FY 23 Budget Q&A #092: What is the possibility of starting a parent representation pilot program? (Update of FY 2022 Budget Memo 048)
Page updated on September 20, 2024 at 11:13 AM
Budget Question # 092: What is the possibility of starting a parent representation pilot program? (Update of FY 2022 Memo #48) (Councilman Aguirre)
The Parent Representation Pilot, as previously proposed in FY 2022 Memo #48, is not recommended until further planning takes place and adequate funding is identified.
There are core questions that remain outstanding, the answers to which are foundational to establishing and sustaining this type of program successfully. These questions include:
Where will the funding come from and what are the mechanics of how the funding will support the program (e.g., Title IV-E, local match rate)?
What accountability structure will assure two-way communication with the local jurisdictions?
How will the program be administered in collaboration with localities and the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS)?
What opportunity for program development input would local Child Welfare teams have?
How would attorneys be selected/appointed and trained for this type of representation and what would the reporting structure be?