Residential Pay by Phone Parking Program
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Parking in Alexandria
What's New
Beginning September 2, 2022, select blocks with residential pay by phone restrictions charge a higher parking rate for non-residents that choose to park on the affected blocks. The rate increased to $3.00/hour for any vehicles without a district parking permit or a guest permit. Residents and guests with district permits can continue to park without paying the hourly parking rate. This is part of an effort to help residents without off-street parking to find parking availability on the street near their homes through pricing and will be monitored and adjusted as needed depending upon parking behavior.
In coordination with this increase on residential blocks, the City has also reduced the hourly rate at the Courthouse Garage to encourage visitors to park off-street. Please visit Parking in Old Town for more information about off-street parking options.
Residents on eligible blocks may request residential pay by phone signage that requires vehicles without an applicable district sticker to pay a parking fee to park on the block, while exempting residents and guests that display a valid district permit.
A block is only eligible for the Residential Pay-by-Phone program if it:
- Is within an RPP zone
- Already has parking restrictions posted
- Is adjacent to a block with paid parking (meters, kiosks, or pay-by-phone)
Meters are generally not installed on these blocks. Instead, people who choose to pay to park may use the City’s pay by phone app, ParkMobile, purchase a receipt from a kiosk on an adjacent block, or purchase a pre-paid scratch-off permit. Similar to other restrictions in the Residential Permit Parking District program, residential pay by phone requests must be initiated by residents of a block through a petition.
This program was approved for a small section of Old Town on March 16, 2019 by the City Council; the City Council expanded eligibility for the program on June 18, 2022, to include the entire city. The Council also approved a change that allows these blocks to charge a different rate from the metered blocks.

Program Information
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Petition to request Residential Pay-by-Phone signage
- City Code Section 5-8-84 authorizing this program
Payment Options
- Use the City’s pay by phone app, ParkMobile
- Call the ParkMobile toll-free number at 877.727.5457
- Purchase a receipt from a kiosk on a nearby block and display in car
- Purchase a 2-hour pre-paid scratch-off permit from the City Treasury in City Hall and at the Alexandria Visitor Center, scratch off date and time of the beginning of the parking session, and display in car (example shown below)