Housing 2040 Master Plan
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Housing 2040 Master Plan
Approved in December 2013 as a chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the Housing Master Plan (HMP) established principles, goals, and strategies to address Alexandria's housing needs through 2025. The City is undertaking an update to the HMP to shape the City's housing principles, goals and workplan through 2040.
As part of the Housing 2040 process, we will:
- Learn from our past, our neighbors and partners, and from best practices
- Review and update the HMP’s principles and goals incorporating our commitments to equity and sustainability
- Establish housing priorities to set affordability targets and guide City investments and policy decisions
- Identify and evaluate housing strategies and tools
- Strengthen existing and explore new partnerships to leverage City resources
- Outline a workplan for City’s housing programs, initiatives and priorities through 2040
NEW! Join us on March 18 starting at 7 p.m. at Patrick Henry K-8 School, 4643 Taney Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304 to learn about and provide feedback on the draft principles and goals developed to guide the Housing 2040 Master Plan. Input received will inform the development of the final Housing 2040 principles and goals. The meeting will start with an open house from 7 to 7:30 p.m. with updates on ongoing Housing 2040 projects. A light dinner and interpretation in Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, Dari and Pashto will be provided. Registration is optional, but encouraged! Download our flyer here. Please contact Christopher.Do@alexandriava.gov/703.746.3084 with any questions.

The Quantitative Housing Needs Analysis is the first step in the Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) for the Housing 2040 process. This Analysis examines key city demographic, employment, and market trends relevant to housing, along with indicators of housing vulnerability. To learn more, download the HNA
Housing 2040 Engagement Opportunities
Engagement Opportunities
To receive updates on events, sign up for eNews (select "Affordable Housing").
Also, please follow us on X @HousingAlexVA and Facebook at HousingAlexandriaVA (tag us using #AlexHousing2040).
Project Meetings
- NEW! Housing 2040 Housing Preservation Panel Discussion - April 29! Check back for more information!
- NEW! Housing 2040 Community Meeting 3 - March 18, 7 p.m., Patrick Henry K-8 School, 4643 Taney Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304. Learn about and provide feedback on the draft principles and goals developed to guide the Housing 2040 Master Plan. Input received will inform the development of the final Housing 2040 principles and goals. The meeting will start with an open house from 7 to 7:30 p.m. with updates on ongoing Housing 2040 projects. A light dinner and interpretation in Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, Dari and Pashto will be provided. Registration is optional, but encouraged. Please contact Christopher.Do@alexandriava.gov/703.746.3084 with any questions.
- Housing 2040 Introduction to the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority - Meeting 1: February 6. This hybrid meeting was hosted jointly by the Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee and Landlord Tenant Relations Board.
- Housing 2040 Homeowner Resources and Programs - Meeting 1: January 8. This public virtual meeting was hosted by the Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee.
- Housing 2040 Financial Tools for Affordable Housing - Meeting 1 (City Hall): December 5. This public meeting was hosted by the Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee.
- Housing 2040 Plan-Age Friendly Plan Coordination Meeting (Virtual): November 7.
- Housing 2040 Discussion on Rental Assistance Resources (City Hall): November 6. This public meeting was a joint meeting between the Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee and the Landlord Tenant Relations Board.
Pop Up Listening Sessions, Community Conversations, and Briefings
Stay tuned for new engagements opportunities across the city and check back for event confirmations in case there are unexpected changes!
- Alexandria Youth Council: February 23, 2025
- Eco-City Academy (City Hall): January 31, 2025
- Age Friendly Plan Kick-off (Lee Center): January 17, 2025
- Central Pop Up (Patrick Henry Recreation Center): January 15, 2025
- Environmental Policy Commission Briefing (virtual): December 16
- Casa Chirilagua (Arlandria): December 14.
- TWU (Arlandria): December 13.
- DCHS/Mark Center: December 13.
- Ladrey Senior Housing: December 13.
- The Claridge House: December 9.
- Federation of Civic Associations (Alexandria Police Department): December 11.
- DCHS/Mark Center: December 2.
- The Watergate: November 30.
- Kids First Years Council: November 19
- Youth Engagement (Beatley Library): November 14
- Del Ray Farmers Market: November 9.
- Bingo (Casa Chirilagua): October 31.
- ALIVE Food Distribution (William Ramsey Recreation Center): October 26.
- Central Pop Up with Community Health Assessment Team (Patrick Henry Recreation Center): October 23.
- Senior Services of Alexandria Ambassadors Briefing (virtual): October 23.
- West End Farmers Market (4800 Brenman Park Drive): October 20.
- Fall Festival (Leonard Chick Armstong Recreation Center): October 19.
- Lynhaven Pop Up with Community Health Assessment Team (Leonard Chick Armstrong Recreation Center): October 17.
- Senior Services of Alexandria Monthly Speaker Series (Westminster Presbyterian Church): October 16.
- West End Pop Up with Community Health Assessment Team (William Ramsey Recreation Center): October 15.
- Hispanic Heritage Festival (Beatley Library): October 12.
- Alexandria City High School Student Engagement: October 11
- Braddock Pop Up with Community Health Assessment Team (Charles Houston Recreation Center): October 10.
- Fall Festival/Southern Towers Farmers Market (5067 Seminary Road): October 5.
- Chamber of Commerce Briefing (virtual): October 1.
- Community Health Assessment Kick Off: October 1.
Kick-Off Meeting 2
- In-Person Meeting: September 25, 7-9 p.m. Open house: 6-7 p.m.
Where? This meeting was held in-person at the Charles Houston Recreation Center Gym. NEW! View the meeting presentation and recording. Let us know how we did by completing our meeting evaluation.
Why? Shape the Housing 2040 principles, goals, and topics.
Details? A light dinner was served, and interpretation was provided in Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, Dari, and Pashto. Please share our Housing 2040 Kick-Off Meeting Flyer!
Kick-Off Meeting 1
- Virtual Meeting: September 18, 7-9 p.m.
Where? This meeting was held virtually. NEW! View the meeting presentation and recordings in English | Spanish | Amharic | Arabic | Dari | Pashto. Let us know how we did by completing our meeting evaluation!
Why? Learn about the ongoing Housing Needs Assessment and the Housing 2040 timeline, purpose and engagement process. A Q&A followed the presentation.
Details? Interpretation was provided in Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, Dari, and Pashto. Please share our Housing 2040 Kick-Off Meeting Flyer!

