Potomac Greens Drive Advisory Bicycle Lanes
Alexandria is the first city in region to install Advisory Bike Lanes! A new project for Potomac Greens Drive between Massey Lane and Carpenter Road was implemented in May 2015 to provide traffic calming, bicycle facilities and additional pedestrian safety improvements. A meeting was held with homeowners' associations along Potomac Greens Drive to discuss issues, concerns and possible solutions for this roadway. The presentation from this meeting can be viewed here. As part of this project, a new crosswalk was installed near Fitzhugh Way and a pedestrian actuated flashing sign will be installed later this summer to provide a safer crossing to the park across the street.
Advisory Bike Lanes
To provide both traffic calming as well as designated bicycle facilities on Potomac Greens Drive, a design concept for a new type of bicycle facility was proposed. Advisory bicycle lanes have been implemented across Europe and in other American cities with great success. They create a space on the roadway for cyclists while visually narrowing streets to slow drivers. The difference between an advisory bike lane and a standard bike lane is the dashed outside line of the advisory lane. A vehicle is permitted to cross this line if they need additional space in the roadway, but only when it is safe; they must first yield to any cyclists in the bike lane before entering. The width of the vehicle travel way on Potomac Greens Drive will be narrowed from 27' to 17'.
While other jurisdictions in the region are excited to begin testing advisory bike lanes, Alexandria is the first to install them!
The graphic below is helpful in understand how to use advisory bike lanes as a driver as well as a cyclist.