Historic Preservation: Art Deco & Streamline Moderne Buildings in Del Ray
In 2015, the City researched all 15 Art Deco & Streamline Moderne buildings in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria. These buildings contribute to the architectural character of the neighborhood and are part of the commercial identity of the community.
Page updated on July 2, 2024 at 11:00 AM
The research was compiled to encourage property owners to consider listing their buildings on the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places; only two of the properties, 2423-2429 and 2213 Mt. Vernon Avenue, are currently listed as contributing buildings in the Town of Potomac National Register Historic District (1992).
Research Documentation
The research for each building can be viewed by selecting the links below:
- 2423-2429 Mt. Vernon Avenue (1938)
- 2411-2419 Mt. Vernon Avenue (1939; rebuilt 1947)
- 2402 Mt. Vernon Avenue (1923; storefront 1955)
- 2213 Mt. Vernon Avenue (1941)
- 1908 Mt. Vernon Avenue (1946)
- 1800 Mt. Vernon Avenue (1941)
- 1509-1517 Mt. Vernon Avenue (1941)
- 1316 Mt. Vernon Avenue (1939, 1946)
- 1005 Mt. Vernon Avenue (1935, 1938, 1941, 1947)
- 412-414 E. Glendale Avenue (1937)
- 420-422 E. Glendale Avenue (1937)
- 501 E. Monroe Avenue (1952)
- 1509 Leslie Avenue (1952)
- 1423-1427 Leslie Avenue (1952)
- 1406 Leslie Avenue (1953)
- 1305-1321 Leslie Avenue (1952)
Contact the Historic Preservation staff in the Department of Planning and Zoning, preservation@alexandriava.gov,703.746.3833.