FY 25 Budget Q&A #070: Can we get a list of City-sponsored events and how much City funding is dedicated to those events? What would the final product look like for special events investment?
Question: Can we get a list of City-sponsored events and how much City funding is dedicated to those events? What would the final product look like for special events investment? (Vice Mayor Jackson, Councilman Chapman)
The City provides financial support to First Night Alexandria ($45,000). Visit Alexandria received support for the event management of the Scottish Walk Parade ($95,000). Below is a list of all City-sponsored events in the calendar year 2023 that did not receive direct funding, but rather in-kind staff support.
Each department is responsible for staffing and funding costs associated with producing the event. For City-produced events, application fees, park rental fees, and some other applicable permit fees may be waived. All events are required to pay for direct services such as APD, AFD, trash, etc. The final product for the special events investment would potentially include work products such as signature events standards, application template for signature events, applicant training for event production, and common marketing/communication approaches. The result is to achieve a consistent quality and production standard for all signature events.
Table: List of City-sponsored Events in Calendar Year 2023.