Noise Control
On This Page
- Proposed Gas-Powered Leaf Blower Regulation
- Noise Code in Alexandria
- What is Noise Control?
- What is the City Doing?
- How to Lodge a Complaint
- What is Unlawful Noise?
- Decibel Chart: How Loud Are You?
- South of Airport Noise Study
- Aircraft Noise
- Construction Noise
- Lawn & Garden Noise
- Other Noises
- Permits & Variances
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Proposed Gas-Powered Leaf Blower Regulation

Community Discussion
When: Wednesday, March 26
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Location: City Hall Sister Cities, Hybrid attendance available
The City will hold a discussion on possible regulation changes to the use of gas-powered leaf blowers in the City of Alexandria to gather feedback from landscape companies. All residents or businesses operating in Alexandria are welcome. The discussion will include a presentation followed by Q&A and open discussion. This meeting is in-person with a Zoom option; advance registration is not required
See City Calendar for Zoom Link
For comments, questions, or concerns about the proposed regulation changes, fill out the comment card below, or email
March 13 Meeting Materials and Recordings
Revised Noise Ordinance in Effect as of Jan. 1, 2022
The City of Alexandria's revised noise control ordinance, which offers more protection in residential areas, went into effect on Jan. 1, 2022.
City Council unanimously voted to pass the revised noise control ordinance at the Dec. 18, 2021 public hearing, after considering extensive public input and reviewing noise control regulations at neighboring jurisdictions. City Council’s adoption culminated in a comprehensive effort to make the City’s noise control ordinance legally enforceable and more protective of residential areas, while allowing reasonable vibrancy in the business corridors during business hours.
The following policy changes are effective immediately:
- Do-it-yourself (DIY) construction activities are regulated by the permitted hours of 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday to Friday, and 9 9 p.m. on weekends and holidays;
- Permissible noise limits at the property lines are determined by the property use category of the noise source;
- The City adopts a more restrictive plainly audible standard from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. in residential areas.
- The “Noise in Public Places - Central Business District” provisions are expanded to the entire City for regulating noise in public places in all parts of the City.
- Loading, unloading and delivery activities are prohibited between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. if they occur within 500 feet of residential areas;
- The decibel standard for commercial use is increased to 65 dB(A) for daytime hours of 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., while the nighttime standard remains at 60 dB(A);
- The civil penalty for noise violations is increased to $100 for the first violation, $250 for the second violation and $500 for the third violation.
The Department of Transportation and Environmental Services Office of Environmental Quality (703.746.4065) will respond to noise complaints during regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. The Alexandria Police Department (703.746.4444) will respond to noise complaints during nighttime, weekends and holidays. Residents can also call 311 to log their complaints or use Alex 311 portal on the City website to report noise issues.
Noise Code in Alexandria
To review the City's Noise codes, see Section 11, Chapter 5 of the City of Alexandria's Code of Ordinances.
What is Noise Control?
The most common sources of noise include, but are not limited to:
- Construction activities
- Aircraft
- Loud neighbors
- Traffic
- Leaf blowers and other lawn equipment
- Loud music, "boom cars"
- Sirens, car alarms, horn honking
- Barking dogs and other animals
What is the City Doing?
The Environmental Noise Protection Program in the City of Alexandria consists of the following elements:
- Incorporating U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recommended guidelines in the construction of new residential and commercial developments to meet indoor noise standards.
- Use of the City's 311 system to report noise complaints from citizens and to address those concerns in a timely manor.
- Assessing the compliance and non-compliance of noise sources according to City's Noise Code and taking enforcement action where warranted.
The Office of Environmental Quality (OEQ) and the Alexandria Police Department (APD) are responsible for enforcing Noise Control code in the City of Alexandria. An interim noise enforcement procedure has been effective since May 2021 until a more robust and permanent enforcement procedure and resources are implemented. According to this interim enforcement, OEQ is the primary responder for noise complaints during regular business hours (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.) while the Police Department responds to noise complaints during after-hours and weekends. The Noise Control Code can be found in Section 11-5 in the Alexandria City Code. You may download a PDF copy of the Noise Code, or you may obtain a hard copy of the Noise Code by calling 703-746-4065 or by visiting the Office of Environmental Quality, 2900B Business Center Drive, Alexandria.
Sec. 11-5-12 of the Code describes the civic penalties that may be imposed by OEQ/APD for noise violations. Civil penalties range from $100 to $500, depending on the severity of the offense.
