Income restrictions on the building were phased in over time, and no tenants were displaced.
The project would not have been possible without a complex layering of funding. JBG SMITH is providing a $15.1 million mezzanine loan from its Impact Pool, the financing component of JBG SMITH’s Washington Housing Initiative. The Initiative is a transformational market-driven approach to preserve and create affordable workforce housing throughout the DC metropolitan region. The Initiative’s focus is on “the missing middle“, i.e., households who earn too much for traditional rental assistance, but who still struggle to pay for housing.
The purchase also represents the first use of a new financing tool offered by Virginia Housing as part of its commitment to invest in housing infrastructure in response to Amazon’s decision to locate HQ2 in Northern Virginia. As part of its dedication of $15 million per year for five years to help Northern Virginia jurisdictions meet housing challenges related to economic development, VHDA provided $5 million in grant funds to preserve Parkstone at the City’s request. VHDA is also providing a senior loan of $82.5 million for the project. An $8 million City of Alexandria loan completes the funding package.
Mayor Justin Wilson noted that “AHDC’s plan reflects Alexandria’s deep commitment to enhancing and preserving affordable housing, community diversity and economic sustainability, and it showcases the type of creative financing and partnerships envisioned by our Housing Master Plan."
“We Believe Your Past Does Not Define Your Future"
Friends of Guest House, an established Alexandria nonprofit that helps formerly incarcerated women reenter the community, celebrated the opening of its second residential program in October 2019. With contributions from HomeAid Northern Virginia, Craftmark Homes, and a $145,000 loan from the City’s Housing Trust Fund, Friends of Guest House renovated a former office building in Old Town expanding the organization’s capacity by 20 percent (from 26 to 31 participants) and consolidating several of its scattered units. In addition to new living spaces, the site features an on-site computer lab, counseling areas, and accessible accommodations. Since its founding in 1974, Friends of Guest House has helped more than 4,000 women through an intensive and supportive six-month program break the cycle of incarceration, reunite with their families, and reintegrate into their communities and the workforce.
National Landing Selected for Major New Amazon Headquarters
Amazon.com, Inc, announced on November 13, 2019 that it has chosen Arlington County to establish a major new headquarters. Arlington and the City of Alexandria, after working together for the last year in a unique and unprecedented regional partnership, are announcing that Amazon will locate in National Landing, a newly branded neighborhood encompassing parts of Pentagon City and Crystal City in Arlington and Potomac Yard in Alexandria. The Commonwealth’s announcement also includes news of a new partnership with Virginia Tech to develop a revolutionary Innovation Campus to fill demand for high-tech talent in National Landing and beyond. Click here to learn more. Please also see the links below to learn about the City's housing response.
A seminar on how National Landing may impact the City's housing market was held on April 16 at the Charles Houston Recreation Center. Click here to download the presentations by Jeannette Chapman, Deputy Director and Senior Research Associate at The Stephen S. Fuller Institute at George Mason University and Helen McIlvaine, Director of the Office of Housing at the City of Alexandria.
Learn about opportunities to participate in the Arlandria-Chirilagua Plan Update! Click here to learn more.
City Hosts Fair Housing Public Forum
The City of Alexandria hosted a virtual public meeting to gather community input on housing discrimination, barriers to housing access, and fair housing issues in Alexandria on December 9. The meeting featured a presentation by the Urban Institute on existing housing and demographic conditions in Alexandria and included breakout rooms where participants could discuss specific housing issues related to fair housing and how they and their community are affected by them. Information gathered at the public meeting will be incorporated into the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Regional Housing Equity Plan, which will help direct federal funds in ways to make housing more equitable and accessible to individuals and families in Alexandria and our neighboring jurisdictions.
HUD Secretary Fudge, Congressman Beyer, and Mayor Wilson Visit The Spire
On August 13, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia Fudge, Congressman Don Beyer (VA-08), and Mayor Justin Wilson visited The Spire, as part of a larger discussion about the nationwide affordable housing crisis. “We are one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the world, and certainly in America, one of the best educated, and yet there are still many people struggling and living in poverty among us,” said Beyer. “Thank goodness we are choosing as a community to use our resources to invest in housing and other services for these people.”
