DCHS Homeless Services--How You Can Share Information and Help End Homelessness
May 30, 2024- The City of Alexandria takes a “continuum of care” approach to homelessness designed to promote community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness. The Office of Community Services and their partners--which range from other City programs and services to national and local nonprofits like Catholic Charities, Volunteers of America Chesapeake, Carpenter’s Shelter, Community Lodgings and ALIVE!--coordinate together to provide a wide range of services, minimize the trauma associated with homelessness and dislocation, and optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
Helping residents experiencing homelessness is complex and challenging. As many different people as you encounter who are homeless, there are that many different stories. The causes of homelessness include the national housing crisis and lack of low-income housing, unemployment, decreasing opportunities for work and the erosion of safety net programs. Often people experience the loss of a job or have a health crisis that leaves them choosing between paying the rent or paying for an expensive prescription or medical care. The COVID-19 pandemic and inflation amplified the national crisis, putting many at risk of eviction, foreclosure and homelessness.
Transitioning residents out of homelessness can be a slow process, which sometimes takes years. According to EndHomelessness.org, people experiencing chronic homelessness (those who have experienced homelessness for at least a year) typically have complex and long-term conditions, such as mental health issues and substance use conditions and physical disabilities. Once someone becomes homeless, it is difficult for them to get back into housing and they can face long or repeated episodes of homelessness.
DCHS’s Homeless Outreach Program regularly engages residents experiencing homelessness year round, offering essential safety net services designed to help them improve their lives and transition out of homelessness. DCHS values individual personal choice and self-determination and does not force services on anyone, but staff work hard to ensure everyone is aware of the supportive services with the City and their right to access them.
What You Can Do if You Encounter Someone Experiencing Homelessness
If you see someone who looks to be in need of housing, there are several options.
Contact Alex 311 to report your observations, and please refrain from taking photos of residents experiencing homelessness out of respect for their privacy. Your report will be sent to DCHS staff, who will go out and speak to the person within 48 hours and offer available support and resources.
For more immediate welfare checks, call the police non-emergency line at 703.746.4444.
Share information from the Alexandria Community Resources Card, also available as an easy-to-print two-sided flyer.
If you have engaged the individual in conversation and learn that they need supportive services, let them know they can call 703.746.5700 or text 703.346.5599 or walk-in for services at 4850 Mark Center Drive during business hours. Staff will support them by identifying the next steps in assisting them with their current situation. Once screened, individuals will be added to the waitlist and referred once a bed is available at Alexandria Community Shelter or Carpenter's Shelter. During the winter months, let them know about the City's Winter Shelter Program run by Carpenter's Shelter (703.548.7500), which is open daily from 7 p.m. - 7 a.m. through March 2021.
Learn about other ways you can get involved.
Community Meeting- The Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness is holding a hybrid in-person and virtual public meeting meeting to discuss Alexandria's Healthy Homes Project, June 24 from 4 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. at Charles Houston Recreation Center (901 Wythe Street). View flyer
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