Emergency Readiness & Operational Planning Division
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Police Department
Emergency Readiness & Operational Planning Division
The Emergency Readiness and Operational Planning Division (EROPD) provides unique skills, tactics, and asset-based assistance in support of planned and unplanned events and emergencies. The overall goal is to ensure agency emergency preparedness and effective response to planned and spontaneous events and incidents. The units and teams in this division exercise critical judgment regarding a broad spectrum of policies, training, fiscal oversight, program management, long-term asset purchases, and community outreach.
As an agency, we need to become more fluent in ICS through exercises, training, and liaising with the Alexandria Office of emergency Management (OEM) and Fire Department (AFD) to gain comfort and experience. EROPD will identify training opportunities and seek to convert existing plans and policies into ICS/NIMS-compliant versions. EROPD units will regularly provide input and messaging into, as well as draw strategic support mission priorities from, the updated strategic process. EROPD should look for opportunities to support other agencies, community groups, and non-governmental organizations within Alexandria and the region.
For more information on the Emergency Readiness & Operational Planning Division and its annual goals, please see our Strategic Plan.

Captain Shannon Soriano,
Operational Planning Unit
Operational Planning is a newly-developed function within the Administrative Services Bureau. It will seek to coordinate long-term strategic planning as well as research and analysis of various police functions, including gathering assistance from public and private research entities. Operational Planning will provide primary support to Executive Management in a number of areas, including research projects, legislation review, and response to inquiries received from internal and external sources. Operational Planning is intended to assist the Chief and various bureaus/divisions determine policies and guidelines for police activities and operations in the department. Operational Planning may also review the function, mission, staffing, and allocation of resources to the various divisions, sections, or units of the department.
Special Events Coordinator
Special Events Coordinator
and Hack Supervisor
The Special Event Coordinator (SEC) provides coordination, planning, and coverage for City special events such as parades, festivals, foot races, and other large public gatherings. The Special Event Coordinator works closely with the department’s specialized units so that events may be properly evaluated for logistical and safety concerns. The SEC is also personally responsible for payroll/payment of events, to include reimbursement from outside agencies/vendors. All City-based events (occurring in or requiring permits by) that require APD approval are handled by this position.
Tactical Training & Response Unit

The Tactical Training & Response Unit (TTRU) is responsible for providing training to all sworn officers in police tactics and survival skills. TTRU is responsible for managing the Department’s Taser program and Defensive Tactics Team (all members of TTRU are also DT and Firearms instructors). All members of TTRU are also members of the Special Operations Team, and serve as a rapid response force in support of Vice/Narcotics missions (e.g., coverage for buy-busts, vehicle take-downs, etc.), Criminal Apprehension Unit, and other short/no-notice tactical assignments as needed.
Ancillary Functions
EROPD is also responsible for oversight of the agency’s critical ancillary functions and acts as liaison to the Alexandria Office of Emergency Management. These ancillary functions consist of:
- Special Operations Team (SOT)
- Hostage Negotiation Team (HNT)
- Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU)
- Incident Management Support Team (IMST)
- Honor Guard (HG)
- Incident Command System (ICS) resources
- Defensive Tactics Instructor Team
The ancillary functions have critical missions in response to planned events and unplanned tactical and environmental crises (such as hostage barricades, protest/counter-protest incidents, and weather event response). As a consequence, these functions require a high level of training to ensure appropriate and defensible incident response and resolution.