Please see Sec. 11-5-12 of the Code for more details on civil penalties. OEQ makes every effort to work with individuals to resolve noise issues before resorting to punitive measures.
- Information for Noise in Public Places and Street Performers
- Coordination of Enforcement Efforts Between T&ES and Police Department Regarding the Noise and Noise Related Codes
How to Lodge a Complaint
The Department of Transportation and Environmental Services, through its Office of Environmental Quality (OEQ) administers and enforces the provisions of the Noise Code. The Police Department, Code Administration, and Construction & Inspection Division are also responsible for enforcing the Noise Code.
OEQ answers complaints during regular business hours. Submit a complaint online with OEQ or call 703.746.4065.
Code Administration enforces the construction, construction devices and power equipment provisions of the Noise Code. Lodge a complaint online or call 703.746.4200.
The Police Department has a non-emergency phone number for complaints after regular business hours (after 6 pm on weekdays, during weekends, and Holidays when City Hall is closed). To lodge a complaint, please call 703.746.4444.
When lodging a complaint, please remember to include: 1) a description of the noise your experiencing; 2) your contact information if you would like a return call; 3) the location of your complaint; 4) time, date, and duration of the complaint; and 5) any additional information that will assist the staff with resolving the issue.
Sec. 11-5-12 describes the civil penalties that may be imposed by OEQ for noise violations. OEQ makes every effort to work with individuals to resolve noise issues before resorting to punitive measures.
What is Unlawful Noise?
Unlawful Noise is determined initially by testing the noise against ten different standards, as found in Section 11-5-4.
- Decibel Level of noise;
- Source of noise,
- Zoning of the area within which the noise emanates;
- Time of day or night the noise occurs;
- Duration of the noise;
- Whether the noise is recurrent, intermittent or continuous.
The Office of Environmental Quality must then determine if the noise is a violation of the Noise Code, and may impose civil penalties, as described in Sec. 11-5-12. OEQ makes every effort to work with individuals to resolve noise issues before resorting to punitive measures.
Decibel Chart: How Loud Are You?
Unwanted sound is called noise. Sound is perceived when there is a variation of the static air pressure. Compared to the static air pressure, the variations that can be perceived by the ear are very small. The response of the ear is logarithmical rather than linear to the stimuli and therefore the acoustic parameters are expressed as a logarithmic ratio of the measured value to the reference value. This logarithmic ratio is called decibel (dB).
South of Airport Noise Study

In May 2023, the City of Alexandria, in coordination with Fairfax County and Prince George's County, entered a two-year airport noise study with airport noise consultant, Vianair Consulting. This study is focused on the communities south of Reagan National Airport (DCA) and includes community engagement.
For more information, see the Aircraft Noise section below, which includes:
- Background information on the project
- The South of the Airport Noise Study Open House presentation and recording
Aircraft Noise
South of Airport Noise Study
Airport noise is a growing concern among residents in the areas surrounding Reagan National Airport (DCA). In May 2023, the City of Alexandria, in coordination with Fairfax County and Prince George's County, entered a two-year airport noise study with airport noise consultant, Vianair Consulting. This study is focused on the communities south of DCA. This project includes discussions with the Steering Committee and Design team, community engagement meetings, and outreach.
Gathering community feedback is important for the overall success of this project. Residents can be involved by:
- Completing the project survey, hosted by Vianair Consulting. The survey will be open through July 31, 2024.
- Viewing the virtual open house meeting recording and presentation to learn about the project and find out how to provide further comments related to the project.
For more information on the South of Airport Noise Study, visit the Vianair website.
Previous Airport Noise Information from 2017:
In 2017, The Washington Reagan National Airport launched an Aircraft Noise Community Working Group to identify and implement noise mitigation solutions for National Airport Airplane Traffic over the surrounding communities.
As part of this effort, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) voluntarily launched an interactive Community Complaint Dashboard. To submit a complaint, please visit the DCA Reagan National website.
The Complaint Dashboard provides easy access to noise complaint data while allowing the public to independently conduct preliminary research to answer:
- WHEN: Complaints by Date, Complaints by Hour
- WHERE: Zip Code Heat Map and Statistics Table
More information about efforts and progress towards mitigating aircraft noise at DCA, through the MWAA Community Working Group (including Alexandria), is located on the DCA Reagan National Website and in the presentation.
