Joint City-ACPS Capital Planning Initiatives and Implementation
ACPS Modernization Projects
Alexandria City Public Schools and the City collaborate on the planning and development of school modernization projects.
George Mason Elementary School
Planning for this modernization project is currently underway and anticipated for City Council Public Hearing in May 2025. Learn more about the project by visiting the ACPS project website.
ACPS High School Project
ACPS and the City collaborated on the planning and development of a second campus for the Alexandria City High School at the former Minnie Howard school site. The project provides a range of public benefits including new Net Zero, LEED Gold public school facility with increased student capacity and modern amenities; a new indoor, regulation sized pool and training pool for school and community use; outdoor recreation amenities including a multi-purpose field, tennis courts, a basketball court and outdoor space for community and school use; improved stormwater management through the use of bio-retention areas, planted swales and below grade retention areas; dedicated space for Department of Community and Human Services, a Teen Wellness Center, and early childhood learning center; and enhanced pedestrian and bicycle facilities throughout the site.
- January 22, 2022 - City Council Public Hearing, Docket Item #9
- Learn more about the planning process by visiting the ACPS project page.
Douglas MacArthur Elementary School
ACPS and the City collaborated on the planning and development of a replacement school with additional space for use by the City’s Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA). The new school was designed for a capacity of 850 students in grades Pre-K through 5th grade, and includes a cafeteria, media center, gymnasium and art classrooms. RPCA continues to provide activities at the school with over 3,000 square feet of dedicated space. Other site improvements include a new synthetic turf field, a hard surface flex court, three new playgrounds, and landscaped natural open space. Several walking paths and sidewalks provide on-site loops for walking as well as two pedestrian walkways that provide public access to Forest Park. These recreational amenities will be available for use by RPCA and the public outside of school hours.
- September 12, 2020 – City Council Public Hearing, Docket Item #9
- Learn more by visiting the ACPS project website
Ferdinand T. Day Elementary School
ACPS and the City collaborated on the conversion of a vacant office building into an elementary school for approximately 650 students in grades kindergarten through fifth. The school includes multiple innovative design characteristics, including the conversion of the upper floor of a parking garage into a playground. In 2021, ACPS completed construction of a new 8,709 square foot elevated gymnasium, innovatively constructed above the existing driveway. The gymnasium connects the existing building to the parking structure, providing enclosed access from the third floor of the school to the outdoor playground area located on the top level of the parking garage. The new structure consists of a gym, platform stage, music room, offices and storage, and achieves a LEED Silver rating.
In 2019, City and ACPS staff gave a joint presentation during the Virginia American Planning Association’s conference on the adaptive reuse of this former office building, which included discussion on lessons learned and recommended best practices for others going forward.
- September 16, 2017 – City Council Public Hearing, Docket Item #17
- Learn more by visiting the ACPS project website
Patrick Henry K-8 School and Recreation Center
ACPS and the City worked on the planning and construction of a replacement school and recreation center to accommodate approximately 900 students in grades Pre-K-8th grade. A new athletic field and other features on the site were constructed following the demolition of the then existing elementary school building.
- December 17, 2016 – City Council Public Hearing, Docket Item #7
- Learn more by visiting the ACPS project website
Jefferson-Houston PreK-8 School
ACPS and the City worked on the planning and construction of a replacement school and athletic field on the site of the former Jefferson Houston elementary school. The site includes play spaces, a basketball court and walking/biking pathways accessible to the users of the building as well as by the general public.
- December 15, 2012 - City Council Public Hearing, Docket Item #8
Joint City-ACPS Facilities Master Plan
The City and Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) work together to find solutions that solve for multiple needs within our community. Existing buildings require major investments and new recreation spaces, schools, libraries and public safety improvements are needed to maintain appropriate levels of service. Alexandria is only 15.3 square miles with limited options in terms of land and the efficient use of public sites and facilities is key.
Following the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Joint City-Schools Facility Investment Task Force, City Council and the Alexandria City School Board participated in two Visioning Sessions resulting in the development of joint guiding principles and prioritized decision criteria providing a common framework for future decision making. This framework was used by both bodies to discuss, evaluate and prioritize Task Force recommendations. One of the priorities resulting from the Visioning Sessions was the development of a Joint City-ACPS Facilities Master Plan to guide informed decision making by creating a roadmap for future investment in City and ACPS facilities based on identified existing and projected needs.
