FY 25 Budget Q&A #032: I understand that the HUD Family Self Sufficiency Program can help move families from public housing to homeownership. How many ARHA residents currently participate in this program? Is it solely funded by federal dollars?
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Question: It is my understanding that the HUD Family Self Sufficiency Program can help move families from public housing to homeownership. How many ARHA residents currently participate in this program? Is this program solely funded by federal dollars or are local dollars needed? (Councilwoman Alyia Gaskins)
The following data has been provided by the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) staff:
ARHA administers the Family Self Sufficiency Program. The current enrollment is 67 (16 Public Housing residents and 51 housing choice voucher participants). This program is solely funded by federal funds. One component of the program is working towards homeownership, which ARHA estimates about 10% of the enrollment will pursue. Participants are eligible for the City’s flexible homeownership program as units are marketed through resale and developer set-asides. A review of City’s Homeownership Programs is anticipated to be a component of the upcoming Housing Master Plan Update.