Through its participation in the MWAA National Airport Aircraft Noise Community Working Group, Alexandria successfully achieved support for ensuring aircraft flight over the city is minimized. View updated information on the Federal Aviation Administration's advisory to air traffic controllers regarding the use of early turns from National Airport when air traffic is in south flow. Aircraft may only take early turns over Alexandria, rather than flying the prescribed FAA procedure for aircraft flying south from the airport (south flow), to or beyond the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, before turning inland, are only to be allowed in the case of weather changes, safety or national security. The minimization of early turns results in reduced aircraft noise for Alexandria residents
For noise from helicopters, City residents can submit noise concerns at the Helicopter Complaint webpage, through the Complaint Box mobile application, or by voicemail at the noise complaint hotline at 877.209.3200.
Construction Noise
The use of Construction Devices and Power Equipment (Sec. 11-5-4 (10)) is permitted during the following hours:
- Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Sunday: Prohibited
The use of Pile Drivers (Sec. 11-5-4 (19)) is permitted during the following hours:
- Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Sunday: Prohibited
All construction is prohibited on the following holidays (Sec. 11-5-5(a)(5)a):
- New Year's Day (the first day of January)
- Memorial Day (the last Monday in May)
- Independence Day (July 4)
- Labor Day (the first Monday in September)
- Thanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday in November)
- Christmas Day (December 25)
The use of all Construction Equipment, including Pile Drivers, is regulated by permitted hours, not by decibel levels.
In most cases, construction activities must be permitted by the City prior to operation outside of the permitted hours. Applicants must fax in a completed permit application, which, upon approval, must be picked up at the OEQ office.
Permits are granted to applicants on a case-by-case basis, and applicants must demonstrate that operation during the permitted hours is not feasible. The application should also demonstrate how this noise allowance outside normal hours will benefit the City of Alexandria (e.g., mitigate traffic issues).
Section 11-5-7 of the City Noise Code describes the process required to apply for a noise variance permit. Please see Permits and Variances for more information.
The noise generated from construction sites is often characterized as being inherent to the process. Some of the noisiest devices utilized by workers are drills, saws, hammers, and generators. Despite popular belief, contractors can be successful at creating a quieter construction site by strategically identifying problematic noise sources and implementing measures such as the following:
- Install temporary barriers/enclosures around noisy activities or equipment.
- Consider implementing quieter process. For example, supplement pile driver activities with boring operations whenever possible.
- Retrofit older equipment with sound absorbing material or add new mufflers.
- Follow the manufacture's recommended maintenance schedule to ensure proper functionality of the equipment.
- Identify excessively noisy equipment and locate it as far away as possible from local residents.
Lawn & Garden Noise
The use of Power Lawn and Garden Equipment (Sec. 11-5-4 (16)), including lawn mowers, edgers, and leaf blowers, is permitted during the following hours:
- Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
- Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
- Holidays: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Tips for Reducing Lawn and Gardening Equipment Noise
• Limit the use of leaf blowers only during leaf collection season and not year-round.
• Avoid using gas-powered leaf blowers early in the morning or for long periods of time.
• Consider using rakes or battery-powered leaf blowers as an alternative.
• If you are considering purchasing new leaf blowers, we recommend purchasing battery-powered units, as their effectiveness has significantly improved.
Noise emanating from lawn and gardening equipment has become a source of increasing concern in the City of Alexandria. The most troublesome of these tools are the leaf blowers, trimmers, and lawn mowers. When operating this equipment, the following tips will help minimize disturbance to your neighbors.
- Try to operate equipment during the afternoon or early evening hours. If at all possible, avoid operating equipment on Sundays.
- Purchase electric-powered equipment versus gasoline-powered equipment. Most electric-powered devices are considerably quieter than their gasoline-powered counterparts.
- Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule to ensure proper functionality of the equipment.
- Substitute power equipment with hand tools, reel mowers, lawn sweepers, rakes, and hand clippers.
Other Noises
- Truck Delivery, Loading, Unloading, Opening Boxes (Sec.11-5-4 (4)): Loading and unloading is permitted after normal business hours, provided that the operation does not cause excessive noise. Businesses that operate under special use permits may have additional restrictions placed on them during business hours.
- Bus/Truck Idling Noise: Vehicles may run their engines at idle for no longer than 10 minutes at any time according to State of Virginia Air Quality Regulations.
- Trash Pickup Hours: Trash Pickup Hours are set by Title 5, Chapter 1 of the City Code. From May 1 to September 30, waste haulers are not permitted to begin operating before 6:00 a.m. From October 1 to April 30, waste haulers are not permitted to begin operating before 7:00 a.m. If City residents have a complaint about trash pickup noise, they are encouraged to call the Code Enforcement at 703.746.4200 and report the hauler name and license plate or truck identification number.
