FY 23 Budget Q&A #063: What alternative implementations of this project could allow for the avoidance or reduction of the 3-4 million dollar operating impact of the The City Hall Swing Space project?
Page updated on September 20, 2024 at 11:14 AM
Budget Question # 63: Capital Improvement Program (Page 10.16): The City Hall Swing Space project assumes an annual operating impact of $3-4 million for the lease of swing space during the planned renovation. What alternative implementations of this project could allow for the avoidance or reduction of that operating impact? (Mayor Wilson)
The Department of General Services is currently developing several swing space options and associated fiscal impacts for the planned City Hall renovation. A few of these are included here. Option 1 below is what was submitted as part of the FY 2023 – FY 2032 Proposed CIP Budget. Budget estimates for Options 2-4 are still being developed but are anticipated to be significantly lower in cost than Option 1 Options 2-4 would require some level of Mandatory teleworking and some relocation of public facing services,
Draft Options are:
Option included in FY 2023 – FY 2032 Proposed CIP Budget:
Lease space for all departments located in City Hall, no teleworking required.
Surplus or re-purpose 4480 King Street for City employee use once the Virginia Department of Health and Department of Child and Human Services vacate the building.
Outfit the 4850 Mark Center Conference rooms with Council Meeting technology.
Non-public facing City Hall departments/staff telework.
City Hall departments with public facing requirements would operate from current City leased space in Tavern Square. The current tenants in this space include Housing, DGS, and ITS staff.
Current Tavern Square occupants that are not public facing would be required to telework.
Current Tavern Square tenants that require City Space would be relocated to 4480 King Street. If staff are moved to 4480 King Street, a renovation of space would be required for staff to be operational. This option includes costs to move current Tavern Square tenants’ contents and storage as needed.
4850 Mark Center Conference rooms outfitted with technology required to conduct Council Meetings, unless these meetings could be held at Alexandria City Public School administrative space on Braddock Road.
City Hall staff/departments with public facing requirements move to 4480 King Street.
Renovation of 4480 King Street building required for staff to be operational.
Departments or staff who do not fit into 4480 King Street would telework or share space.
4850 Mark Center Conference rooms outfitted with technology required to conduct Council Meetings, unless these meetings could be held at Alexandria City Public School administrative space on Braddock Road.
Provide public facing requirements at 4850 Mark Center service center,
Remaining City Hall occupants would telework. This option would include costs for move of City Hall contents and storage as needed.
Move print and mail services and provide finance space at Tavern Square to handle mail. Current tenants of Tavern Square might not need to relocate to accommodate this.
Re-purpose or surplus 4480 King Street.
Outfit 4850 Mark Center Conference rooms with technology required to conduct Council Meetings, unless these meetings could be held at Alexandria City Public School administrative space on Braddock Road.