The JFMP delivers a long-range, integrated, citywide blueprint for public facilities to benefit Alexandria residents. It includes a framework that informs ongoing capital investment decisions, a baseline assessment of needs and future goals, and a roadmap to implement future investments over time. The JFMP helps City and ACPS leaders work together to plan for community facility needs and services, explore co-located and shared uses, and make informed budget spending decisions so that limited resources are used efficiently.
Meetings and Events
- Joint City Council/School Board Work Session - October 12, 2022
- Monday, March 1, 2021 - Virtual Community Meeting
- September 2020 Virtual Community Engagement Opportunity - The community was invited to view the below video presentation on work to date and provide feedback from September 14 - October 11.
- Thursday, February 21, 2020 - Park and Recreation Commission Briefing
- Thursday, February 13, 2020 - Community Open House #1, T.C. Williams High School
- Open House Information Boards (Examples of colocation begin on slide 12)
- Compiled community comments
Resources and Information
- Affordable Housing and Colocation (October 2020)
- JFMP Needs Assessment Summary (9/14/20 Draft)
- Joint Facilities Master Plan FAQ Sheet (English, Spanish, Amharic, Arabic) 2/13/20
- Ad Hoc Joint City-Schools Facility Investment Task Force Meeting Materials and Recommendations
- Joint City-ACPS Statement on Colocation Options at Proposed MacArthur Elementary School (1/31/20)
- Colocation and Shared Use of Public Facilities and Services on School Sites (12/16/19)
- City Council / School Board Visioning Sessions Reports
- Joint City/ACPS Capital Planning and Implementation
- Regional information:
Ad Hoc Joint City-Schools Facility Investment Task Force
Mission and Membership
On Thursday, May 4, 2017, City Council adopted Resolution 2775 establishing the Ad Hoc Joint City-Schools Facility Investment Task Force to oversee the development of a Joint City-Schools Facility Capital Improvement Plan and provide recommendations related to further capital project implementation. This work provided guidance to City Council and the School Board to help frame the City and ACPS Facilities Capital Improvement Program for FY 2019 - FY 2028 and beyond.
A citywide call for nominations to the Task Force was issued for highly-qualified individuals who would provide expertise in fields related to the Task Force mission including Architecture, Engineering, Urban Planning Education, Facilities Planning, Asset Management, Construction, Finance, Business, Real Estate Development, and Legal. The City Manager conducted the review of submissions as specified in the Resolution, and with input from ACPS, appointed the following members:
- Lynn Hampton (Chair), Consultant; former CEO, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
Mignon Anthony*, Executive Director, 21st Century Buildings Program, Baltimore City Public Schools
Elliott Branch, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Acquisition and Procurement
Micheline Castan-Smith, Senior Project Manager, Paradigm Development Company
Marshall Cook*, Former President, Education Association of Alexandria
Dwight Dunton, Founder and President, Bonaventure Realty Group, LLC
Amy Liu*, Vice President and Director of the Metropolitan Policy Program and Adeline M. and Alfred I. Johnson Chair of Urban and Metropolitan Policy, The Brookings Institution
Dave Millard, Principal, Avison Young
Eric Wagner, Executive Vice President for Insurance and Diversified Operations, MedStar Health; former Chair, Alexandria Planning Commission
- Mignon Anthony*, Former Executive Director, 21st Century Buildings Program, Baltimore City Public Schools (Served on Task Force from June - November 2017)
*ACPS appointees
Final Reports
- Deliverable 2 - Task Force Final Report: January 30, 2018
- The second Task Force deliverable was presented to the City Council and School Board during a joint work session on Tuesday, January 30, 2018.
- Deliverable 1 - Recommended Facility Capital Improvement Program: November 4, 1997
- Video of Task Force Presentation to City Council on November 4, 2017 (Starts at 2:50)
- Video of Task Force Presentation to the School Board on November 9, 2017 (Item #9)
- Progress Reports on Task Force Recommendations
- City Council/School Board Visioning Sessions
Meetings and Materials
- Thursday, December 14, 2017 - Joint Task Force Meeting #10
- Thursday, November 30, 2017 - Joint Task Force Meeting #9
- Thursday, November 30, 2017 - Alternative Project Delivery Methods Subcommittee Meeting #7
- Monday, November 27, 2017 - Facilities Maintenance & Operations Subcommittee Meeting #5
- Monday, November 20, 2017 - Capital Planning & Implementation Subcommittee Meeting #6
- Thursday, November 16, 2017 - Joint Task Force Meeting #8
- Thursday, November 16, 2017 - Alternative Project Delivery Methods Subcommittee Meeting #6
- Monday, November 13, 2017 - Facilities Maintenance & Operations Subcommittee Meeting #4
- Agenda
- Draft Subcommittee Process Overview Outline
- Facility Assessment Surveys performed by A2 Services, Inc.
