ALX Breathes
ALX Breathes Program Overview
ALX Breathes (es: ALX Respira) is a free program from the Alexandria Health Department (AHD) that helps residents with asthma or COPD breathe easier at home. During home visits, AHD staff help participants identify and address any triggers that may be impacting their breathing. Over six months, AHD staff can help participants better manage their breathing.
ALX Breathes is one part of Alexandria’s Healthy Homes Initiative. Read more about Healthy Homes and how you can be involved on the Healthy Homes webpage.
To participate in this free program, you must:
Live in the city of Alexandria
Make less than 80% of the area median income
Be diagnosed with asthma or COPD by a health care provider
Agree to follow guidelines for home visit safety
Even if you’re not eligible, AHD may be able to help provide other services based on your needs.
Or, call to sign up at 703.746.4988.
Participating in ALX Breathes
If you are eligible for ALX Breathes, you can expect the following steps over about six months.
First, AHD staff will contact you to set up a home visit. For 1-2 hours, AHD staff will come to your home and:
Describe the program
Conduct a home and health assessment
Work with you to set goals for the program
Next, AHD will plan follow-up visits.
First follow-up visit: AHD staff will visit you at home and give you a personalized air quality improvement plan. AHD will give you an air filter, cleaning supplies, any relevant service referrals, and teach you how to improve your air quality.
Second follow-up visit: AHD staff will call or video chat you to discuss challenges and successes with your plan.
Final follow-up visit: AHD staff will visit your home for a final assessment and to discuss next steps.
All components of program participation are free.
Home Visit Safety
To make sure that participants and AHD staff have safe and respectful home visits, AHD will take the following steps:
Outline expectations for home visits during enrollment
Train AHD staff on how to visit homes safely and respectfully
Follow participants’ unique house rules
Participants are expected to:
Reschedule any visits if they or a household member are sick
Make sure pets are safe and do not pose a safety risk to staff during the visit
Why should you participate?
Your home may be making you sick. In ALX Breathes, you can receive free education, supplies, and connections to help you breathe easier to breathe at home.
Area Median Income
Alexandria residents within the income levels below are eligible.
Household Size |
Annual Income |
1 |
$63,000 |
2 |
$72,000 |
3 |
$81,000 |
4 |
$90,000 |
If you have more members in your household, contact AHD to see if you’re eligible.
ALX Breathes Beginnings & Healthy Homes
ALX Breathes began in 2022 as a pilot study collaboration between Alexandria Health Department (AHD) and Inova Health Systems. AHD and Inova staff helped 20 pilot households achieve personal health goals through home-based actions. Success led to the development of a permanent program. The program is one piece of Alexandria’s Healthy Homes plan.