Bicycle Parking
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Transportation Planning
The City is working to increase the number of bicycle parking locations throughout the city. City crews annually install over 100 new spaces, typically at the request of citizens or businesses. Recent projects have included the installation of bicycle corrals in Old Town, Del Ray, Fairlington, and Arlandria, as well as bicycle parking spaces near Alexandria schools. Many more spaces go in each year as part of new development.
Suggest a Location for a Bicycle Parking Corral
Suggest a Location for a Bicycle Corral
Bicycle corrals are a low cost way to provide up bicycle parking spaces. Benefits include:
- Community Growth: Bike corrals increase the visibility of bicycling as a transportation choice and show that a business community is “bike friendly”— that it cares about people who ride bicycles.
- Safety: When installed adjacent to sidewalk cafes, corrals provide an additional buffer between people and passing vehicles. When installed near crosswalks, corrals can shorten the crossing distance for pedestrians and improve sight lines for drivers.
- Room to walk: Bike corrals make the walking environment more welcoming by removing bicycles that are often parked on the sidewalk.
- Ease of Access: When parking is less of a hassle, customers visit more often, are likely in a better mood, and parking turnover occurs more quickly.
Suggest a Location for a Bicycle Rack
Suggest a Location for a Bicycle Rack
Do you know of a location in Alexandria that needs additional bicycle parking? It is possible that a free bicycle rack can be installed in front of an existing business as long as the location meets minimum requirements. Suggest a location for a rack online. Racks are installed on a seasonal basis (spring, summer & fall) and you should allow up to three months for installation after your request. The City cannot install free bicycle racks on private property.
Bicycle Parking Locations
Bicycle parking is available near most businesses, parks, schools, public facilities, and newer residential development. Locations of publicly available bicycle parking can be found here:
Bicycle Parking Standards & Information for Developers
Bicycle Parking at Transit
To enhance mobility options and transportation management, the City will further improve the viability of using a bicycle through the provision of bicycle parking facilities at transit stops, locations with demand proximate to transit and public facilities. The project is funded in full through grant funds.
Improvements Expected
The majority of improvements funded through this project include racks, concrete pads and associated fix-it stations. This project also provides for the implementation of bicycle shelters at transit-proximate demand points.
See the map below for the locations where bicycle parking amenities will be installed.