In Alexandria, The Spire is one of a half-dozen newly built affordable housing developments. The City is working to meet both its Housing Master Plan target of 2,000 committed affordable rental apartments by 2025, as well as its portion of the 2030 regional housing goal set by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, which would require production or preservation of an additional 2,250 affordable and workforce level homes. While this will not meet all the affordable housing needs in the City, it represents an acceleration of the City’s historical rate of affordable housing production.
After touring The Spire’s community spaces and an accessible two-bedroom unit, officials provided remarks on the project and highlighted the Biden administration’s Build Back Better Agenda. As part of this recovery initiative, the creation of two million new affordable and low-income homes is proposed, along with expanding financial resources, including private investment through the low-income housing tax credit program, to support the goal. “Low-income and affordable housing was a problem before COVID, but it is even a bigger problem now,” observed Fudge. “There is no place in this country today where a person making minimum wage can afford to rent a two-bedroom apartment. We know, we hear, and we understand what’s happening in this country. And I want to thank everybody who had anything to do with this project.”
“It was an honor to welcome Secretary Fudge to Alexandria and have the opportunity to highlight a project that demonstrates the value of community partnerships,” added Mayor Wilson. “Affordable housing continues to be a priority for the City and is integral for the success of our community as a whole.”
The Spire opened its doors to residents this spring, seven years after its inception. In 2014, the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection generously offered nonprofit housing developer, AHC Inc., a parcel of their property as part of their commitment to expanding housing affordability for neighbors in the Alexandria community. Located in the Beauregard neighborhood, The Spire’s 113 apartments offer affordable homes to households with incomes ranging from 30% to 60% of the area median income.
“We are so grateful that Secretary Fudge, Congressman Beyer, and Mayor Wilson came to The Spire to discuss this critical issue that affects so many in our community,” said Interim AHC CEO Susan Cunningham. “We hope projects like The Spire encourage other communities to join together to create affordable housing and pave a way forward for families in need.”
City Receives ULI Robert C. Larson Award
The City of Alexandria was honored by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) in 2021 with its Robert C. Larson Housing Policy Leadership Award. The Larson Award recognizes “exemplary state and local programs, policies, and practices that support the production, rehabilitation, or preservation of workforce and affordable housing.” In selecting Alexandria, ULI acknowledged the City’s residential multifamily (RMF) zone as an effective tool to incentivize the production or preservation of deeply affordable housing in exchange for the provision of density.
The 2019 amendment to Alexandria’s zoning ordinance that created the RMF zone resulted from the South Patrick Street Housing Affordability Strategy, a community planning process undertaken jointly in 2018 by the Department of Planning and Zoning and the Office of Housing to identify tools, strategies and resources for the preservation of more than 200 existing units of deeply affordable housing at risk of loss due to expiring federal housing assistance contracts and real estate market pressures that make replacement of multifamily development with by-right townhome development a feasible alternative.
Planning Director Karl Moritz and Housing Director Helen McIlvaine accepted the award on the City’s behalf at the ULI annual conference. A local ceremony to recognize funder Virginia Housing as well as City staff who worked on the Housing Strategy and the RMF zone, which culminated in the national award-winning initiative is planned.
City Releases Report on Impact of Affordable Housing on Nearby Residential Property Values
The Office of Housing is pleased to announce the release of the 2022 report “Assessing the Impact of Affordable Housing on Nearby Property Values in Alexandria, Virginia” from the Urban Institute, a nonprofit research organization. In response to community inquiries, Urban Institute conducted a study of the impact of affordable housing on nearby residential property values. The report concludes that affordable units in the City are associated with a small but statistically significant increase in property values of homes within 1/16 of a mile (a block) of a development. These results were found to be robust to other radii and comparison groups, including comparisons of homes between one-half and one mile away. Access the full report here.
