Recycling at Work
- 2024 Recycling Implementation Plan - Submissions due by January 30, 2025. All City businesses and multi-family property owners are required to update their Recycling Implementation Plans (RIP forms). All commercial properties will receive written notification via email or postal mail concerning how to submit their RIP forms. Questions? Write CommercialRecycling@alexandriava.gov or call 703.746.4135.
Recycling Implementation Plan (RIP Form)

Businesses, apartment buildings, and condominiums generate two-thirds of all trash and recycling in the City of Alexandria. To help achieve the City's goal of a 50 percent recycling rate, City Council passed Article H of Title 5 requiring business and multi-family property owners to submit a Recycling Implementation Form (RIP form) every two years. For additional information on the program requirements, please see Recycling Implementation Plan Brochure.
Notifications for the annual Recycling Implementation Plan (RIP form) process will be mailed out on November 1, 2024. Plans should be submitted using the City's APEX permitting system to review all RIP forms submitted. Please visit the City's Permits page and click on " Get Started With APEX".
Once you are successfully logged into APEX, select APPLY, then select ALL under PERMITS, and then select Recycling Implementation Plan (RIP). The website will guide you through a series of questions which when completed will serve as your Recycling Implementation Plan. You may save your application as a draft as you fill the web form and return to complete it later. When you have completed the form, submit it to the City for review. All fields marked by an * are required to be completed. RIP forms are due January 30, 2025. Anyone who has not submitted a RIP form to-date may be subject to penalties ranging from $50 to $500 per month.
Submit Your Recycling Implementation Plan (RIP) Form
- Sample Notification Letter
- Video Explaining the APEX Registration Process
- PDF Instructions on Registering with APEX
A City Recycling Specialist is available to assist with setting up and promoting recycling programs at businesses and commercial properties. For assistance, email CommercialRecycling@alexandriava.gov or call 703.746.4135.
Tools to Set up a Recycling Program
The following resources are available to help you begin recycling at your location:
- Recycling Implementation Plan Brochure
- Recycling Yes/No Flyer for Multi-family and Non-Residential Properties
- Working with Janitorial Service Companies
- Sample Language for Janitorial Service Bid or Contract
- List of Permitted Solid Waste Haulers
- Additional information for apartment and condominium managers and residents: Recycling at Condos, Apartments and HOAs
- City staff can assist you by conducting a site visit to determine the types of recyclable materials you can recover; determining the appropriate size, location and frequency of collection containers; assist with appropriate informational signs; and suggesting strategies for reducing waste and informing your tenants about how to participate in the program. If you or someone you know needs assistance establishing a program, working with your service provider, or improving a program already in place, please contact the City's Resource Recovery Division at 703.746.4135.
Special Use Permit Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Storage Space Guidelines
All new non-residential and multi-family construction and large scale renovations are subject to the new special use permit solid waste and recyclable materials storage space requirements. The applicant shall provide storage space for trash and recyclable materials containers as outlined in the City's Solid Waste and Recyclables Materials Storage Space Guidelines, or to the satisfaction of the Director of Transportation & Environmental Services. Please contact Planning and Zoning to find out more about permitting requirements. Visit www.alexandriava.gov/Planning or call 703.746.4035.