Helping to Provide a Safety Net for Low-Income Alexandrians
Helping to Provide a Safety Net For Low-Income Alexandrians
November 20, 2020--The COVID-19 pandemic is a stressful time for everyone. For low-income Alexandrians with mental health conditions or developmental disabilities, the pandemic can be especially challenging as they struggle with issues like housing and food insecurity and meeting basic needs.
Friends of the Alexandria Mental Health Center, an all-volunteer group that oversees the administration of one of the city’s top mental health charities, offers a safety net for low-income Alexandrians receiving mental health or developmental disability services from the City’s Community Services Board. The group uses donations to provide help and hope to these individuals and their family for special and emergency needs.
In the past six months, the group has helped cover expenses like dental care for a 50-year old client with developmental disabilities, the security deposit for a mother facing unemployment and dwindling child support due to the pandemic, and the purchase of a phone to help a client in the Mental Health Outpatient Program contact potential employers and find work.
Earlier this year, the group also provided funds for computers and tablets for clients of the West End Wellness Center and other DCHS programs so they could access mental health providers and resources through telehealth. They also funded a stipend for a trauma-based curriculum for City employees to increase mental health resources for City staff.
To learn more about Friends and how to support their efforts, read their latest newsletter.