City Manager's Office
City Manager's Office
The Alexandria City Manager is appointed by the City Council to be the chief executive officer of the City. The City Manager carries out the policy directives of the City Council and manages the daily operations of City government. The City Manager oversees the preparation of the annual operating budget, and 10-year Capital Improvement Program and periodic financial and administrative reports as may be required for submission to the City Council. The City Manager is responsible for proposing a detailed annual City Government operating budget amount to Council, which includes an Alexandria Public Schools operating transfer.
The City Manager appoints all heads of departments and employees of the City, except those in elected, judicial, Alexandria City Public Schools, Alexandria Health Department, Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Alex Renew, DASH, and Libraries positions, City Attorney’s Office, and the Office of City Clerk/Clerk of Council. The City Manager’s Office includes four Deputy City Managers, who oversee City departments on a day-to-day basis as well as serve as liaisons to other departments and agencies that do not report to the City Manager. The City Manager’s Office also includes the City’s Race and Social Equity Office, the Climate Action Office, and labor relations, public/private partnerships, and legislative functions for the City.