Statement on Public Interest Legal Foundation/Virginia Voter Alliance Lawsuit
Statement on Public Interest Legal Foundation/Virginia Voter Alliance Lawsuit
In April 2016, the Public Interest Legal Foundation and the Virginia Voter Alliance (PILF/VVA) filed a lawsuit against the General Registrar of voters in the of City of Alexandria, alleging that the Registrar failed to properly maintain voter rolls and refused to permit PILF/VVA to inspect list maintenance records as required by federal law. The Registrar’s office has provided PILF/VVA with all the information that the organizations have requested (and would have done so without the need for a federal lawsuit). In addition, the Alexandria Office of Voter Registration and Elections follows state and federal law when it comes to maintenance of the voter registration list.
The lawsuit was dismissed by a federal court in June 2016 because PILF/VVA failed to show a specific problem with the way Alexandria manages its voter rolls.