Social Media
On This Page
- Alexandria City Government
- Archaeology Museum
- Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy (ACAP)
- Code Administration
- Community & Human Services (DCHS)
- Farmers' Market Old Town Alexandria
- Fire Department (AFD)
- Fund for Alexandria's Child
- Gadsby's Tavern Museum
- Historic Alexandria
- Housing
- Library
- Mentoring Partnership
- Office of the Arts
- Police Department
- Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA)
- Sheriff's Office
- Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum
- Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria (SAPCA)
- Target Gallery
- Teen Life
- Torpedo Factory Art Center
- Transportation & Environmental Services
- Voter Registration & Elections
- Workforce Development Center
- Redaction Log
Communications & Community Engagement
Alexandria City Government
Archaeology Museum
Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy (ACAP)
Community & Human Services (DCHS)
Farmers' Market Old Town Alexandria
Fund for Alexandria's Child
Gadsby's Tavern Museum
Historic Alexandria
Mentoring Partnership
Office of the Arts
Police Department
Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA)
Sheriff's Office
Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum
Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria (SAPCA)
Target Gallery
Torpedo Factory Art Center
Transportation & Environmental Services
Workforce Development Center
The Workforce Development Center (WDC) provides job preparation services to city residents who are unemployed or underemployed. Services are provided to a diverse population with varying skill levels, ranging from those with less than high school to advanced degrees. The WDC also serves as a no-cost resource to the business community by providing a broad range of services to employers, including applicant sourcing and prescreening, best practices consultation, customized hiring events, labor market information and a sector-focused Business Services Unit (BSU), who assists with workforce planning and optimization. The WDC works to expand community feedback and communication channels through social media platforms, community outreach and partnerships leveraged in the community.
Redaction Log
In rare cases, the City redacts (removes) information from a previous, one-time posting. When this is done on a site operated by a third party, it may only be possible to delete the entire posting, rather than edit it. In this case, a notation is made in the City's online redaction log.