Comprehensive Recovery Team (Mental Health Case Management)
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Comprehensive Recovery Team (Mental Health Case Management)
The Comprehensive Recovery Team (CRT) provides comprehensive, clinical case management and recovery coaching services to assist individuals with mental illness and their family members access needed services that are responsive to the person’s individual needs and preferences. Services include:
Outreach and Engagement
Individuals with a serious mental illness and /or co-occurring disorder are sometimes unable or not readily willing to accept services. The symptoms of their illness may present a barrier to easily developing trusting relationships, understanding the nature of their illness, and treatments that may help them in their recovery process. CRT staff are mobile and meet the individual in the home, with family members, or in other community settings and slowly develop a trusting relationship leading towards engagement in treatment. CRT staff may also work with a peer support specialist to assist in the engagement process.
Assessment and Planning
Staff partner with the consumer to complete a psychosocial assessment and identify specific needs as well as barriers to service. This psychosocial assessment is recovery focused and culturally driven. Moreover, it forms the basis of an individualized service plan. Family members are encouraged to participate in this process if permitted by the consumer. The consumer centered individual service plan (ISP) documents strengths, needs, goals, objectives and specific interventions.
With the ISP as a guide, the clinical recovery coach and consumer work together to access services necessary to manage and identify symptomology, secure entitlements, locate stable housing, maintain sobriety and employment.
Assisting and Supporting
Once the consumer is linked to services, the clinical recovery coach and the consumer identify any potential barriers and need for on-going support to continue progress towards the goals. Assistance might include travel training or accompanying the consumer to first appointments to reduce anxiety. Regularly scheduled supportive counseling can provide hope for recovery and forward movement towards goal attainment. This is also an opportunity to develop a Wellness Action Recovery Plan (WRAP). Enhancing community integration and use of natural and peer supports are important activities that can provide additional support for the consumer in his or her recovery. Monitoring service delivery and consumer progress through coordination with other providers helps ensure continuity of care and early identification of new needs and progress towards goals.
Clinical recovery coaches teach advocacy skills and are a proponent of support and assistance for consumers to overcome barriers in accessing needed services.
Current clients who are an appropriate match for CRT are referred through Intake or their therapist.