Sheriff's Office Statement on Immigration Concerns
Statement from Sheriff Casey
I want to reassure everyone that the Alexandria Sheriff’s Office does not and will not participate in any type of immigration enforcement in our community.
The Alexandria Adult Detention Center will never be used to house individuals arrested by ICE during their enforcement of immigration laws.
Additionally, we will never use any taxpayer funds or accept any funding for immigration enforcement activities.
This policy is unwavering and will not change under any circumstances.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 703.746.4114. You may also reach out to Lieutenant Victor Ignacio at 703.746.5013, who is fluent in Spanish.
If someone you know needs assistance, please contact us. We are here to help and will do our best to provide support.
Yo quiero asegúrales a todas que la Oficina del Alguacil de Alexandria no participa, ni participará, en ningún tipo de ejecución de las leyes de inmigración en nuestra comunidad.
El Centro de Detención de Adultos de Alexandria nunca se usará para hospedar individuos arrestados por ICE durante su ejecución de sus leyes inmigatorias.
Adicionalmente, nosotros nunca usaremos el dinero del los contribuyentes publicos ni aceptaremos fondos para actividades relacionadas a la ejecución de leyes inmigratorias.
Esta póliza es inquebrantable y no cambiará en ninguna circunstancia.
Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta o inquietud, por favor no dude en contactarme a 703.746.4114. Usted también puede contactar al teniente Victor Ignacio a 703.746.5013, quien habla el español con fluidez.
Si alguien a quien usted conoce necesita ayuda, por favor llámenos. Nostoros estamos aquí para ayudar y aremos lo mejor posible para proporcionar apoyo.
Sheriff/Alguacil Sean Casey
December 13, 2024/13 de diciembre 2024
Applicable Laws and Policies
The Alexandria Sheriff’s Office is a public safety agency committed to ensuring the safety and security of the diverse communities we proudly serve. The Sheriff’s Office operates the Alexandria Adult Detention Center (ADC) and complies with local, state, and federal laws.
All Sheriffs in Virginia are required by Code of Virginia §19.2-83.2 and §53.1-218 to determine the citizenship of individuals arrested on felony charges and share this information with ICE as specified in these code sections.
During the booking process, fingerprints are automatically transmitted to a state database to which all local, state and national law enforcement agencies, including ICE, have access.
In accordance with Virginia Code §53.1-220.2, the Alexandria Sheriff’s Office transfers custody of an inmate to ICE on their scheduled release date, provided ICE has filed a lawful warrant and detainer.
Additional Information
Following are the number of inmates transferred to ICE in recent years:
2012 -- 147
2013 -- 119
2014 -- 96
2015 -- 50
2016 -- 56
2017 -- 105
2018 -- 121
2019 -- 89
2020 -- 35
2021 -- 11
2022 -- 12
2023 -- 33
2024 -- 43
The overwhelming majority were in jail after being arrested for serious crimes. In 2022, 10 of the 12 had been arrested for felonies and eight of those were for violent felonies. A complete list of charges for 2022 is available upon request.