Community Health Improvement Plan Priority Areas
Putting the CHIP into Action
Each priority area is connected to strategies, tactics, timelines, progress measures, and tactic owners. Developing strategies and tactics, measuring progress and identifying owners is the difference between wishful thinking and getting things done. The Partnership's Steering Committee will provide periodic reports to the community of the progress in addressing the CHIP’s three priority areas. The Steering Committee and Health Department will also help overcome any obstacles or barriers that might slow the implementation of a tactic or strategy.
Sets the parameters for when a tactic will be started and completed.
How we know we are making a difference even before the project is complete. Progress measures include both outputs and outcomes when possible.
Organizations and individuals who will facilitate the work. The tactic owners report their progress, successes, and challenges to the Partnership Steering Committee.
Goal: Affordable, safe, and high-quality housing
Community conditions can create either opportunities or barriers for a healthy life. Clean, safe neighborhoods with ample green space, complete sidewalks, and low crime rates support physical activity. Housing quality, cost, stability, and safety can significantly influence health. For example, poor quality housing with issues such as lead paint, mold, and pests can trigger asthma flare-ups, particularly in children.
The high cost of housing is also a major issue in Alexandria, and individuals or families are often forced to make difficult decisions between paying their rent and affording medical care, groceries, childcare, and other basic necessities. Local data shows that housing stability is more difficult in certain ZIP codes within Alexandria.
Identify and support creative land use and other models for affordable and market-rate housing.
TACTIC 1: Co-location: Add affordable housing units to new City and recreational buildings.*
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Increased percentage of public support of co-location of affordable housing units; Number of affordable housing units co-located with new City buildings and recreation centers; Occupancy rate of co-located units
Owners: Office of Housing; Neighborhood Health
TACTIC 2: Assess and promote viable zoning changes that will help to increase the supply of affordable housing.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Assessment of potential zoning changes to increase affordable housing supply completed; Assessment findings presented to a variety of community organizations; Assessment findings presented at Planning and Zoning and City Council; Percentage of proposed zoning changes adopted by City Council; Number of new affordable housing units built as a result of the zoning
Owners: Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee; Alexandria Economic Opportunities Commission; Office of Housing; Office of Planning and Zoning
*Tactic relates to an action in the Alexandria Housing Master Plan
Provide sustainable and predictive housing for individuals and families across incomes.
TACTIC 1: Increase eviction prevention education activities and provide case management for individuals and families at risk of eviction.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of individuals and families at risk of eviction receiving eviction prevention education; Number of evictions prevented; Reduction in racial/place-based disparities in evictions; Number of Unlawful Detainer filings; Percentage of Unlawful Detainers resulting in a Writ of Possession; Number of families who faced eviction remain in stable housing 6 and 12 months after the initial eviction warning
Owners: Alexandria Eviction Prevention Task Force; Alexandria Eviction Prevention Partnership
TACTIC 2: Utilize community land trusts and land banks.*
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Meeting is held with Joint Facilities Master Plan and community members to discuss public land use for affordable housing; Number of affordable housing units created; Square footage of City-owned land zoned not residential vs. square footage of zoned residential
Owners: Office of Housing
TACTIC 3: Develop alternative forms of security deposits.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Alternative forms of security deposits identified; Best practices for Alexandria identified; Findings shared with Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee and the Landlord-Tenant Relations Board
Owners: Alexandria Redevelopment Housing Authority; Department of Community and Human Services
TACTIC 4: Adopt a linkage fee ordinance—a fee on institutional and commercial properties—plus property tax increases to fund affordable housing.
Timing: Start in 2023, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: New fees on institutional and commercial properties adopted; Total dollar amount of fees collected; Property tax increased (percentage and dollar amount increase); Percentage and dollar amount in funds from property taxes that went towards affordable housing annually from 2021 – 2025
Owners: Alexandria Economic Development Partnership; Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee; Office of Planning and Zoning; Office of Housing
*Tactic relates to an action in the Alexandria Housing Master Plan
Provide additional needed services in housing to reflect community needs and values.
