Alexandria Independent Community Policing Review Board
On June 9, 2020, the Alexandria City Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2950, which condemned police brutality and systemic racism; reaffirmed that Black Lives Matter; and stated Council’s intent to establish a community policing review board in our City. The resolution also affirmed that the City of Alexandria and all government officials have a duty to ensure the protection of all communities through actions and reform, including in the justice system. The resolution also directed the City Manager and City Attorney to return to Council at the first Legislative Meeting of September 2020 with a proposed ordinance to establish a Community Policing Review Board in Alexandria. City Council developed a draft ordinance after considering examples of Review Boards throughout the country and the City’s own needs, as discussed at the January 12, 2021 City Council meeting. The Alexandria community asked questions and provided comments regarding the draft ordinance.
After careful consideration, at its public hearing on April 17, 2021, the City Council voted unanimously to adopt an ordinance establishing the structure of a new Alexandria Independent Community Policing Review Board, to be effective as of July 1, 2021 along with its authorizing state law. The City Council also established the Office of the Alexandria Independent Policing Auditor.
The mission of the Independent Community Policing Review Board includes ensuring all residents and visitors in the City of Alexandria are safe, secure, and treated fairly by the City of Alexandria Police Department.
The purpose of the Independent Community Policing Review Board is to enhance policing legitimacy and to increase and maintain trust between and among the police department, city council, city manager and the public. The board shall provide timely, fair and objective review of administrative investigations conducted by the Independent Policing Auditor and Alexandria Police Department (APD) as well as the Independent Policing Auditor’s evaluation of policing policies, practices, procedures, and outcomes in Alexandria. The Board shall also recommend meaningful assessments and corrective recommendations intended to remedy discriminatory practices, including racial and social inequities; ensure the protection of all communities through recommended actions and reform, including in the criminal justice system; and recommend strategies for effectively implementing these reforms in our community.
Current Board Members
- Rob Krupicka, Jr. - Chair
- Todd Pilot
- Deborah Porter
- Alexis Stackhouse - Vice Chair
- Christopher Lewis
- Jeane O'Toole
- Darrlyn Franklin - Secretary
- Ingris Moran