Permit Application Fees
Determine what it will cost to submit a permit application, and what forms of payment are accepted.
Page updated on July 1, 2024 at 2:11 PM
Fee Schedules
Acceptable Payment Methods
- Checks Payable to "City of Alexandria" ($35 fee on all return checks and hold will be put on any active contact and/or permit until account is cleared)
- Credit Cards (MasterCard, Visa, Discover)
Refund Policy
All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing by the original permittee to the Permit Center Division Chief or the Building Official.
- Please note that Refunds approvals are at the total discretion of the Building Official and can be altered as he/she deems necessary in accordance with Local and State regulations.
- Refunds will be issued for the total cost of any fees paid if none of the following services were provided within three days of the written request:
- Application review
- Plan review
- Consultations
- Permit issued
- Inspections
- Refunds will be issued for the total cost paid minus the applicable of the following:
- Plan Review Only under 180 days: 35% non-refundable fee for all plan review deposits
- Plan Review and Permits Issued under 180 days: 35% non-refundable fee for each plan review deposit plus 25% fee for administering each issued permit
- Permits issued that did not require a plan review under 180 days: 25% non-refundable fee for administering each issued permit
- The Following are Non-Refundable:
- Permit issued that did not require a plan review over 180 days: Non refundable
- Plans Review or Permits Issued over 180 days –Non refundable
- Permits Issued with inspections provided by City Inspection Staff- Non refundable
- Applications submitted with deposit with no permits picked up over 180 days – Non refundable
- Revision, Modification, and resubmission fees – Non refundable
- Permit/Certificate replacement fees – Non refundable