Old Town Farmers' Market
About the Old Town Farmers' Market

The Old Town Farmers' Market is the oldest farmers' market in the country held continuously at the same site. George Washington sent his produce from Mount Vernon to be sold at our Farmers' Market. Today, the market offers residents of and visitors to Alexandria a way to reconnect to the past while participating in an ongoing local and national tradition. During the peak season, there are more than 70 vendors offering fruits and vegetables, hot prepared foods, meat, poultry, cheeses, breads, pastries, fresh pasta, pickled vegetables, cut flowers, potted plants, soaps, jewelry, and art.
Looking for your favorite vendors? Check out our market map.
Searching for a particular product? Check out our product list.
Visit the Old Town Farmers' Market
The Old Town Farmers' Market is located at 301 King St., Market Square, in front of Alexandria’s historic City Hall. The Market is open every Saturday, rain or shine, 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Parking is always free on Saturdays during market hours in the Market Square Parking Garage (301 King St.), located directly under Market Square Plaza from 5:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. year-round. Access the free garage (108 N. Fairfax St.) between Cameron and King Streets. Additional garage and street parking is also available in the surrounding area.
There are also 23 public bike racks within 300 feet of Market Square area map here, 7 of which are located in the Market Square Parking Garage right after you pass the arm gates. Remember to bring your own bike lock if you want to lock up! Bikes are not permitted on Market Square during the hours of the Farmers’ Market.
Looking for bike parking? Bring your lock and check out our area bike rack map.
The Market is accessible via the Old Town Trolley and DASH buses 30, 31, and 34.
Pets are not permitted on Market Square during the hours of the Farmers' Market.
Bike for Good Food Rescue at the Old Town Farmers' Market
Bike for Good is a unique community volunteer program at the Old Town Farmers' Market. The goal is to transport donated fresh, locally grown food from the Farmer's Market using bicycles to area locations serving low-income and at-risk Alexandria residents.
The Farmers' Market is looking for experienced bicyclists interested in promoting bicycling in the City, food justice, and reducing food waste in our landfills! Food rescue events are the last Saturday of the month from May through October.
For more information about Bike for Good Food Rescue at the Old Town Farmer’s Market and volunteering, contact our SNAP/EBT Coordinator at: snapebt@alexandriava.gov.
SNAP Double Dollars Program
The City of Alexandria and the Old Town Farmers’ Market began participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, in April 2013. This allowed SNAP customers to use their Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and other eligible food products at the Market. Currently, the Old Town Farmers’ Market has more than 30 vendors accepting SNAP.
Receive an extra $20 in SNAP dollars every time you shop at the Old Town Farmers’ Market! We call it You SNAP, We Match! The Double Dollar incentive program is the City of Alexandria’s healthy food incentive program, which matches the customer’s SNAP benefits up to $20. The initiative is designed to help low-income communities gain access to healthy food and create an additional source of revenue for market vendors. Visit the SNAP information booth to get started!
- For more information on how to use your SNAP benefits at the Market, view our Stretch Your Food Dollars Flyer.
- Sign up today at Volunteer Alexandria (type in "Old Town Farmers’ Market" in the Keyword Search) to volunteer or email snapebt@alexandriava.gov for more information.
- For more information about SNAP/EBT and gleaning programs at the market, contact our SNAP/EBT Coordinator at: snapebt@alexandriava.gov.
- For more information, including on how to donate, visit SNAP Double Dollars Program.
Interested in Becoming a Vendor at the Old Town Farmers' Market?
The 2025 vendor application is open on Manage My Market
You must first create a login and profile. Vendor applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis.
Acceptance to the Old Town Farmers' Market as a new vendor is highly competitive and preferential consideration is given to vendors who:
- Produce themselves, through a family member or with a direct employee, the items they intend to sell at market;
- Offer a quality product unique to the OTFM, as determined by the Market Manager;
- Are located within 100 miles of the OTFM;
- Offer a consumable good (agriculture-based or value added), keeping in line with the USDA's definition of a farmers' market as a place where "farmer-producers sell agricultural products directly to the general public at a central or fixed location, particularly fresh fruit and vegetables (but also meat products, dairy products, and/or grains)"; and
- Demonstrate the ability to market and sell in a location that can see over 7,000 customers in peak season. Vendors are encouraged to include pictures of your product and tent setup and/or contact information for manager of markets where you currently sell.
Final acceptance, placement and calendar of vendors is at the discretion of the Market Manager and the Old Town Farmers' Market Rules Committee.