AFD Community Outreach Unit
Fire Department
Community Outreach Unit

The Alexandria Fire Department is dedicated to fire prevention and life safety in the City of Alexandria. The department offers a variety of fire safety programs and resources throughout the year. Through the Community Outreach Unit, AFD proudly participates in various community events to inform, educate, and prepare the citizens of the City of Alexandria for emergency situations.
Some of AFD's community outreach programs include Read Across Alexandria, smoke alarm installations, and the Community Fire Academy. The Community Outreach Unit of the Alexandria Fire Department is a part of the Community Risk Reduction Division.
NOTE: The Alexandria Fire Department can no longer support attending kids' birthday parties or hosting birthday parties at our fire stations. We do not have the proper facilities to have birthday parties at any Alexandria Fire Department fire station. We have tried to visit or host parties in the fire stations in the past, but the demand has necessitated a change in policy. However, we welcome groups to schedule a fire station tour (See station tour information) or contact Friendship Firehouse Museum to make birthday party arrangements. Thank you for your support and for understanding our position on this matter.
For additional information about the Community Outreach Unit, contact Firefighter Leslie Palucho, Community Outreach Coordinator, at (703) 746-5217 or AFDOutreach@alexandriava.gov.
PHOTOS: AFD Community Outreach

Additional Resources
Virtual Station Tours