Participate in the Community 30-Day Racial Equity Challenge
Community 30-Day Racial Equity Challenge
The City of Alexandria's Race and Social Equity Office is proud to offer a community “30-Day Racial Equity Challenge.” Check back soon for additional information about conversations around the 30-Day Racial Equity Challenge facilitated by the Race and Social Equity Office.
The 30-Day Racial Equity Challenge is an educational tool used to advance deeper understanding of the intersections of race, power, privilege, supremacy and oppression. The Challenge invites participants to complete 30 short assignments, over 30 consecutive days, which include readings, videos or podcasts.
The goal is to increase knowledge and understanding and engage people as we continue our racial equity journey. Participants are free to start at their own pace and opt out of participating along the way. The 30-Day Racial Equity Challenge is only an introduction to what we hope will be a growing and learning experience in our journey to achieving race and social equity for all Alexandrians.
Review the 30-Day Racial Equity Challenge syllabus, and coordinate with your organization or community to discuss the different topics on the syllabus.