Potomac Avenue and Glebe Road Complete Streets
Project Background
The Potomac Yard Metrorail Station is anticipated to open in Alexandria in the fall of 2022. The south station entrance will open onto the Potomac Yard Trail at Potomac Avenue and glebe Road. Once the station opens, potential conflicts are anticipated given the increased volume of people walking, biking, riding the bus, and driving to access the new station. The goal of this project is to enhance pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access and minimize conflicts between people traveling in this area.
Existing Conditions
Potomac Avenue looking north to Glebe Road. The Potomac Yard Metrorail Station will be to the right of the trail (east). The National Industries for the Blind and the American Physical Therapy Association are located on the left (west).

Project Timeline
Community Engagement: Ongoing
Design: Fall 2021-Summer 2022
Construction: Summer 2023
Project Development
Community Engagement
Status: Ongoing
Staff has engaged directly with stakeholders to gather input and feedback on potential intersection improvements, including the National Industries for the Blind, The Potomac Yard Metrorail Implementation Group (PYMIG), Alexandria Families for Safe Streets, and the Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
February 2022 | PYMIG Update
October 2021 | PYMIG Update
Traffic & Parking Board Approval
At its June 27 Public Hearing, the City's Traffic & Parking Board voted unanimously to approve the conversion of the existing eastbound right-turn lane to a bus-only lane.
June 27 Traffic & Parking Board Meeting Materials:
Docket (Item #5)
Meeting Minutes
Status: Complete
Concept Plan Overview
30% Design
60% Design
Final Design Plans
Status: In Progress
The intersection improvements were completed in early Summer 2023, including the bus-only lane, new curb ramps, median refuge, new crosswalks, No Turn on Red restrictions, and signal timing changes. Improvements on the trail adjacent to the Metro entrance were delayed due to lead times for materials. The project is expected to be complete in Fall 2023.
For more information on this project, contact Alex Carroll, Project Manager, at Alexandria.Carroll@AlexandriaVA.gov.