T&ES Transportation Planning & Mobility Branch
Transportation Planning & Mobility Branch Mission
Working together to foster a thriving Alexandria by improving mobility, safety, & quality of life through:
- Sound engineering, design, and technology implementation;
- Multimodal plans, policies, and programs for today and tomorrow; and
- Managing transportation resources for the provision of sustainable and equitable transportation choices.
Transportation Org Chart and Programs.
Transportation Funding
Learn more about how Transportation Projects are funded.
Transportation Planning
The Division specializes in strategies and policies to improve transportation options, transit, and safe bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and programs. It ensures new developments support existing City priorities and minimizing negative impacts, Citywide programs improve the quality of life for residents and visitors and support of economic development.
Mobility Services
The Mobility Services division manages parking and other curbside activities, including bikeshare and scooters, and ensures that transportation options are available and accessible to all Alexandrians through its management of paratransit, disability parking, the City's transportation demand management program (GO Alex), and other programs and services.
Transportation Engineering
The Transportation Engineering Division manages traffic studies, transportation technology and provides and maintains a comprehensive Citywide traffic signal system that includes the traffic computer system linking many of the City's signaled intersections.
Major Initiatives
duke street traffic mitigation pilots
The City is working through two pilot projects aimed at reducing regional cut-through traffic on neighborhood streets and shifting traffic onto the major arterials. To do this, we also must improve the flow of traffic on the arterials and make those routes faster than cutting through the neighborhoods.
Alexandria is committed to investment in transportation technologies that improve road safety and traffic management while also preparing the City to take advantage of future transportation infrastructure advancements, such as self-driving cars and real-time traffic management.
The Duke Street Transitway is one of the three high-capacity transit corridors identified in the City's Transportation Master Plan. This project is currently in design.
The City has a permit program to allow private companies to operate shared mobility devices (such as dockless bicycles and scooters) in the City. These companies are subject to specific requirements in the City Code and the permit to ensure these devices are managed appropriately and operated safely.
The AMP, a strategic update to the 2008 Transportation Master Plan, will ensure that transportation in the city continues to serve the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors as the region grows and new technology adds to the ways we get around. The AMP process will gather public input on tradeoffs and establish clear priorities for improving mobility.
Vision Zero is a multidisciplinary, multi-national traffic safety concept that aims to achieve a transportation system with no deaths and serious injuries. As a Vision Zero community, Alexandria recognizes that these incidents are preventable through proper engineering, enforcement, evaluation and education.
Parking is an essential component of the City's transportation system and requires careful management of both on-street and off-street spaces. The City is committed to working with businesses, residents, and visitors alike to appropriately manage parking needs.