- Train Noise
Per the City noise code section 11-5-6 (6 & 8), any railroad operated in conformity with, or pursuant to federal laws and regulations are exempt. Noises resulting from the operation of rail rapid transit systems are also exempt. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) does not regulate the use of train horns. However, FRA requires operating railroads to develop and enforce a set of operating rules and City staff regularly consults with train operators when a specific noise issue arises. Construction on railroad property is regulated by Sec. 11-5-4 (10 & 15).
- Aircraft Noise (Sec. 11-5-6 (5)): Aircraft are exempt from the City Noise Code. However, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is one of the most noise-controlled airports in the United States. Under the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority's regulations, aircraft may be only operated after 9:59 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m. if the noise level for the aircraft type and model meets National Airport's strict noise standards, which are designed to minimize sleep interference. Complaints can be logged with the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority (MWAA) Noise Office by calling 703.417.8020. For more information, please visit the MWAA Noise Abatement Program website.
- Vacuum truck noise in parking lots: There is no code reference for the use of vacuum trucks; however, if they produce excessive noise, then they are considered to be an "unreasonable" noise. These trucks can be classified as construction noise.
- Truck Braking Noise: The City of Alexandria has signs posted on major truck thoroughfares that instruct truck drivers not to use "Jake Brakes." A Jake Brake is a component of the engine system that allows trucks to slow down without wearing down the wheel brakes. When engaged, it rapidly decompresses the air pressure in the engine, emitting a loud noise.
- Car Muffler Noise: The Police Department should be contacted in regards to car muffler noises. Please call the non-emergency police phone number 703.746.4444.
- Car Alarm Noise: The Police Department should be contacted in regards to car alarm noises. Please call the non-emergency police phone number 703.746.4444.
- Ice Cream Truck Noise (Sec.11-5-4 (1)): OEQ mails guidance letters to mobile ice cream vendors annually in the spring. Vendors are not permitted to play music in excess of ten seconds; they must also limit the frequency of the music played to once per two minutes per City block.
- AC/Heat Pump Noise (Sec. 11-5-4 (17)): In residential areas, the noise code allows up to 55 decibels at the property line; in commercial areas, the noise code allows up to 65 decibels (7:00a.m. – 11:00p.m.) and 60 decibels (11:00p.m. - 7:00a.m.) at the property line; in industrial areas, the noise code allows up to 70 decibels at the property line. The same restrictions apply for other noises generated within the property line, such as wind chimes or fans.
- Speaker Noise (Sec. 11-5-4 (2)): The operation of any radio receiving set, musical instrument, phonograph, or any other sound reproducing device is prohibited between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. if the sound is plainly audible across property boundaries at a distance of 50 feet from the source of the noise.
- TV/Stereo Noise (Sec. 11-5-4 (2)): The operation of any radio receiving set, musical instrument, phonograph, or any other sound reproducing device is prohibited between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. if the sound is plainly audible across property boundaries at a distance of 50 feet from the source of the noise.
- Block Parties: Block parties must obtain a noise variance permit from OEQ and contact Construction and Inspection Division for an Application to Close City Street permit.
- Parties at Home: No special permits are issued for private parties. All private parties must comply with the noise code.
- Barking Dogs and other Animals: Residents may call the Department of Animal Control to discuss techniques to train noisy pets, services to help animals and their companions, or register complaint against licensed or unlicensed pets. The Alexandria Department of Animal Control can be reached by calling 703.746.4774 or by visiting
- Homeowner Do-It-Yourself Construction Work (Sec. 11-5-4 (5)): Homeowners who perform construction activities or operate power equipment themselves (e.g., painting) may perform these activities at their residences during the permitted hours of Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, Sunday and Holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Even with the permissible hours, homeowners should still be considerate of their neighbors and consider starting noisy construction activities later in the day (such as after 9:00 a.m.) and consider stopping them prior to 9:00 p.m.
A homeowner who acts as a General Contractor or is doing the work for commercial purposes is still regulated by the regular construction hours per Sec. 11-5-4(10).
- Church Services: Churches must comply with the noise code.
- School Activity Noise: Schools must comply with the noise code.
