Victim Witness Assistance Program (VWAP)
Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Alexandria Victim Witness Assistance Program to provide comprehensive services to victims of crime to reduce the impact of victimization; to support victims and their families throughout the criminal justice process; and to ensure that victims are afforded the rights entitled to them by law.
Page updated on December 11, 2023 at 8:47 AM
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Commonwealth's Attorney
Services Available to Victims of Crime in Alexandria

The Alexandria Victim-Witness Assistance Program, part of the Commonwealth Attorney's Office, provides the following services, both in English and Spanish:
- In cases where an arrest is made, make contact with victims prior to the court date and answer any questions they may have about the court process.
- Provide outreach to victims of crime in cases where an arrest is not made (robbery, burglary, felonious assault, abduction, homicide, grand larceny auto, stalking, car jacking, etc.)
- Insure that victims have a voice throughout the criminal justice process.
- Make referrals to social service agencies that provide emergency financial, medical or psychological assistance to crime victims.
- Provide information about and assist victims with filing for the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (i.e. reimbursement for medical bill and counseling expenses, etc...)
- Arrange pre-trial meetings between the prosecutor and victim and provide a tour of the courtroom
- Provide the victim and family members with court accompaniment the day of the hearing
- Provide victims with victim impact statements and assist them with filling out the statements, when requested
- Send victims a letter telling them of the sentence and providing them with parole input or dept. of corrections notification forms
- Assist victims with getting property returned which is being held as evidence
- Assist victims with collection of overdue restitution
- Refer victims to area support groups
- Respond to the scene of a robbery at a business to provide crisis intervention and incident debriefing to the business' employees
**If you have been the victim of a crime in Alexandria, please call the Victim-Witness Assistance Program, (703-746-4100) Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. for assistance.
Servicios disponibles a víctimas y Testigos de delitos criminales
Este programa ubicado en la Oficina del Fiscal provee información y apoyo a todas aquellas personas que han sido víctimas y testigos de un incidente criminal.
¿Cómo Podemos Ayudarle?
- Ha sido lesionado, y tiene cobros médicos
- Necesita información sobre agencias de servicios sociales que puedan proveerle asistencia financiera, médica, o psicológica
- Quiere una explicación sobre el proceso de de justicia criminal
- Tiene preguntas acerca de su papel como testigo
- Le gustaría reunirse con el fiscal
- Necesita que alguien le hable a su jefe para que le permita venir a la corte
- La corte tiene algo suyo para usar como evidencia en un juicio y usted quiere saber cuando se lo devolverán
- No esta recibiendo los pagos de restitución ordenados por el tribunal
- Quiere que le notifiquen cuando el acusado salga de la carcel
- Necesita la ayuda de un interprete judicial para testificar
- Necesita aplicar al fondo de Compensación a la Victima
*Si tiene preguntas sobre sus derechos y/o desea hacer valer estos derechos, comuniquese con el Programa de Asistencia a Víctimas y Testigos de Alexandria 703-746-4100.