Spring Leaf & Wood Mulch Program
Spring Leaf & Wood Mulch Program

As leaves and wood compost, they become a valuable nutrient supplement for garden and lawn applications. Each spring, leaves collected during the autumn months are shredded in a large "tub grinder" to produce a product referred to as "leaf mulch".
The Christmas trees collected in January are also shredded and chipped into "wood mulch".
Each spring, the City accepts orders for a limited supply of wood mulch made from previously collected Christmas trees. Once the supply of wood mulch is exhausted, leaf mulch will be available. In addition to accepting orders for delivery, the City also provides mulch for self-service pickup, at 4251 Eisenhower Avenue, for a limited time during the spring and summer months.
See below for additional details on mulch delivery and pickup.
Mulch Delivery and Pickup
Beginning March 3, the City will start accepting mulch delivery orders for the 2024 season. Deliveries begin in April and run through June. Deliveries are made to Alexandria residents only, and cost $65 for each half-load and $130 for a full-load. Delivery of mulch loads, which equal about six cubic yards (one dump truck load) are scheduled each day, Monday through Friday. No deliveries are scheduled on weekends or holidays. The last day for mulch delivery this season is June 27, 2024. Check the mulch delivery schedule to reserve an available slot.
After deliveries end, mulch will still be available for pickup at the City Recycling Center at 4251 Eisenhower Ave.

For a limited time during the spring and early summer months, mulch is available free of charge at the City of Alexandria's mulch site, located at 4251 Eisenhower Avenue(Vehicles are permitted at the Recycling Center located at 4215 Eisenhower Ave) . Pickup is limited to Alexandria residents and private contractors who use the mulch for pre-approved Alexandria City government projects only. Mulch is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and residents must bring their own shovels, buckets, and other necessary supplies. Mulch is reserved for City residents only. The mulch site hours of operation are Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Gates close at 3:30 p.m.).
For the 2025 season, we only currently have Leaf Mulch available this Spring. City staff will replenish the self-service mulch bins on a weekly basis until the site closes for the season.
**Mulch Disclaimer: Mulch is a natural, unprocessed material that has been stored outside. As a result, it may contain allergens, poison ivy, termites and/or carpenter ants or other foreign matter. Users should wear proper clothing and protection when handling the mulch. The City of Alexandria makes no guarantee concerning the quality of the mulch, and assumes no liability for injury or property damage as a result of the use or delivery of the mulch. Residents who self-haul from the mulch site do so at their own risk.