- Meeting video
- Thursday, November 9, 2017 - Task Force Presentation to School Board (Deliverable 1)
- Monday, November 6, 2017 - Capital Planning & Implementation Subcommittee Meeting #5
- Saturday, November 4, 2017 - Task Force Presentation to City Council (Deliverable 1)
- Memo to City Council and School Board
- Video of Council Retreat - Task Force presentation begins at 2:50
- Thursday, November 2, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #7
- Thursday, November 2, 2017 - Alternative Project Delivery Subcommittee Meeting #5
- Monday, October 30, 2017 - Facility Maintenance and Operations Subcommittee Meeting #3
- Monday, October 23, 2017 - Capital Planning & Implementation Subcommittee Meeting #4
- Thursday, October 19, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #6
- Thursday, October 19, 2017 - Alternative Project Delivery Methods Subcommittee Meeting #4
- Agenda
- Presentation
- AEDP Memo
- Audio link
- Meeting video (Due to technical difficulties, only the first 15min of the meeting are recorded.)
- Monday, October 16, 2017 - Facility Maintenance & Operations Subcommittee Meeting #2
- Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - Capital Planning & Implementation Subcommittee Meeting #3
- Thursday, October 5, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #5
- Thursday, October 5, 2017 - Alternative Project Delivery Methods Subcommittee Meeting #3
- Agenda
- Presentation
- Group activity matrices
- Reference documents
- Meeting summary
- Meeting video
- Monday, September 25, 2017 - Capital Planning & Implementation Subcommittee Meeting #2
- Thursday, September 21, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #4
- Monday, September 18, 2017 - Facility Maintenance & Operations Subcommittee Meeting #1
- Thursday, September 14, 2017 - Alternative Project Delivery Methods Subcommittee Meeting #2
- Thursday, September 7, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #3
- Friday, September 1, 2017 - Alternative Project Delivery Methods Subcommittee Meeting #1
- Tuesday, August 29, 2017 - Capital Planning and Implementation Subcommittee Meeting #1
- Thursday, August 10, 2017 - Tour of City facility projects
- Monday, August 14, 2017 - Tour of ACPS facility projects
- Thursday, July 13, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #2
City Hall, Chet & Sabra Avery Conference Room 2000, 301 King Street- Agenda
- City and ACPS projects, funding and descriptions under consideration (Revised ACPS descriptions, 07/12/17)
- Project locations map
- ACPS enrollment and utilization chart (Revised, 07/12/17)
- ACPS enrollment and capacity chart
- Example criteria for project prioritization
- Department of Community and Human Services Heat Map
- ACPS responses to Task Force Questions
- City responses to Task Force Questions
- Meeting Summary
- Audio of meeting
- Video of meeting
- Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #1
City Hall, Council Workroom, 301 King Street
Related Plans, Studies and Information
- Task Force
- City Attorney Memo to Joint Task Force, November 13, 2017
- Project locations map
- Reference Document: Descriptions of Plans and Committees Relevant to City-Schools Facilities Planning and Funding
- Ad Hoc Joint City-Schools Facility Investment Task Force Work Plan Framework (July 2017)
- Task Force Work Plan (July 2017)
- Memo re: Patrick Henry Pre-K-8 School and Patrick Henry Recreation Center Capital Project Budgets (August 9, 2017)
- Memo re: City Firing Range Use Suspended (August 15, 2017)
- Task Force Follow-Up Questions for ACPS with responses
- Alexandria City Public Schools
- City of Alexandria
- City Strategic Plan (FY 2017-2022)
- City of Alexandria Capital Improvement Program (FY 2018)
- Fire Department Facilities Summary (Task Force Facilities Tour, August 10, 2017)
- Fire Station Optimal Location Study (2017)
- Lee Center Evaluation: Consideration of Possible Reconfiguration as an Elementary School Swing Space
- Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment (2015)
- Chinquapin Swim Center Feasibility Study - Task 1B Report (October 2014)
- Chinquapin Swim Center Feasibility Study - Task 1A Report (April 2014)
- Aquatic Facilities Study (2012)
- Additional Links and Resources
- Northern Virginia Fire and EMS Assessment Phase II: Gap Analysis Report (July 2017)
- Approved FY 2018 City Budget in Brief
- Government Finance Officers Associations Best Practices in CIP/Economic Development
- Master Planning School District Facility Needs (Source: EFC site from the Educational Facility Planner)
- Training Series on Best Practices in K-12 Public School Facilities (presented by Education Facilities Clearinghouse)
- Department of Community and Human Services Heat Map
Community Input
- Letter dated 10 06 2017
- Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee (AHAAC), October 16, 2017
- Dan Brendel on behalf of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, October 5, 2017
- Carolyn Griglione, August 29, 2017
- Bill Harris, July 11, 2017
- Commission on Aging, July 10, 2017
- Beth Coast, Co-Chair Capacity Committee of the Instructional Leadership Team, T.C. Williams High School, July 9, 2017
- Mark C. Williams, June 27, 2017
- Capacity Committee, June 27, 2017
Joint ACPS-City Long Range Educational Facilities Plan
The City of Alexandria and the Alexandria City Public School System (ACPS) jointly developed the Long Range Educational Facilities Plan to improve facilities planning, accommodate the growing student population, and enhance educational programs and services.