City Participates in Northern Virginia Housing Expo
The City participated in the Northern Virginia Housing Expo on Saturday, March 23. The Office of Housing helped to staff the event and share information about the City's housing programs and resources. This free public event showcased first-time homeownership and rental opportunities and resources throughout Northern Virginia. The Expo included workshops and exhibits on a range of topics including becoming and staying creditworthy; first-time buyer programs; rent-readiness programs; the local housing market; senior housing resources; reverse mortgages; and tenant rights and responsibilities. Visitors had the opportunity to sign up for a free 30-minute financial coaching session from certified coaches.
More information about the Expo is available at NoVaHousingExpo.org. Download the flyer (Spanish) today!
Housing Alexandria Celebrates Groundbreaking in Arlandria
On October 18 Housing Alexandria, an Alexandria-based affordable housing nonprofit, celebrated the groundbreaking of the Sansé and Naja, a new mixed-income, mixed-use community at the gateway to Arlandria Chirilagua. The project, the first to implement the vision and goals of the Arlandria Chirilagua Small Area Plan (Plan), consists of a 416-unit rental building, a 58-unit condominium building, and non-residential uses served by shared underground parking. The non-residential uses will welcome neighborhood-oriented business and organizations, including city flex space, healthcare and childcare providers, and local businesses. The project’s design was made possible through the use of the City’s bonus density and height program (Section 7-700) and the Plan’s bonus height provisions.
The Sansé expands affordable rental options for Arlandria-Chirilagua residents by maximizing the number of units affordable up to 60% of area median income (AMI), including 105 deeply affordable units affordable at 40% AMI; by diversifying the unit mix through the provision of units with flexible den space and family-sized homes; by empowering residents to apply for new affordable units through Housing Alexandria’s Ready to Rent Pilot Program; and by pursuing a phased funding strategy that leverages city investment (in the form of loans and grants) with a range of sources, including the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program and Virginia Housing financing. The Sansé is anticipated to open in 2026.
The Naja will introduce new homeownership opportunities for 58 first-time homebuyers. These family-sized, two- and three-bedroom units, will be affordable to households with incomes up to 80% AMI. Downpayment and closing cost assistance will be paired with bilingual homebuyer training and counseling offered locally with support from Virginia Housing.
The project’s amenities are tailored to resident needs; they will include event rooms, a children’s playroom, a fitness center, spaces to study and learn, landscaped roof terraces, and an activated courtyard. The project is being constructed consistent with the City’s Green Building Policy and stormwater regulations which will reduce energy use and utility costs and enhance the area’s green infrastructure and stormwater management.
Housing Alexandria Begins Construction of Seminary Road Project
The Office of Housing is pleased to announce that Housing Alexandria will begin construction of the Seminary Road affordable homeownership project in late January 2024. Founded in 2004, Housing Alexandria (formerly known as Alexandria Housing Development Corporation) is a nonprofit affordable housing developer operating exclusively in the City of Alexandria. Housing Alexandria has a portfolio of nearly 900 units across nine properties and a pipeline of over 1,400 units.
Approved by City Council in December 2021, the Seminary Road project is the second partnership between Housing Alexandria and Sheltered Homes of Alexandria. When complete, the project will deliver 36 new condominium units and townhomes affordable to households earning up to 80% of the area median income (equal to $84,400-$120,560 for a household of one to four, respectively, in 2023), including three condominium units serving as permanent supportive housing for up to 12 persons with disabilities. The City has committed $5 million in grant funding which has successfully leveraged resources from Virginia Housing, the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Northern Virginia Regional Commission.
Income eligible prospective homebuyers must live or work in the City of Alexandria and be first-time homebuyers (defined as no ownership of a home in the last three years) to qualify for the units. Housing Alexandria encourages all interested homeowners to complete their survey to assess homeownership readiness and join their interest list to receive project updates.
Housing Alexandria will host the first orientation on its shared equity homeownership program in Spring 2024; subsequent orientations will be held monthly. This process will allow approximately 12 months for potential homebuyers to prepare before the selection process commences in early 2025.
Construction is expected to begin in January and is anticipated to conclude in Fall 2025. To learn more about the construction process and the Seminary Road Affordable Homeownership Program, visit Housing Alexandria’s project website or contact William Stowe at homeownership@housingalexandria.org.