Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Integration
What is ITS Integration?
ITS stands for Intelligent Transportation Systems. This project is in the process of laying tens of thousands of feet of fiberoptic cable, which enables real-time communications across the transportation network. Fiber enables innovative traffic management efforts like the Adaptive Signal project, improves bus reliability by empowering the Transit Signal Priority project, and paves the way for future connected and autonomous vehicles.
This project will:
- Construct a dedicated broadband fiber network to enable data flow to and from the City’s traffic signals .
- Install CCTV cameras to visualize traffic flow at key intersections
- Expand capabilities of the Transportation Management Center, the City’s central operations center for managing traffic and signals.
The ITS Integration project began in 2009 and has 4 phases that extend through 2030. Phase 1 and 2 are complete, and Phases 3 and 4 are underway. The Transportation Management Center was constructed, 27 closed circuit television (CCTV) Cameras have been deployed, and more than 25,000 feet of fiber optic cable has been installed.
Guiding Principles Driving This Project
- Safety - Eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all
- Traffic Management - Optimize traffic flow on City streets, improving travel times and reducing congestion.
- Mobility - Improve accessibility and transportation options for residents and visitors of all abilities
- Forward Looking - Proactively plan for emerging and future transportation technologies
Project Background
Proactive planning and consideration of emerging and future transportation technologies led to the development of ITS Integration project. Over 15 years ago staff recognized the need to migrate the traffic signal communications network to fiber optic cable for better communications between the signals and the Traffic Management Center. By thinking about the future needs of the City, staff applied for and was awarded grant funding to implement these changes. Much of the early stages centered around building a fiber network.
Recent Updates
The City of Alexandria recently installed 4 new CCTV cameras, and the infrastructure from this project has been used to manage operations for several snowstorms, as well as help manage the two Metro shutdowns. The City completed fiber to the Department of Emergency Customer Communications (DECC) and developed partnerships with state and regional entities for data sharing for better incident management.
These updates will allow the City to better manage and respond to delays and incidents, plan for special events, share critical alerts and data to better inform the public and support new mobility technologies as they come online.