Waterfront Schematic Landscape Design Resources
Schematic Landscape Design Plans and Reports
In 2016, the City contracted a design team from Stantec Consulting Services Inc. to conduct the preliminary engineering for the Waterfront Schematic Landscape Design. The following documents were produced as a result of that contract:
1. Information Gathering
- Archaeological and Historic Review
- Survey
- Geotechnical Investigations
- Environmental Assessment
2. Master Planning
- Master Plan Overlay on Aerial Image
- Stormwater Management Plan
- Master Utility Plan
- Park Pavilion Buildings
3. Civic Engagement
Flood Mitigation System Analysis
4. Permitting
Waterfront Schematic Landscape Design Procurement
Stantec Consulting was awarded the contract association with RFP No. 527, which called for professional architectural and engineering services related to the implementation of flood mitigation, infrastructure, and open space improvements as depicted in the “Alexandria Waterfront Pricing Design Schematic,” dated August 12, 2014; and the “Waterfront Flood Mitigation Project, 15% Concept Design Submission.”
- Pre-Proposal Conference - July 13, 2015
- RFP No. 527
- RFP No. 527 Addendum 1
- RFP No. 527 Addendum 2
- Procurement timeline