Public Art in Alexandria
Visit Public Art Near You

Looking to learn more about public art in your neighborhood? The Office of the Arts has an online public art tool through the Public Art Archive.
Explore the page to learn more about public art throughout the City. The public art featured includes public and privately-owned works of art, as well as permanent and temporary works, that have been planned in collaboration with the community and executed by artists with the specific intention of existing in the public realm, accessible to all. Public art promotes Alexandria’s cultural heritage, strengthens community pride, and fosters tourism.
You can help provide additional information about public art that is not currently archived by filling out this online form and sharing any additional information you have with the Office of the Arts.
Current Projects
Past Projects: Site See New Views in Old Town
Past Projects: Temporary Installations
Past Projects: Permanent Installations
Plans & Initiatives
Get Involved

If you live or work in Alexandria you can help play a critical role in bringing art to neighborhoods and parks throughout the city by volunteering to serve on a Public Art Task Force.
For each public art project, the Commission for the Arts appoints a unique Task Force of community members to help set goals for the project, support community engagement, recommend an artist, and review concept designs.
Public art experience is not required. Time commitment varies per project depending upon the scope of the project.
If you're interested in serving on a Task Force and would like to learn more, please fill out our online interest form and the Office of the Arts will reach out to you with more information.