Planning & Zoning Boards and Commissions
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Boards and Commissions
Beauregard Design Advisory Committee
The Beauregard Design Advisory Committee (BDAC) is a nine member board appointed by City Council who serve two-year terms. BDAC was established by ordinance to review development plans for compliance with the Beauregard Urban Design Standards and Guidelines. Development applications are brought to the appointed citizen group as needed and are discussed at public meetings. The Committee will provide comments to applicants and staff to guide proposals and ultimately make written recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council.
Boards of Architectural Review
The Board of Architectural Review (BAR) oversees the protection of the Old and Historic Alexandria District, the 100 Year Old Buildings and the Parker-Gray Historic District. The Board must approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for all new construction and exterior alterations for structures visible from a public way. In addition, the Board must approve a Permit to Demolish for proposed demolition of more than 25 square feet of material on a structure, regardless of the visibility from a public way. Contact Preservation staff at 703.746.4666 with questions about the Boards of Architectural Review.
Dockets & Webcasts | Meeting Schedule and Application Deadlines | Member Roster
Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA), a quasi-judicial resident appointed board that hears requests for variances, special exceptions and appeals, is appointed by City Council and supported by zoning staff. The Board of Zoning Appeals holds monthly, with the exception of August, public hearings in the City Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Contact Planning and Zoning staff at 703.746.4666 with questions about the BZA.
Dockets & Webcasts | Meeting Schedule and Application Deadlines | Member Roster
Carlyle/Eisenhower East Design Review Board
The Carlyle/Eisenhower East Design Review Board (DRB) reviews concept and final design proposals for buildings, signs proposals, and additions/alterations to building exteriors visible from publicly accessible areas within the Eisenhower East Small Area Plan. The purview of the DRB is limited to three Coordinated Development Districts (CDD#1, CDD#2, and CDD#11); however, certain proposals within these districts may not be subject to DRB review.
Old Town North Urban Design Advisory Committee
The Urban Design Advisory Committee (UDAC) is a five member board appointed by City Council who serve two-year terms. UDAC was established by ordinance to review development plans for compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines of Old Town North. Development applications are brought to the appointed citizen group as needed and are discussed at public meetings. The Committee will provide comments to applicants and staff to guide proposals and ultimately make written recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission has the authority to approve or deny requests for subdivision of land or development site plans. The Planning Commission meets on the 1st Tuesday of every month, except August, beginning at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Contact Planning and Zoning staff at 703.746.4666 with questions about the Planning Commission.
Dockets & Webcasts | Speaker's Form | Meeting Schedule and Application Deadlines | Member Roster
Potomac Yard Design Advisory Committee
The Potomac Yard Design Advisory Committee (PYDAC) is a nine member board appointed by City Council who serve two-year terms. PYDAC was established by ordinance to review development plans for compliance with the Design Guidelines and Standards of Potomac Yard. Applications are brought to the appointed citizen group as needed and are discussed at public meetings. The Committee will provide comments to applicants and staff to guide proposals and ultimately make written recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council.