- Noise in Public Areas including the Central Business District (Sec. 11-5-4.1): Loud noises are not permitted in public places between the hours 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
- Between the hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., no sounds may be louder than 75 decibels, nor may they be sustained for greater than 60 seconds in any one hour period or be plainly audible above the background noise level to a person of normal hearing acuity at a distance greater than 50 feet from the place at which the sound is being generated or produced.
- Between the hours 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., no sounds may be louder than 65 decibels, nor may they be sustained for greater than 60 seconds in any one hour period, nor may they be plainly audible above the background noise level to a person of normal hearing acuity at a distance greater than 50 feet from the place at which the sound is being generated or produced.
- Advertising Noise (Sec.11-5-4 (b)3): Audio commercial advertising is prohibited in the City of Alexandria, with the exception of political advertising.
- Street Performer Noise (Sec.11-5-4.1): OEQ does not issue special permits for street performers in the right-of-way or the street. At no time may the streets or sidewalks be blocked without the proper right-of-way permits. The permitted noise levels are governed by Noise in Public Areas including the Central Business District:
- Between the hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., no sounds may be louder than 75 decibels at a distance of 10 feet from the place at which the sound is being generated or produced or be plainly audible above the background noise level to a person of normal hearing acuity at a distance greater than 50 feet from the place at which the sound is being generated or produced. The burden of proof shall be on the person responsible for such sound generation to prove otherwise.
- Between the hours 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., no sounds may be louder than 65 decibels at a distance of 10 feet from the place at which the sound is being generated or produced or be plainly audible above the background noise level to a person of normal hearing acuity at a distance greater than 50 feet from the place at which the sound is being generated or produced. The burden of proof shall be on the person responsible for such sound generation to prove otherwise.
Permits & Variances
The City Manager, or his duly authorized representative, may grant permits for relief of the City Noise Code on the basis of undue hardship from a noise level or time limits designated by the City.
In most cases, construction activities must be permitted by the City prior to operation outside of the permitted hours. Applicants must fax in a completed permit application, which upon approval, must be picked up at the Transportation and Environmental Services, Construction and Inspection office. The permit fee is $50.00 per permit.
Permits are granted to applicants on a case-by-case basis, and applicants must demonstrate that operation during the permitted hours is not feasible. The application should also demonstrate how this noise allowance outside normal hours will benefit the City of Alexandria. For more information, please see Section 11-5-7 of the City Noise Code.
If you are planning to use sound amplification equipment on City property (streets, parks, etc.), or if your event is on private property but is open to the public, you may be required to obtain a Noise Variance Permit to operate sound amplification equipment in the City.
Information about the City's permit application and requirement process may be found here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a decibel? How loud are everyday events?
A decibel (dB) is a unit for describing sound pressure levels. A-Weighted sound measurements (dBA) are filtered to reduce the effect of very low and very high frequencies, better representing human hearing.
For example, ordinary conversation between two people standing three feet away is measured at 60 dBA lawn mower produces 100 dBA rock concert produces more than 120 dBA.
Please see the Decibel Chart for details.
Does the City of Alexandria have "quiet hours"?
Yes. It is unlawful for any person to make unreasonably loud or unnecessary noise in public places between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Please see Sec. 11-5-4 (b)4 in the Noise Code for details.
How does OEQ determine if a noise is unreasonably loud or unnecessary?
Unlawful Noise is initially determined by testing the noise against ten different standards, as found in Section 11-5-3.
- Decibel level of noise;
- Source of sound
- Zoning of the area within which the noise emanates;
- Time of day or night the noise occurs;
- Whether the noise in recurrent, intermittent or constant; and
- Whether the noise is produced by a commercial or noncommercial entity.
In addition, and when necessary, OEQ has the authority to exercise discretion on a case-by-case basis when a noise issue falls outside of the parameters of the ten standards listed above.
What are the regular hours in which Construction is allowed?
Construction is permitted during the following hours:
- Monday – Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Sunday and City Holidays: Prohibited
The use of Pile Drivers (Sec. 11-5-4 (19)) is permitted during the following hours:
- Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Sunday and City Holidays: Prohibited
All construction is prohibited on the following holidays (Sec. 11-5-5(a)(5)a.):
- New Year's Day (the first day of January)
- Memorial Day (the last Monday in May)
- Independence Day (July 4)
- Labor Day (the first Monday in September)
- Thanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday in November)
- Christmas Day (December 25)
Why are some construction operations allowed after the permitted hours?
