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Volunteer with SAPCA
Do you want to make a difference in your community? The Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria (SAPCA) needs your help to prevent youth substance use and promote positive opportunities for Alexandria's youth.
SAPCA volunteers share their ideas, expertise, time, and talents to help foster a thriving community where all Alexandria youth can grow up happy, healthy, and substance-free.
Please complete this brief form to receive information about volunteer opportunities that align with your interests.
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Advisory Team: Make your voice heard by sharing feedback about SAPCA's program offerings, communication materials, and initiatives. Provide insight about how substance use is impacting our community and brainstorm strategies to support Alexandria youth to make healthy choices.
- Facts and Consequences Presenter: Share information with middle and high school students about the health and legal consequences of substance use. Presentations take place during the school day.
- Op-ed Author: Write opinion articles for local papers about key issues and events.
- Outreach Team: Share information about healthy decision making with youth and families and promote upcoming SAPCA initiatives during community outreach events. Outreach events generally take place during weekday evenings and weekend mornings and afternoons.
- Policy Volunteer: Research laws and regulations to support efforts to reduce youth use of alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco products. Monitor policy and budget discussions by the Alexandria City Council and the Virginia General Assembly to help strengthen existing policies and advocate for policy change.
Become a Member
Interested in becoming a member? Click here. Anyone is welcome!
See a list of current members
SAPCA Members
SAPCA's partners support efforts to prevent and reduce substance use and misuse in the Alexandria community.
State/Local Government
- Department of Community and Human Services
- Alexandria Parks, Recreation and Cultural Activities Department
- Alexandria Library
Religious/Fraternal Organizations
- ALIVE! Inc.
- First Baptist Church
Law Enforcement
- Alexandria Police Department
- Alexandria Sheriff's Office
- The Neighborhood Pharmacy of Del Ray
- Kim Hyde Consulting, LLC
Healthcare Professionals
- Alexandria Health Department
- Alexandria Community Services Board
- Inova Alexandria Hospital
- Alexandria City Public Schools
- Bishop Ireton High School
- Commonwealth Academy
Youth Serving Organizations
- Alexandria 4-H, Virginia Cooperative Extension
- Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy
- Alexandria Gang Prevention Community Task Force
- Alexandria Mentoring Partnership
- Alexandria Sexual Assault Center
- Boys & Girls Club of Alexandria
- Casa Chirilagua
- Community Lodgings
- Friends of the Mental Health Center
- Liberty's Promise
- Mayor's Campaign to End Bullying
- Opioid Work Group
- Resilience Alexandria: Inform, Support, Elevate
- SCAN of Northern Virginia
- Tenants and Workers United
- Youth Services Coordinating Council
- Alexandria Times
- Alexandria Gazette Packet
Civic/Volunteer Organizations
- Senior Services of Alexandria
- Volunteer Alexandria
Substance Abuse Organizations
- Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
Participate in Our Events
See a list of our ongoing activities
Ongoing Activities
Prescription Drug Take Back Days
When: Twice a year (October and April)
What: SAPCA partners with local law enforcement and businesses to provide opportunities for individuals to drop off unwanted and expired medications.
Where: Alexandria Police Headquarters, First Baptist Church, Alexandria Fire Station 210, The Neighborhood Pharmacy of Del Ray
If you ever miss a Drug Take Back Day, you can always drop off unused or expired medication at one of Alexandria's three permanent medication drop boxes.
How you can help: Volunteer to staff a table at one of our locations.
Project Sticker Shock
When: Annually (October)
What: During Project Sticker Shock, teams of youth and adults visit stores in Alexandria to place "warning" stickers on multi-packs of beer, wine coolers and other alcoholic products, highlighting the penalties for furnishing alcohol to minors.
How you can help: Volunteer to drive students the day of the event.
Take Down Tobacco Day
When: Annually (April 1)
What: Take Down Tobacco Day is a day of activism sponsored by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Each year, more than 2,000 events are held around the country mobilizing youth to raise awareness about the problems of tobacco use in schools and the community.
How can you help: Contact Emma Beall at if you are interested in supporting Alexandria youth to take action against tobacco use.
Titan Takeover
When: Quarterly
Where: Alexandria recreation centers
What: SAPCA and the Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy host teen nights open to all Alexandria teens that include dinner, games, a DJ, a photo booth and gift card raffles throughout the night.
How you can help: Join ACAP and SAPCA to help plan our next Titan Takeover.
Alexandria Youth Leadership Conference
When: Annually (August)
What: A free opportunity for rising ninth through twelfth grade students that live in Alexandria to participate in team building activities, hear from guest speakers and attend workshops about leadership, public speaking and becoming a community change maker. meals are will feature a networking session where participants will learn about leadership opportunities for Alexandria youth. Meals are provided to participants each day. The conference also features a networking session with youth leadership opportunities in Alexandria.
How you can help: Adults can nominate youth for the conference. Additionally, anyone interested in presenting a workshop or attending the networking session to share leadership opportunities with youth should contact Emma Beall at
National Night Out
When: Annually (August)
What: Each year, Alexandria joins communities across the country in celebration of National Night Out. For anyone who has not experienced this event, it is an evening where over 30 neighborhoods around the City host events, block parties, barbeques, etc., with the goal of preventing crime by building a sense of community. SAPCA partners with the Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy and the Gang Prevention Task Force to perform outreach. In the past, teams have met at City Hall, joined a team and received neighborhood assignments to "cover the City" with messages about our work. Teams then drive or walk to assigned neighborhood events to interact with neighbors, have fun, eat good food and snap some pictures!
How you can help: Join a team and help us "cover the City!"
Healthy Conversations
When: During the school year
What: Healthy Conversations is an interactive workshop held in the community that features intergenerational conversations about healthy decision-making and avoiding risky behaviors as youth enter the teenage years. Dinner, childcare and interpretation are provided at these events.
Where: Middle and high schools in Alexandria, VA
How you can help: If you would like your child's middle or high school to host a Healthy Conversations event, please contact Emma Beall at
SAPCA Coalition Meetings
When: Quarterly
What: SAPCA hosts coalition meetings open to our partners and all community members to share the latest information about past and upcoming coalition events. These meetings also provide individuals and groups with opportunities to share their insights regarding SAPCA's work in order to impact SAPCA's activities moving forward.
How you can help: Contact Emma Beall at to sign up for our newsletter so you can receive information about announcements and upcoming events.
Dates to keep in mind
September - Recovery Month
Contact Emma Beall at to join the planning committee.
October - Bullying Prevention Month, National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month, Red Ribbon Week
April - Alcohol Awareness Month
Contact Emma Beall at to join the planning committee. Past events included presentations at schools, guest speakers and a viewing of the movie Haze followed by a panel discussion. All ideas are welcome!
May - Sex Ed for All Month
Contact Maggie Ryan at to learn about upcoming events hosted by the Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy (ACAP).
Want to be the first to know about community events hosted by SAPCA and our partners? Join our mailing list!