Proclamation and Letter Request
Proclamations, certificates, and congratulatory letters are ceremonial in nature and are issued by the Mayor. They are intended to commemorate and bring public awareness to a particular holiday, special event, group, or individual relevant to the City of Alexandria. This policy is subject to change at the will of the Mayor and the Mayor reserves the right to modify or deny any request.
Proclamation Request Form must be submitted for all request.
Forms and questions regarding proclamation or letter requests can be submitted here.
For additional information contact 703.746.4500.
Proclamation Policy and Guidelines
General Principles and Rules
- Proclamations are issued to acknowledge the efforts, commitment, and achievements of individuals and organizations that enhance the City of Alexandria.
- Proclamations are issued to recognize public awareness campaigns, charitable campaigns, and arts and cultural celebrations of significance to the City of Alexandria.
- A proclamation may recognize a particular event, day, week, or month.
- All proclamation requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and no individual or organization has the right to a proclamation.
- The declaration of a proclamation is at the discretion of the Mayor.
- Where the City issues a proclamation in accordance with this policy such proclamation does not constitute a personal or civic endorsement by the City or approving official.
A Proclamation will not be issued by the City when the request pertains to any of the following:
- Matters of political controversy, political parties or political organizations;
- Individual conviction;
- Discriminatory or inflammatory matters;
- Attempting to influence City policy;
- Celebrations, campaigns, or events contrary to City policies or by-laws;
- Illegal matters;
- Matters which defame the integrity of the City;
- Matters designed to incite hatred or disorder; and
- Matters which are untruthful.
Proclamation Requests
Requests for proclamations MUST be submitted in writing no less than three (3) weeks prior to the date of pickup/delivery and include:
- A brief summary and background of the subject matter of the requested proclamation;
- The name and date(s) of the day, week, month, or event to be proclaimed;
- The proposed text for the proclamation, which the Clerk and/or the Mayor’s Aide may request and make amendments to the proclamation to improve the structure and/or overall intent of the requested proclamation;
- Contact person’s name, address, telephone number, and/or email address; and
- A date when the proclamation is required and how the proclamation will be delivered. (mail or in-office pick-up)
Approval Procedures
- Proclamation requests MUST comply with this Policy to be considered for approval at the discretion of the Mayor.
The authority to approve or deny proclamations under this Policy is delegated to the Mayor or his/her aide.
Proclamations will be presented at the First Legislative Meeting, the monthly Public Hearing, and the Second Legislative Meeting. No more than two proclamations will be presented per meeting. The Mayor will continue birthday and retirement proclamations; however, they will not be presented at legislative meetings and will be mailed or picked up.
Letter Policy and Guidelines
General Principles and Rules
- The purpose of a letter is to celebrate achievements and recognize individuals or organizations for their accomplishments.
- Letters are provided for significant birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, professional celebrations, and award recipients.
- Letters are issued to acknowledge the efforts, commitment and achievements of individuals and organizations that enhance the City of Alexandria.
- All letter requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and no individual or organization has the right to a letter.
A Letter will not be issued by the City when the request pertains to any of the following:
- Matters of political controversy, political parties or political organizations;
- Individual conviction;
- Discriminatory or inflammatory matters;
- Attempting to influence City policy;
- Celebrations, campaigns, or events contrary to City policies or by-laws;
- Illegal matters;
- Matters which defame the integrity of the City;
- Matters designed to incite hatred or disorder; and
- Matters which are untruthful.
Letter Requests
Requests for letters MUST be submitted in writing no less than three (3) weeks prior to the date of pickup/delivery and include:
- A brief summary of the individual or organization being acknowledged. (include any necessary dates pertaining to the acknowledged)
- Contact person’s name, address, telephone number and/or email address; and
- A date when the letter is required.
- How you would like to receive the letter.
Approval Procedures
- Letter requests MUST comply with this Policy to be considered for approval at the discretion of the Mayor.
The authority to approve or deny letters under this Policy is delegated to the Mayor or his/her aide.
Send a Request
Complete a Proclamation Request Form
Submit a proclamation or letter request.
For additional information contact the office at 703.746.4500.