Edsall Road and Yoakum Parkway Corridor Improvements
Project Description
The purpose of this project is to evaluate improvements on Edsall Road and Yoakum Parkway to make it easier and safer for people of all ages, abilities, and modes of travel to use these streets.
Project Area Map
Project Background
Edsall Road is a four- to five-lane east-west roadway on Alexandria's West End that provides access to various high-density residential neighborhoods, commercial and retail destinations, parks, bus and Metrorail lines, and more. Yoakum Parkway connects Edsall Road to Stevenson Avenue and provides access to multiple high-density residential communities.
There have been over 100 traffic crashes in 5 years on Edsall Road alone. Of those, over a third resulted in people being injured. This corridor is part of the adopted Landmark/Van Dorn Corridor Plan, which established a vision for the area to transform from an automobile-dominated area into a walkable community with a successful multimodal transportation system that can serve the residents of the West End and beyond.
Earlier this year, the City of Alexandria was awarded a technical assistance grant through the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments' Transportation-Land Use Connections Program to study the Edsall Road corridor, identify potential improvements, and develop concept designs. The City is also evaluating improvements for Yoakum Parkway.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the City doing this project?
Edsall Road and Yoakum Parkway are both high-speed corridors with a history of unacceptable traffic crashes that impact the lives of everyday Alexandrians. Existing adopted City plans, including the Alexandria Mobility Plan and the Landmark/Van Dorn Corridor Plan call for improvements to these streets to make it easier and safer for people to get from place to place.
What are the goals of this project?
Project goals include reducing traffic crashes, making it easier to walk, bike, and take the bus, and minimizing impacts to traffic congestion.
What is the project timeline?
The planning and conceptual design phase of this project will occur from Fall 2024 to Summer 2025.
How can I provide input?
There will be multiple opportunities for community members to provide input into this process. To receive project updates, please contact Alex Carroll, project manager, at Alexandria.Carroll@AlexandriaVA.gov.