Parking in Old Town Alexandria
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Parking in Alexandria
What's New
- ParkMobile payment option added to three parking garages including the Market Square Garage at 108 North Fairfax Street, the Courthouse Square Garage at 111 South Pitt Street, and the North Union Street Garage at 220 North Union Street. Garage users now have another option for payment through ParkMobile’s recent integration into these three city garages.
- New parking meters are coming to Alexandria early fall 2023. Simply enter your license plate number and pay using the kiosk or ParkMobile app. Customers can find further information and instructions on how to pay via the ParkMobile app here: Parking Pay-by-Phone | City of Alexandria, VA (
- The City-owned parking garages at Market Square, Courthouse, and North Union Street are being updated with new technology that will allow for faster & more secure payment options to reduce exiting queues. Hourly pricing at these locations will be reduced to $2.00/hour from $2.50/hour because the new machines do not accept coins.
- Starting Friday, September 2, 2022, parking rates at the Courthouse Square garage (111 S. Pitt Street) are reduced on weeknights (after 5 PM) and all day on weekends to $1.00/hour or a maximum of $5.00 per day. This garage is conveniently located in the heart of Old Town Alexandria, just 2 blocks from Washington Street, 1 block from City Hall, and 4 blocks from the Waterfront. Please consider this garage as an inexpensive parking option for your visit to Alexandria.
Where to Park in Old Town Alexandria
Below is an overview of parking choices in Old Town Alexandria. Many parking garages and lots are located conveniently in the Historic District. On-street metered parking is available for up to two or three hours (per the posted signage). To ensure you are parking legally, read all posted signage before parking. Parking limits are strictly enforced.
Parking on the Street
Although it is encouraged that drivers park in off-street facilities in Alexandria wherever and whenever possible, there is also on-street parking throughout the city in cases where off-street parking is not feasible. On-street parking is free unless posted signage states otherwise. All meter rates are subject to change, however, on-street parking rates as of March 2023 are as follows:
- $1.00/hour:
- Metered streets throughout Carlyle ($5.00/day--no time limit)
- $1.25/hour:
- 400 block of Cameron Street (single space meters only)
- $3.00/hour*:
- 100 and 200 blocks of Cameron Street
- 100, 200, and 300 blocks of South Lee Street
- 100, 200, 300, and 400 blocks of Prince Street
- 100 block of Duke Street
- 100 block of Wolfe Street
- 200 block of South Royal Street
- $1.75/hour:
- Standard rate for all other metered blocks in the city
PLEASE NOTE: If using ParkMobile to pay for parking, please note that ParkMobile charges a 45-cent convenience fee for each parking session in addition to the hourly/daily rate to park.
*Beginning September 2, 2022, select blocks with residential pay by phone restrictions charge a higher parking rate for non-residents that choose to park on the affected blocks. The rate increased to $3.00/hour for any vehicles without a district parking permit or a guest permit. Residents and guests with district permits can continue to park without paying the hourly parking rate. This is part of an effort to help residents without off-street parking to find parking availability on the street near their homes through pricing and will be monitored and adjusted as needed depending upon parking behavior.
In coordination with this increase on residential blocks, the City has also reduced the hourly rate at the Courthouse Garage to encourage visitors to park off-street. Please see the sections above for more information about off-street parking options.
Visit Alexandria Without Needing to Park!
Visitors to the Historic District are encouraged to bike, walk, or take the Metrorail Yellow or Blue lines to King St-Old Town station and take the FREE King Street Trolley or FREE DASH bus. For DASH schedule information, visit For Metrobus schedule information, visit
Bicyclists may visit for the City’s Bikeways Map, which features the City's best on-street and off-road bikeways, as well as locations for grouped bicycle parking.