Risk Management
Liability Claims
Risk Management, in conjunction with a third party administrator, investigates and processes claims from visitors, residents and others for alleged defects in public buildings, roads, walkways etc. as well as claims for auto accidents involving City vehicles and/or employees, and activities of City departments that may injure or cause damage to person or property. This division also seeks recovery from those who cause damage to City property.
Process for Filing a Claim for Damages Against the City
Any person wishing to make a claim against the City of Alexandria for personal injury and/or property damage must write a letter setting forth the claim and deliver it to the City Attorney within six months of the date of the incident that caused the damage. The letter must be addressed to:
City Attorney
301 King Street, Suite 1300
Alexandria, Va. 22314
It is important to note that state law permits delivery of this letter, or notice, in person, by U.S. mail, or by a commercial delivery service such as UPS or Federal Express. The letter must be received by the above office within the six-month period.
The letter must provide the following information:
- The date of the incident/accident;
- The time of the incident/accident;
- The specific location where the incident/accident occurred, in as much detail as possible;
- What happened at the time of the incident/accident, in as much detail as possible;
- The individuals involved, if known;
- The nature of the damage, injury or other loss being claimed;
- The estimated cost of the claimant's losses (In cases of vehicle damage, the claimant may provide estimates from two auto body repair shops); and
- A statement of the claimant's reasons for believing the City is responsible for his or her losses
The City will forward the claim to its claims administrator for investigation and evaluation. The City claims administrator may contact the claimant for additional information regarding the claim. Anyone with questions about this process or the status of a specific claim may call the Risk Management Division at 703.746.4549 or email Risk.Management@alexandriava.gov.
NOTE: Filing a claim for damages against the City does not ensure payment. The City investigates each claim for liability and the extent of damages. The City accepts and pays only claims for which it is legally liable.