Phase 2 Overview
Phase 2 of the Long Range Educational Facilities Plan (LREFP) began in spring 2016 to address citywide high school and pre-K capacity needs, and was led by ACPS with support from City departments. As a result of this work, two additional chapters were drafted by the LREFP Work Group to include in the 2015 LREFP document created in Phase 1.
- On Wednesday, June 13, 2018, City Council received and endorsed the Long Range Educational Facilities Plan, as adopted by the Alexandria City School Board on May 24, 2018.
- High School Educational Specifications (1600 Student Prototype) - January 2017
Further information can be found on the ACPS Long Range Educational Facilities Plan web page.
Phase 1 Overview
- Plan Adoption
On Tuesday, June 23, 2015, City Council endorsed the Long Range Educational Facilities Plan following the ACPS School Board's adoption on Thursday, June 11, 2015. At that time, the School Board added a new recommendation (#12) in the Executive Summary.
- Community comments received during the online engagement period for the Draft Long Range Educational Facilities Plan - May-June, 2015
- Adopted ACPS Elementary School Educational Specifications - January 29, 2015
- Adopted ACPS Middle School Educational Specifications - January 29, 2015
- June 23, 2014 Recent Growth in Alexandria's School Enrollment: The New Normal?
- Background
In 2012, a 19-member work group was established and was comprised of members from the community, ACPS School Board, City Council, Campagna Center, and the PTA Council, supported by ACPS and City staff. The work group met quarterly to explore the major issues impacting public school facilities over the long term and to guide staff in the development of a Long Range Educational Facilities Plan for consideration by the School Board and City Council.
- Work Group Members
- Joint COA/ACPS Work Program
- LREFP Work Program Supplement
- UPDATED LREFP Work Program Schedule
- LREFP Update - October 15, 2012
Phase 1 Work Group Meetings and Materials
- April 13th, 2015 - 11th Work Group Meeting
- Draft Long Range Educational Facilities Plan
- Meeting Summary
- March 9, 2015 - 10th Work Group Meeting
- February 3, 2015 - 9th Work Group Meeting
- Agenda
- Draft LREFP Final Report, Chapter 2 - Planning Policies
- Draft LREFP Final Report, Chapter 3 - Enrollment Trends and Forecasts
- Draft LREFP Final Report, Chapter 4 - Ed Specs
- Draft LREFP Final Report, Chapter 5 - Mini-Master Plans (in part)
- December 22, 2014 - Update to Work Group
- The following preliminary draft mini-master plans and draft of chapter 3 of the Long Range Educational Facilities Plan final report were shared with work group members for review and comment:
- November 18, 2014 - 8th Work Group Meeting
- October 21, 2014 - 7th Work Group Meeting
- June 17, 2014 - 6th Work Group Meeting
- February 7, 2014 - Update to Work Group
- November 6, 2013 - 5th Work Group Meeting
- June 26, 2013 - 4th Work Group Meeting
- April 8, 2013 - 3rd Work Group Meeting
- Meeting Summary
- Video of Work Group Meeting, April 8, 2013
- Audio file of Work Group Meeting, April 8, 2013
- Meeting Agenda, April 8, 2013
- LREFP Work Program Outline_DRAFT
- Consideration of New Development in School Enrollment Forecasting
- LREFP Work Program_DRAFT Schedule
- DRAFT LREFP A&E Scope of Work 4-2-2013
- January 15, 2013 - 2nd Work Group Meeting
- November 28, 2012 - 1st Work Group Meeting
Phase 1 Enrollment Forecasts/Demographics Subcommittee Meetings
- In an effort to develop an 'up-datable' student enrollment projection methodology, this subcommittee examined the details of the forecasting elements proposed in its work plan, and collaborated on the development of a short-term and long-term enrollment forecast. Enrollment Forecasts Subcommittee Workplan - Phase I
- January 16, 2014 - 5th Meeting of the Enrollment Forecasts/Demographics Subcommittee
- October 29, 2013 - 4th Meeting of the Enrollment Forecasts/Demographics Subcommittee
- Meeting Summary
