Slough General Hospital
History of Slough General Hospital
Duke Street, west of Hooff's Run

Slough General Hospital included a headquarters building, 16 barracks, a mess hall, laundry, storehouse, stable, and dead house. Originally it was the barracks for garrison troops and became a hospital in May 1864. Slough was the last general hospital to close and was dismantled in 1866.
The complex was named for Alexandria’s military governor during the war, Gen. John Slough. He was known as “an eccentric and bellicose man,” and was shot in New Mexico Territory in 1867.
- Alexandria Federal Courthouse Phase I Historical and Archaeological Investigation, Alexandria, Virginia. Archaeological site report includes information on the operation of Slough Hospital.
- From military barracks to an unsanitary military hospital. Out of the Attic, August 11, 2016.
General Slough

In 1865, the war over, Slough took leave of Alexandria. On July 17, 1865, he wrote to citizens of the city and his soldiers:
A - to me - pleasant relationship is severed.
Believing that my services are no longer needed here, I have been, at my own request, relieved of my command as Military Governor of Alexandria.
I return to my home in the Rocky Mountains, there soon, I hope, to resume civilian pursuits.
If in the discharge of my duties here I have benefitted you, I am content. I have labored for this result. I shall ever remember with pleasurable emotions, my three years' sojourn in Alexandria.
I now say 'Good-bye' with earnest wishes for your happiness and prosperity.BRIG. GEN. JOHN P. SLOUGH, JULY 17, 1865
Historic Images
Image 1:
- Image Title: Slough General Hospital
- Image Source: National Archives
- Photographer: Matthew Brady
- Image Date: ca. 1863
- Medium: photograph
- U.S. National Archives Local Identifier: 111-B-518. Series: Mathew Brady Photographs of Civil War-Era Personalities and Scenes, (Record Group 111)
- National Archives Rights Advisory: Unrestricted.
Image 2:
- Image Title: Portrait of General Slough
- Image Source: National Archives
- Photographer: Matthew Brady
- Image Date: ca. 1860-1865
- Medium: photograph
- U.S. National Archives Local Identifier: 111-B-4123. Series: Mathew Brady Photographs of Civil War-Era Personalities and Scenes, (Record Group 111)
- National Archives Rights Advisory: Unrestricted.
Quartermaster Map
The Quartermaster provided a plan and elevation, noting that "these buildings are similar to those of Sickel Hospital."

Location and the Site Today

The hospital was on the south side of Duke Street, near Holland Lane west of Hooff Run. It was near the site of the current US Patent and Trademark Office. Archaeological excavations for the Federal Courthouse revealed no traces of the hospital complex.
- Google Maps. See the location today
- Civil War Hospitals Map. See location of hospital in relation to others
- Union Hospitals in Alexandria. Return to main page
- Alexandria Civil War Hospitals. interactive Story Map
- Alexandria Civil War Hospitals. Walking Tour Brochure