TACTIC 1: Offer services (e.g., health clinic, day care, quality food access, etc.) in multi-functional space at housing units and apartment complexes.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Develop a list of needed services by geographic location; Approve agreements to provide specific services at housing units or apartment complexes.
Owners: Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance; Neighborhood Health; Alexandria Health Department; Hunger Free Alexandria; Alexandria Public Health Advisory Commission
TACTIC 2: Work with landlords to create pet-friendly policies regardless of socio-economic status.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of landlords contacted; Number of positive changes in rental agreements for pet-friendly policies; Increased number of Alexandria renters who adopt pets
Owners: Animal Welfare League of Alexandria
TACTIC 3: Explore local use of Certified Organization for Resident Engagement and Services (CORES) at rental properties.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2024
Progress measures: Number of rental properties that obtain the CORES certification; Percentage of socially vulnerable residents residing in CORES certified properties; Percentage of affordable housing units in CORES certified properties.
Owners: Alexandria Housing Development Corporation
Increase funding for housing development.
TACTIC 1: Increase use of financial tools and funds for affordable housing as identified in the City of Alexandria Housing Master Plan.*
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Advocacy group formed; Funding for affordable housing increased (dollar amount and percentage change from 2021 to 2025)
Owners: Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance
TACTIC 2: Property tax abatement for developers reserving a portion of their units for affordable housing.*
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2024
Progress measures: Number of developers seeking property tax abatement; Number of affordable housing units developed as a result of property tax abatement; Percentage of occupied affordable housing units developed as a result of property tax abatement in 2025
Owners: Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance; Office of Housing
TACTIC 3: Monitor and engage with the Alexandria Redevelopment Housing Authority (ARHA) Redevelopment Work Group.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of Steering Committee meetings ARHA redevelopment projects are discussed; Percentage of proposals submitted about redevelopment projects that are adopted
Owners: Partnership for a Healthier Alexandria Steering Committee
TACTIC 4: Explore the use of closed hotels for additional affordable housing units.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Best practices research completed; Number of units and occupancy (e.g. 1 bed; 2 bed) of closed hotels suitable for conversion into affordable housing units identified; Estimated cost of conversion and number of residents potentially served by conversion developed; Results of research shared with appropriate City Boards and Commissions; Results of research shared with the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership and City Council; Several hotels are converted to affordable housing; Increased number of individuals and families are living in affordable housing units
Owners: Alexandria Economic Development Partnership; Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness
*Tactic relates to an action in the Alexandria Housing Master Plan
Support healthy, high-quality, energy-efficient housing.
TACTIC 1: Promote energy efficiency policies.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Concepts and opportunities for retrofit initiatives identified; Policies that would be feasible & beneficial for Alexandria residents are identified; Energy efficiency policies, concepts & opportunities presented to City Council
Owners: Virginia Cooperative Extension; Economic Opportunities Commission
TACTIC 2: Develop and implement a coordinated, healthy housing program.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Partners for the program identified; Funding secured; Gap analysis conducted; Structures in place for ongoing healthy homes network
Owners: Alexandria Health Department; Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance
Build appropriate supports for those experiencing homelessness.
