WDC Programs and Services

Adult Services
WIOA Adult Training
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Training Program
The Adult Program serves people who are 22 years and older, are legally entitled to work in the United States and have met selective service registration requirements.
The purpose of the Adult Program is to increase the employment retention, earnings, and occupational skills of participants. This program aims to improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the nation's economy. There is a priority for eligible low income and welfare recipients and for certain veterans or veteran spouses to receive specific services.
Target Population: The Adult Program serves people who are 22 years and older, are legally entitled to work in the United States and have met selective service registration requirements.
Program Description & Services: This program provides skills training, English as a Second Language, and General Equivalency Diploma (GED) assistance who meet federal poverty and program eligibility guidelines. This program provides an opportunity to participate in education and training, and receive job placement assistance and retention services.
Goals: The goal of the program is to increase employment and employment retention for its participants and provide employers with a skilled workforce and qualified job applicants.
For more information about WIOA click here for the fact sheet.
WIOA Dislocated Worker
Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Dislocated Worker Program
WIOA Dislocated Worker Program is intended for workers who lost jobs due to plant closures, company downsizing, or some other significant change in market conditions. View flyer for additional program details.
Target Population: The Dislocated Worker Program is intended for workers who lost jobs due to plant closures, company downsizing, or some other significant change in market conditions. In most cases, it must be unlikely that these dislocated workers will return to their previous employment, and they must be eligible for (or have exhausted) unemployment compensation. Other conditions can lead to eligibility, such as being self-employed (but not working as a result of general economic conditions), or being a displaced homemaker.
Program Description & Services: The program tailors employment and training services to meet dislocated workers' needs; works with workers and firms facing substantial layoffs; and encourages labor, management, and community partnerships with government to address worker dislocation.
Dislocated workers are eligible for services such as skill assessment, labor market information, job search and job placement assistance. Additional services are available for eligible dislocated workers who need additional help in getting jobs. The sequence of services is individualized and may include more intensive assessments, counseling, and prevocational and vocational training.
Goals: The program goal is to increase employment and employment retention for its participants and to provide employers with a skilled workforce and qualified job applicants.
*Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis.*
SNAP Employment & Training

SNAP Employment & Training
The SNAP Employment and Training (SNAPET) is a voluntary program designed to assist SNAP participants with barriers to employment.
Program Description & Services:
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAPET) is a voluntary program designed to assist SNAP recipients in their employment and training needs taking into consideration their interests, skills, and abilities, based on an individualized service plan. Participants are paired with an Employment Training Specialist to create a resume, master application, references, and cover letter, in addition to networking with employers, practicing interview skills, and other necessities for finding and keeping a job. This program is offered at various localities throughout Virginia. (See “Find a local department of Social Services” to contact an office closest to you for a referral or your SNAP Worker). If you reside within the city limits of Alexandria, Virginia, contact the Department of Community and Human Services SNAPET representative at 703.746.5940 for referral information Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. or email SNAPET@alexandriava.gov.
Goal: The goal of SNAP-ET is to assist SNAP recipients in obtaining employment, including the provision of work opportunities for able-bodied adults without dependents through participation in work programs and education and training activities.
VIEW Program
VIEW Program
The VIEW Program provides employment-related services to eligible City of Alexandria residents who are receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits from the Virginia Department of Social Services.
Program Description & Services: The Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare (VIEW) program under the auspice of the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) provides employment-related services to eligible City of Alexandria residents who are receiving Temporary Assistance For Needy Families benefits from VDSS. Participants are provided with vocational counseling, job readiness training, job placement assistance, and supportive services to assist with job placement and retention. This program is offered at various localities throughout the State of Virginia. (See “Find a local Department of Social Services” to contact an office closest to you for a referral or your Human Services Benefits Worker). If you reside within the city limits of Alexandria, Virginia, please contact the Department of Community and Human Services at 703.746.5700 for referral information Monday – Friday from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Goal: The goal of VIEW is to support the efforts of families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to achieve independence through employment. VIEW focuses on the participants' strengths and provides services to help them overcome job-related challenges, as well as personal, medical, and family challenges that affect employment.
Full Employment Program (FEP)

