DASH and WMATA Changes

In September 2021, both DASH and WMATA made changes to their networks that affect service in Alexandria. These are intended to increase frequency and service for most people, and promote equity among riders. Additionally, DASH eliminated fares and Metro simplified its fare structure.
- DASH, after 18 months of community input, has redesigned their network with new routes and new route names. Visit dashbus.com/NewNetwork, which has a number of tools to help you understand the changes, including the ability to compare your route under both the old and new network.
- WMATA is rolling out a number of changes on both rail and bus service, including longer hours, more trains during rush hours, new and returning buses, as well as some route changes. Visit wmata.com/about/news/Metro-fare-service-changes-September-5.cfm to learn more.
Separately, the King St. Metro station full bus loop will open with permanent bus stations Sunday, September 5. The Kiss and Ride and Diagonal Road mid block crossing are still under construction. Learn more about the King Street Metro Access Improvement project at alexandriava.gov/85338.
Face masks are required on DASH and WMATA buses and metrorail. Metro and DASH service levels are subject to change and some routes may not operate due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Customers should check wmata.com and dashbus.com for the latest route schedule information.