Inmate Services and Alternative Programs Division
Director LaTanya Ervin oversees the Inmate Services and Alternative Programs Division. Coordination of compliance with both ADA and PREA is part of this division.
Classification counselors evaluate inmates as part of the intake process and determine which cell and housing unit are most appropriate for each inmate. This function is critical for the safety of inmates as well as staff. Counselors conducted 1415 initial initial intake classifications in 2023, up from 1228 in 2022.
Inmate Services staff provide Inmate Programs delivered within the Detention Center and oversees the facility's volunteer program. Nearly 200 volunteers provide services that include religious, educational, literacy and a variety of life skills programs. In addition, staff and contractors provide valuable rehabilitative programs that help offenders transform their lives. More information about inmate programs is available online.
Alternative Programs staff coordinate and supervise offenders serving sentences on weekends (the Incremental Sentencing Program), and in the community in lieu of incarcerations (the Modified Work Release Program). Also, offenders may work while serving their sentences through the Work Release program. Inmates work during the day at jobs in the community and return to the facility at night to fulfill their sentences. Deputies in Alternative Programs are also responsible for administration of Home Electronic Monitoring (below).