King-Beauregard Intersection Improvements Project
Project Overview
Phase: Construction
Status: Active
Location: Beauregard
Managing Dept.: Project Implementation
Sponsor Dept.: Transportation & Environmental Services
Project Description
King/Beauregard Intersection Improvements project is a two-phase project that seeks to improve corridor capacity and safety at and adjacent to the intersection of King St. (Rt. 7), N. Beauregard St., and S. Walter Reed Dr. The first phase is complete and included grading, curb and gutter and retaining walls along King St. The second phase will add an additional left turn lane in each direction on King Street, medians and a 10’ shared use path on portions of King Street.
Active Design: Winter 2022 - Winter 2024
Procurement: Spring 2024 - Winter 2025
Active Construction: Winter 2025 - Summer 2026
About the current design:
After the completion of Phase I construction, a relocation of Dominion Power Poles, Washington Gas lines, Virginia American Water lines, Comcast and Version communication lines have been made to make way for the upcoming construction of the Phase II intersection improvements.
A design revision was made to make this intersection pedestrian friendly and that is in line with City’s Complete Street Design Guidelines while improving the traffic flow movement. The proposed plan modifications include reducing lane widths, increasing median width to six feet, providing a wider refuge area for pedestrians, modifying ADA curb ramps, and updating the signing and striping plan.
Design is now at 100%.
Construction Progress Update
Solicitation of construction services has been delayed as a result of the expiration of construction easement agreements acquired during Phase I. The process to renew the temporary construction easements is underway and anticipated to be completed this Summer. Staff have been coordinating with the applicable owners in effort to obtain these easements free of charge via donation and waiver of valuation/compensation. The Consultant has began revising the design along the Arlington Condo parcel to eliminate the need to acquire costly temporary construction easements in this section of the project. Design will be revised to eliminate the medians on King Street. Once this design is completed staff will begin the process of securing VDOT approval, which will allow the City to begin the construction services solicitation process. Field construction activities are currently scheduled to begin in Spring 2025.