In most cases, construction activities must be permitted by the City prior to operation outside of the permitted hours. Applicants must submit a completed permit application, which, upon approval, must be picked up at the Permit Center in City Hall. Permits are granted to applicants on a case-by-case basis, and applicants must demonstrate that operation during the permitted hours is not feasible. For more information, please see Section 11-5-7 of the City Noise Code.
There are car alarms in my neighborhood that go off at night. Who should I call?
Please call the Alexandria Police Department non-emergency number 703.746.4444.
What about loud car stereos, mufflers and motorcycles?
Please call the Alexandria Police Department non-emergency number 703.746.4444.
The garbage trucks wake me up in the morning. What are their permitted hours of activity?
Trash Pickup Hours are set by Item 5, Chapter 1 of the City Code. From May 1 to September 30, waste haulers are not permitted to being operating before 6:00 a.m. From October 1 to April 30, waste haulers are not permitted to begin operating before 7:00 a.m. If City residents have a complaint about trash pickup noise, they are encouraged to call the Code Enforcement at 703.746.4200 and report the hauler name and license plate or truck identification number.
The airplanes that fly over the City on their way to the airports are very loud. Is there a way for the City to alter their flight path?
Aircraft are exempt from the City Noise Code. However, the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is one of the most stringently noise-controlled airports in the United States. Under the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority's regulations, aircraft may be only operated after 9:59 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m. if the noise level for the aircraft type and model meets National Airport's strict noise standards which are designed to minimize sleep interference. Complaints can be logged with the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority MWAA complaint line by calling 703.417.1204 . For more information, please visit the MWAA Noise Abatement Program website. Please see Sec. 11-5-6-5 for the full Code reference.
The trains are very loud. Do they have to blow their steam whistles?
The City of Alexandria cannot regulate train noise due to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) regulations (Sec. 11-5-6-6, 8). However, construction on railroad property is regulated by Sec. 11-5-4 (b)15: "Construction Devices and Power Equipment."
My neighbor is adding onto his residence. What are the permitted hours for homeowner construction?
In general, homeowners can conduct general construction work in the same permitted hours as those for power lawn and garden equipment. Homeowners who perform the construction activities or operate power equipment themselves may perform these activities at their residences during the following permitted hours:
- Monday – Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
- Saturday, Sunday, and Holiday: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
A homeowner who acts as a General Contractor or is doing the work for commercial purposes is still regulated by the regular construction hours per Sec. 11-5-4 (10).
My neighbor plays loud music throughout the night. Can OEQ make them stop?
The best solution would be to talk to your neighbor face to face and kindly ask them to respect your need for quiet. If you live in an apartment building, you might consider contacting the building management. If you are still unable to resolve the dispute, please call the Alexandria Police Department non-emergency phone number 703.746.4444.
I hear dogs barking at night. Is there anyone I can call to make them stop?
The proper authority to contact is the Department of Animal Control at 703.746.4774.
Our neighborhood wants to have a block party. What forms do we need to fill out to close the street down and play loud music?
You need an Application to Close City Street form and a Petition to Close City Street for a Neighborhood Block Party form. These forms must be submitted to the Construction Management and Inspection Division, located on the 2nd floor of the Redella S. “Dell” Pepper Community Center at 4850 Mark Center Dr. Upon approval of the street closure permit, the applicant must apply for a Noise Variance Permit: Music and Sound Amplification. This permit must be submitted to the Office of Environmental Quality, located in Room 3900 in City Hall.
I want to play musical advertisements outside of my place of business. Is this legal?
No. According to Sec.11-5-4 (b)3 of the City Noise Code, audio commercial advertising is prohibited within the City of Alexandria, with the possible exception of political advertising.
If audio commercial advertising is prohibited within the City of Alexandria, why are ice cream trucks allowed to play music?
Mobile ice cream vendors are not permitted to play music in excess of ten seconds; they must also limit the frequency of the music played to once per two minutes per City block. Please see Sec. 11-5-4(b)1 of the City Noise Code for more details.
I want to apply for a special permit or a variance to the Noise Code. How do I do this?
Applicants must submit a completed permit application and then pick it up at Construction and Inspection office (located on the 2nd floor of the Redella S. “Dell” Pepper Community Center at 4850 Mark Center Dr.) after it is approved. There is a fee for the application. Permits are granted to applicants on a case-by- case basis, and they must demonstrate that operation during the permitted hours is not feasible. For more information, please see Section 11-5-7 of the City Noise Code.
Downloads & Forms
- Application for Noise Variance Permit: through City's on line APEX system
- Construction
- Music and Sound Amplification