- Audio File of Subcommittee Meeting
- Subcommittee Overview Presentation
- Agenda
- Short-term Enrollment Projections
- Forecast Scenario 1_Sustained Growth
- Forecast Scenario 2_Weak Economy
- Births/Rates Summary
- Kindergarten Capture Rate Summary
- Cohort Survival Rate Summary
- Student Generation Rate Summary
- ACPS Enrollment History Graph
- Historic Regional Public School Enrollment Charts
- School Reputation Influence on Enrollment
- September 11, 2013 - 3rd Meeting of the Enrollment Forecasts/Demographics Subcommittee
- Meeting Summary
- Audio File of Subcommittee Meeting
- Agenda
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Summary of Findings and Research Plan Matrix (includes Enrollment Committee Work Plan)
- Market Affordability of Housing Stock (also included in PPT presentation PDF)
- New Student Address vs. Home Sale Address Analysis
- Cohort Survival by Student
- Enrollment Effects Diagram
- July 18, 2013 - 2nd Meeting of the Enrollment Forecasts/Demographics Subcommittee
- June 10, 2013 - 1st Meeting of the Enrollment Forecasts/Demographics Subcommittee
Phase 1 Facility Capacity Needs Analysis Subcommittee Meetings
This subcommittee worked to ascertain existing conditions within ACPS educational facilities in terms of their appropriateness and viability as educational environments. It examined the factors necessary to develop a more robust capacity analysis methodology. Facility Capacity Needs Analysis Subcommittee Workplan - Phase I
- Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - 2nd Joint Facilities and Ed Specs Subcommittee Meeting
- Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - Joint Facilities and Ed Specs Subcommittee Meeting
- Friday, May 23, 2014 - 4th Meeting
- Monday, February 10, 2014 - 3rd Meeting
- Thursday, October 3rd - 2nd Meeting
- August 14, 2013 - 1st Meeting of the Facility Capacity Needs Subcommittee
Phase 1 Educational Specifications/School of the Future Subcommittee Meetings
This subcommittee reviewed and updated educational specifications for elementary and middle schools and determined the upgrades necessary to bring all ACPS buildings and programs in line with the new benchmarks. Educational Specifications/School of the Future Subcommittee Workplan - Phase I
The ACPS Elementary and Middle School Educational Specifications developed during this planning process were adopted by the ACPS School Board on January 29, 2015.
- Adopted ACPS Elementary School Educational Specifications - Final July 2014
- Adopted ACPS Middle School Educational Specifications - Final July 2014
- Community feedback received during the open comment period (June 5 - 23, 2014) on the DRAFT ACPS Elementary School Educational Specifications and the DRAFT ACPS Middle School Educational Specifications (summarized below) informed the final versions of the documents.
- Tuesday, June 24, 2014 - Community Meeting #3
- Friday, May 30, 2014 - 2nd Subcommittee Meeting
- Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - Community Meeting #2
- Wednesday, February 19, 2014 - Community Meeting #1
- Wednesday, February 5, 2014 - 1st Subcommittee Meeting
Phase 1 Student Assignment Subcommittee
After discussing the student assignment component of the Long Range Educational Facilities Plan, the consensus of the ACPS School Board was to undertake this effort in a work session model with participation from all nine School Board members.
Alexandria City Public Schools - Student Generation Rates
Initiated during the Long Range Educational Facilities Plan process, ACPS and City staff regularly update a joint analysis of the number of students “generated” by different housing types in the City. Among other insights, the analysis sheds light on how many students can be expected to be living in new development projects in the city.
- Katherine Carraway, Principal Planner, Department of Planning and Zoning, 703.746.3855
- Sophie Huemer, Director, Capital Programs, Planning & Design, Alexandria City Public Schools, 703.201.4365