Full Employment Program: The Full Employment Program (FEP) is a subsidized employment program available through the Virginia Department of Social Services. FEP provides opportunities for participants to increase self-sufficiency by earning a living wage, increasing career-related work skills, and improving their competitiveness in the labor market.
Employers: Employers can receive a monthly stipend for up to 6 months for each FEP participant they hire. View the FEP flyer or Q & A informational sheet for additional program details.
Eligible Participants: The Full Employment Program is a special program for individuals participating in VIEW to obtain paid work experience for up to six months. A FEP Participant will earn a paycheck and continue to receive TANF benefits. Talk with your worker today and view the Participant Flyer for additional FEP program details.
Rapid Response to Mass Layoffs
Rapid Response to Mass Layoffs
Employers who are laying off 50 or more workers are eligible for assistance from WDC through the Rapid Response Program.
Employers who are laying off 50 or more workers are eligible for assistance from our Workforce Development Center through the Rapid Response program. Targeted services can include career counseling, assisted job search, career seminars, career clubs, and referrals to Unemployment Insurance resources.
Career Readiness Workshops
Online Job Readiness Workshops: Schedule and Registration
Job seekers can enhance their job readiness and essential skills by registering for free WDC workshops and webinars focusing on topics like virtual job searching and interviewing as well as resume building. WDC staff also provide one-on-one employment coaching and help job seekers access resources they may be eligible for to help support their job search and economic needs. For job coaching and other services, call 703.746.5900 or email wdc@alexandriava.gov. Access the latest job opportunities on the WDC Job Board.
See a schedule and register now for Job Readiness Workshops and Webinars!

Federal Bonding Program
Federal Bonding Program
Any job seeker, of legal working age in Virginia, who has a prior conviction - felony, misdemeanor, federal, state or juvenile. This also includes those convicted who did not serve any time.
Who is Eligible?
Any job seeker, of legal working age in Virginia, who has a prior conviction - felony, misdemeanor, federal, state or juvenile. This also includes those convicted who did not serve any time.
How are Bonds Issued?
Upon making an offer of employment, an employer can contact the Virginia Bonding Coordinator or a local workforce development professional to request a bond. The employer can also have the job seeker contact a workforce development professional to assist with obtaining the bond.
For more information contact the Workforce Development Center or your local One Stop Center.
Other Services
Youth Services
Youth and Young Adult Programs
We strive to enhance youth education, encourage school completion, and provide exposure to work through work experiences and educational and career exploration.
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)

The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) focuses on middle and high school students between the ages of 14 and 21, who are residents of the City of Alexandria and who are legally authorized to work in the United States.
Participants are placed with government, non-profits, and businesses in the City of Alexandria for a six-week summer work experience. In addition to their work experience, youths are assigned a Summer Youth Advisor and participate in career exploration and life skills workshops.
To learn more about the upcoming 2024 Summer Youth Employment Program, click here.
Year-Round Youth and Young Adult Programming
The Year-Round Youth Program engages youth who are ages 14 through 21, and are residents of the City of Alexandria.
Youth participants work with a career counselor, both 1:1 and in group settings. Youth participate in various workshops to learn and practice the soft skills needed in the workplace, increase their employability, and allow them to compete with the general public for jobs with private companies.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program
The WIOA Youth Program operates year-round and focuses on young people who are ages 14 through 24, who are low-income, and who may need help to complete an educational program or obtain and retain employment. Qualifications for eligibility include receiving benefits such as SNAP, experiencing homelessness, receiving foster care services, or meeting specific income guidelines. WIOA is a federally funded program that assists participants by assigning a counselor to assess their vocational, educational, and training needs while providing supportive services to best ensure success.

Contact the Workforce Development Center today for additional information or to register for our programs
- Phone: 703.746.5940
- Email: Christina.Damhuis@alexandriava.gov
Disability Services

Disability Services
The Disability Employment Program is designed to improve education, training and employment opportunities and outcomes for youth and adult residents of the
City of Alexandria with disabilities who are unemployed, underemployed and/or receiving Social Security disability benefits.
Workforce Development Center provides a full range of employment-related services, and assistive technology including, but not limited to:
Ticket to Work Program - offers people with disabilities an opportunity to achieve greater independence by providing choices in employment services and access to meaningful work.
Video Relay Service - allows persons who are hard of hearing and individuals with speech impediments to communicate with standard telephone users via a sign language interpreter through a television or a computer.
Jaws – a computer program that converts text into speech to allow the persons with visual impairments to use a computer.
Zoomtext – a computer program that enlarges images on a computer screen to allow persons with visual impairments to access a computer.
National Disability Awareness Month - How to Get Involved Year Round
Public Benefits

Persons can apply for public assistance any day or any time from home or any place where a computer is available, such as the Department of Community and Human Services lobbies, libraries, recreational centers or a friend’s house.
Benefits available through CommonHelp include:
- Low or no-cost health care
- Help with buying prescription drugs
- Help with paying for child care
- Home energy assistance
- Help with buying food
i.e. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/food stamps - Temporary cash assistance for families with minor children
i.e. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - The Career Center has computers dedicated to CommonHelp services. You may apply online here.
Please note individuals who receive Unemployment Insurance Benefits may not be eligible for other CommonHelp benefits.
- How to Apply for Benefits (MP4)
- How to Apply for Benefits (Spanish) (MP4)
- Using CommonHelp After Applying (MP4)
- Using CommonHelp After Applying (Spanish) (MP4)
Contact The Workforce Development Center!
- Location: 4850 Mark Center Drive, 6th Floor, Alexandria, VA 22311 (MAP)
- Phone: 703.746.5940
- Video Phone: 571.384.5244
- Email: wdc@alexandriava.gov