Waterfront Parking & Circulation
Since the adoption of the Waterfront Small Area Plan in 2015, the City has undertaken a number of initiatives to explore and implement transportation projects that improve access through a variety of methods.
Lower King Street Multi-modal Feasibility Study: This study was a multi-modal analysis of the feasibility of converting the 100 block of King Street (King Street between Union Street and Lee Street) to a pedestrian plaza accessible to the public to enjoy as a meeting and gathering place, and for dining, shopping, and a range of programmed activities. This study began in winter 2013-2014, and included extensive public input.
Union Street Corridor Study: A recommendation in the Plan was to assess, through a Study, conditions along Union Street and to make recommendations that support and promote a safe, lively and compelling Waterfront where pedestrians, bicyclists and all users can feel safe and comfortable, minimizing intermodal conflicts. Recommendations from Union Street Corridor Study were approved by City Council on December 15, 2012.
Old Town Area Parking Study Work Group: The Old Town Area Parking Study Work Group was a City Manager appointed stakeholder group established to discuss key findings and recommendations from the 2010 Old Town Area Parking Study and to advise staff. The Work Group was originally convened in summer 2010 and then it was reconvened in summer 2012. The final report that summarized the Work Group's efforts and final recommendations is available here.
Capital Bikeshare in Alexandria: Alexandria joined the regional Capital Bikeshare network in September 2012, with eight bikeshare stations in Old Town. Of the eight locations in Old Town, one is at the Waterfront at Prince and Union Streets.
Signage & Wayfinding (Phase II) - Phase II of the City’s Wayfinding Program focused on the installation of pedestrian Wayfinding signage on King Street, Union Street and the Waterfront. Twenty-four pedestrian mini-kiosks on lamp posts were installed along King Street and 3 mini-kiosks on Union Street. Three large kiosks were installed on the Waterfront, Market Square, and the King Street Metro Station.