For More Information
Please contact Tamara Jovovic, Housing Program Manager, 703.746.3097/tamara.jovovic@alexandriava.gov, with any questions.
2013 Housing Master Plan

On December 14, 2013 the Alexandria City Council unanimously approved the City’s first Housing Master Plan (HMP). The result of a multi-year public planning process, the HMP guides preservation and enhancement of affordable housing opportunities and community diversity through 2025 by:
- Facilitating a variety of housing options for households of all incomes.
- Expanding housing choice for people of all ages and abilities.
- Partnering with nonprofits, ARHA, and private developers to leverage City resources.
- Prioritizing the creation and preservation of affordable housing in transit-oriented, amenity-rich areas and in large-scale (re)developments, in particular when existing market affordable housing is being impacted.
- Promoting the integration of affordable housing to foster successful and vibrant mixed-income communities.
Recognizing the critical role affordable housing plays in the City's economic sustainability
Read the HMP At a Glance.
HMP Goals, Implementation, and Progress Indicators
HMP Goal, Activities, and Progress
The HMP established a goal of creating "new affordability" in 2,000 units through 2025. New affordability is gained through the construction of new committed affordable housing and the preservation and improvement of existing housing resources to enhance affordability, accessibility, safety, health, and energy efficiency. The following activities are counted towards the HMP goal:
- construction of new committed affordable rental and homeownership units, including committed affordable units resulting from the conversion of obsolete commercial buildings into housing
- preservation of existing committed affordable units
- conversion of existing market-rate housing into committed affordable housing
- improvements to existing low- to moderate-income homeownership units through the Home Rehabilitation Loan Program and Rebuilding Together DC-Alexandria projects
- improvements to existing low-income rental units through the Rental Accessibility Modification Program
- support to first-time homebuyers in the form of downpayment and closing-cost assistance
NEW! Progress towards the HMP goal is tracked through the:
- Housing Key Indicator Dashboard;
- Housing Opportunities Indicator Dashboard; and
- HMP Quarterly Progress Report (through December 2024).
To learn about City housing programs and recent projects, visit our Affordable Housing and Publications pages.
HMP Implementation Tools
A number of implementation tools are identified for further study and consideration in the HMP. Since 2014, the City Council has approved the following tools:
- an amendment to grandfather parking requirements for affordable housing projects that undergo a substantial renovation;
- an increase in the level of predevelopment funding provided to facilitate affordable housing through secured, repayable loans;
- a reduction in parking requirements for new affordable housing projects;
- an increase from 20% to 30% in bonus density for affordable housing;
- an amendment to create the Residential Multifamily Zone (RMF) to promote the creation and preservation of deeply affordable housing;
- an update to the Housing Contributions Policy to address cases pursuing additional density, senior housing projects, and commercial to residential building conversions;
- an amendment to permit Accessory Dwelling Units; and
- an amendment to permit Co-Living Units.
HMP Planning Process
The HMP planning process was designed to ensure participation by stakeholders through: a series of 15 public meetings; a bus tour of the City's existing affordable housing stock; and an allocation exercise which gave stakeholders the opportunity to consider future housing needs and locations.
The HMP Advisory Group was composed of the City's Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) plus an additional five appointees, including both public sector and private sector representatives. This group was charged with providing feedback on data presented and developed goals and objectives to guide the creation of the implementation plan.
On November 30, 2012, the City of Alexandria released its draft Housing Master Plan and the draft Housing Master Plan At a Glance for public review and comment. Two town hall meetings were held to receive questions and comments on the Plan. The first meeting was held on January 24, 2013 at Samuel Tucker Elementary School. A second Town Hall meeting was held on February 11, 2013 at Jefferson-Houston Elementary School. Following a 90-day comment period, the Planning commission and City Council held work sessions on the draft plan. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Revised Draft Housing Master Plan on December 3, 2013.
Regional Housing Initiative
In March 2020, City Council endorsed Resolution R27-2019, a Regional Housing Initiative unanimously adopted by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Board to establish housing production targets to address the region’s growing housing needs. The resolution includes aspirational targets allocated across its member jurisdictions, including the City of Alexandria. The City's allocation is equivalent to 3,000 units (above the City's development projections) by 2030, with a goal that 75% of these new units, or 2,250, be affordable to low- and moderate-income households. Progress towards this target is reported on the Housing Key Indicator Dashboard.