King-Callahan-Russell Intersection Improvement Project
Project Update (June 2024)
The project is now substantially complete. Residents may notice continued activity at the intersection as spot corrections are completed and final inspections are performed. The new intersection design features additional crosswalks, pedestrian signals, and bike lanes, among other treatments. Travel lanes have also been adjusted, so drivers should exercise caution and follow all appropriate signage and signals to adhere to the new traffic pattern. The City thanks the community for its patience while construction of this major intersection was completed.
Project Background
The City of Alexandria was awarded a grant from the Federal Transit Authority (FTA) to make pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements to improve access to transit. The intersection of King Street, Callahan Drive and Russell Road was identified as a priority location for these improvements. As part of the City's Complete Streets Program, the City kicked off this project at a public meeting on January 15, 2015.
Project Area

Project Objectives
The objectives of this project are to :
- Create safer, more direct pedestrian crossings
- Provide dedicated bicycle facilities
- Reduce delay for all users of the intersection
Project Development
Status: Substantially Complete
Project construction began in Fall 2023 and was substantially complete in June 2024. The City thanks community members for their patience while construction was underway.
To share questions or concerns about project construction, please contact Reginald.Arno@alexandriava.gov.
Status: Complete
The project includes several improvements at the intersection of King Street, Callahan Drive, and Russell Road:
- A new crossing of King Street on the west side of the intersection
- Safer, more direct crossings of both King Street and Callahan Drive
- Removal of the slip ramp to improve safety by reducing vehicle turning speed
- A leading pedestrian interval (or LPI) for all crossings, a safety measure that provides a few seconds of head-start for crossing pedestrians
- Upgraded sidewalks to provide more space, accessible ramps, and connection to the Masonic Temple steps
- A westbound bike lane where riders can safely position themselves on the approach to the intersection
- An eastbound bike lane, including a section that is fully separated from the roadway, that gives riders a designated space through the intersection
- Signal timing adjustments to minimize delay

Community Engagement
Status: Complete
Staff has continues to engage with the community throughout the duration of this project: Here are upcoming engagement opportunities:
- King and Commonwealth Infrastructure Investments Open House
Wednesday, October 4, 2023, 5-7 p.m.
Alexandria Union Station
110 Callahan Drive
Additional Information
Below are materials from past outreach efforts on this project:
- Public Meeting #1, January 15, 2015: Presentation | Community Comments
- Public Meeting #2, June 23, 2015: Presentation | Community Feedback
- Public Meeting #3, December 8, 2015 | Presentation
- Community Leader Walkabout, 2018
- Rosemont Civic Association Meeting, February 2020
- Meetings with civic association leadership, institutions, and small resident groups: March 2020, October 2020, November 2020
- Virtual Open House, October 19, 2020 - November 9, 2020: Narrated Presentation | Project Update | FAQs | Comment Summary
- Traffic & Parking Board Public Hearing, December 21, 2020: Docket Report #7 | Meeting Recording | Meeting Minutes
- The Traffic & Parking Board approved Design Option 4.
- City Council Public Hearing, March 2021: Meeting Recording | Meeting Minutes
- City Council approved the project unanimously.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will this project address traffic backups?
The primary goal of this project is to improve access to transit via a grant from the Federal Transit Administration. That being said, the design is expected to reduce congestion at this intersection due to changes in lane configurations and signal timing.
How is this related to Alexandria's Vision Zero transportation safety program?
Alexandria’s Vision Zero Action Plan calls for eliminating all deaths and serious injuries by 2028. Using a data-driven approach to identifying opportunities to make the system safer, the Action Plan identified a number of corridors and intersections where future changes could help reduce crash risks. The intersection of King Street, Callahan Drive, and Russell Road was identified as a high-crash intersection, with a history of serious injury crashes for pedestrians, bicyclists, and automobile occupants.
Is the City removing travel lanes to install bicycle facilities?
No. The bicycle accommodations can be provided within the existing right of way without removing any travel lanes. The only changes to lane configurations in the design options are intended to benefit vehicle traffic congestion by separating turning traffic movements on Russell Road and Callahan Drive.
Did the City consider allowing both southbound lanes to go straight through on Russell Road?
Yes, the City considered this lane configuration, but found that it could not be implemented due to safety reasons. Designers concluded that a truck could not continue through from the left lane without overlapping into the right lane through the intersection, creating a high risk of sideswipe crashes. However, the City expects to achieve reductions in traffic backups on Russell Road by allowing traffic to move concurrently with northbound Callahan Drive.
What are the benefits to people walking and bicycling through the intersection?
- A new crossing of King Street on the west side of the intersection.
- Safer, more direct crossings of both King Street and Callahan Drive.
- Enhancing pedestrian safety by removing high-speed “slip ramp” vehicle right turns.
- A leading pedestrian interval (or LPI) for all crossings, a safety measure that provides a few seconds of head-start for crossing pedestrians.
- Upgraded sidewalks to provide more space, accessible ramps, and connection to the Masonic Temple steps.
- A westbound bike lane where riders can safely position themselves on the approach to the intersection.
- An eastbound bike lane, including a section that is fully separated from the roadway, that gives riders a designated space through the intersection.
What will the new signal timing be like?
In response to resident requests, staff agreed to lengthen the amount of green time for southbound traffic on Russell Road.
What community outreach was conducted for this project?
Multiple community meetings were held to discuss design ideas and community concerns. Presentations and comment summaries from those meetings are posted on this webpage.