FY 23 Budget Q&A #006: How many steps do we have in our various department pay scales, and how do those compare to the numbers of steps in our neighboring localities for the same departments?
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Budget Question # 006: How many steps do we have in our various department pay scales, and how do those compare to the numbers of steps in our neighboring localities for the same departments? (Councilman McPike)
Response: The following tables provide comparison of the City of Alexandria’s current pay scales to those of the approved comparator jurisdictions. In addition to steps, the tables include range spread information as many of the pay scales and pay bands don’t have steps. The range spreads reflect the salary potential from the entry level to the maximum level of the range. In some cases, the number of steps varies by positions within the pay scale. For example, the full range of steps may apply to an entry level position that starts on the first step, whereas higher graded positions may start on a higher step and have fewer steps to achieve the top of grade.
In those cases, a range of steps is shown in the chart.