Neighborhood Sidewalk Program
Sidewalks in Alexandria
While Alexandria is walkable in many areas, some streets have sidewalks on only one side of the street, and some have no sidewalks at all. The City of Alexandria is committed to fostering a safe, healthy, accessible walking environment by filling in these sidewalk gaps. Because of the number of gaps, engineering complexities, and limited funds, completing the City’s sidewalk network will be a gradual process over many years.
Through the 2016 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, the City has identified numerous priority sidewalk projects that are critical to connecting people safely to their destinations. City staff are actively working to implement these projects using a combination of grant funds, local funds, and developer contributions.
About the Neighborhood Sidewalk Program
In addition to the funds for priority sidewalk projects, some additional funding is available each fiscal year for the Neighborhood Sidewalk Petition Program. This program allows residents to request construction of a new sidewalk on local, neighborhood streets.
Before Submitting a Neighborhood Sidewalk Application
Review the Eligibility Criteria
Before submitting a petition for a sidewalk on your street, be sure it meets the eligibility criteria listed below.
- The street may not already be identified as a Tier 1, 2, or 3 priority sidewalk project in the Alexandria Mobility Plan.
It’s important to think about where you would like to have the sidewalk built. Here are some general considerations for locating and assessing conditions for a new sidewalk:
- New sidewalks must either connect to existing sidewalks or end at a cross-street. A new sidewalk cannot end in the middle of a block.
- Look closely at the area where you want to have new sidewalk built. If you have any of the following impediments, sidewalk construction might not be feasible given available funding:
- Large trees or robust landscaping
- Excessive slopes
- Fences, walls, stairs
- Poles, hydrants
- Sidewalks are constructed and assessed on a street-by-street basis. Sidewalks generally cannot be petitioned for a whole neighborhood; each street must be petitioned individually.
Submitting a Neighborhood Sidewalk Application
Once you have read the information above and determined that a Neighborhood Sidewalk Petition is the appropriate course of action, click here to access the application. The application process is outlined below:
- Sidewalk applications are evaluated annually. Applications are due by December 31 and will be evaluated in January. Applications that are approved will then be incorporated into the work plan for the upcoming fiscal year.
- Submit your application. Applications must include signatures from neighbors indicating whether or not they would support the project. Of these signatures, 51% of residents in the project area must indicate support for the project. By submitting the application, you agree to be the Project Champion and accept responsibility for any additional neighborhood outreach.
- Note: for multifamily housing, the Project Champion should collect a signature from the property manager.
- Sidewalk projects will be prioritized based on a variety of considerations, including, but not limited to:
- Proximity to schools, parks, or community centers
- Proximity to transit
- Proximity to other key pedestrian generators, such as retail or employment
- Presence of a sidewalk on one side of the street (preference is generally given to streets with no sidewalks on either side)
- Speed and volume of traffic along route
- Network connectivity (i.e. would the new sidewalk make new pedestrian connections and allow people to reach nearby destinations more easily?)
- Cost and feasibility of design and installation
- Neighborhood support for project
- If your project is selected, the Project Champion must notify all households adjacent to the proposed sidewalk of the project. City staff will provide outreach support by creating an informational flyer for the Project Champion to share with neighbors.
- Design and construction times can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as design complexities, crew availability, and weather conditions.
If you have any questions, contact us for more information.
Leslie Avenue
Project Location: Leslie Avenue, between East Luray Avenue and East Glendale Avenue
Status: Completed 2023