TACTIC 1: Increase permanent supportive housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of new permanent supportive housing units available to residents experiencing homelessness annually from 2021 to 2025; Total number of permanent supportive housing units available in 2025 compared to 2021; Occupancy rate of permanent supportive housing units measured annually from 2021 to 2025
Owners: Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness
TACTIC 2: Increase rapid re-housing to individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of new rapid re-housing units added annually from 2021 to 2025; Occupancy rate of rapid re-housing units measured annually from 2021 to 2025; Average length of stay in rapid re-housing units measured annually from 2021 to 2025
Owners: Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness
TACTIC 3: Create a systematic process to increase employment opportunities for people experiencing homelessness.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Annual ratio of individuals, experiencing homelessness, lacking employment, who become employed; Number of new job opportunities; the total number of job opportunities for people experiencing homelessness annually from 2021 to 2025; Percentage of individuals experiencing homelessness who are unemployed and underemployed
Owners: Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness
TACTIC 4: Advocate at the state, City and foundation levels for more housing resources for people needing mental health and substance use services.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Best practices identified and advocated for at the state, city, and foundation level; Number of housing units available to serve residents in unstable housing who receive mental health services increased; Occupancy rate of housing units available to serve residents in unstable housing who receive mental health services decreased; Percentage of individuals receiving mental health services who report unstable housing conditions decreased
Owners: Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness
Mental Health
Goal: Accessible, culturally appropriate, and normalized
Mental health is important at every stage of life, and includes conditions and illnesses that affect thoughts, feelings, mood, and/or behavior. Mental health also includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. An individual can experience poor mental health at different periods of their life and not be diagnosed with a mental illness. Similarly, a person living with a mental illness can experience periods of physical, mental, and social well-being.
Mental health conditions and illnesses can be long-term, short-term, and can be recurring. Mental health and physical health are closely related—mental illness increases the risk of physical health problems and living with a chronic condition can increase the risk of mental illness.
Assure culturally appropriate and trauma-informed mental health resources, services, and support for all Alexandria's communities.
TACTIC 1: Partner with the faith community to increase access to mental health resources among communities of color.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of faith-based community partners; Reduced number of poor mental health days among Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) residents Owners: Friends of the Alexandria Mental Health Center; Social Responsibility Group; NAMI Northern Virginia
TACTIC 2: Provide trauma-informed trainings to community groups.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2023
Progress measures: Number of community members trained; Number of trainings delivered in the community; Number of trainees who increased their knowledge and skills in trauma-informed approaches
Owners: RAISE
Advocate for mental health services and education funding.
TACTIC 1: Assess mental health services and education gaps and capacity.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2024
Progress measures: Assessment of services, gaps and capacity completed; Assessment results presented to appropriate City Boards and Commissions; Assessment results presented to various community organizations; Assessment results used to advocate with City Council to address the identified gaps for mental health services and education
Owners: Alexandria City Public Schools
TACTIC 2: Educate residents on available mental health resources.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2024
Progress measures: Education/awareness campaign created; Education/awareness campaign implemented; Number of City residents who access the information on available resources
Owners: Youth Development Team, Department of Community and Human Services
TACTIC 3: Train residents on how to advocate for services and funding.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2023
Progress measures: Number of people trained on advocacy skills and techniques; Number of training sessions; Percentage of trainees who increased their knowledge, skills & confidence in advocacy; Percentage of trainees who advocated for policy changes
Owners: RAISE; Northern Virginia Community College
TACTIC 4: Advocate for needed funding for mental health services and education.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Annual presentations to City Council during the budget process; Level or increased funding approved by City Council annually
Owners: Friends of the Alexandria Mental Health Center
Expand opportunities to free and low-cost physical activity.
TACTIC 1: Promote walking and other physical activity through ALEXMoves.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Social media page created; Platform created for community members to engage in physical activity together; Number of people who participate in ALEXMoves events annually; Key engagement measures (number of likes and shares, audience growth,
followers/following ratio, audience mentions)
Owners: Inova Health System; Alexandria Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; Animal Welfare League of Alexandria; Running Brooke; Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee; Alexandria Families for Safe Streets
TACTIC 2: Partner with ACPS to sponsor monthly “walk the block” events for students, parents, staff and community members.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of people participating in “walk the block” events; Number of likes, photos and videos on social media
Owners: Running Brooke; Inova Health System; Alexandria Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; Animal Welfare League of Alexandria; Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee; Alexandria Families for Safe Streets
TACTIC 3: Leverage physical activity groups such as Meet-Up to create walking groups and a walking route database.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Library of free/low-cost physical activities created; Catalogue of walking routes created; Number of views/downloads
Owners: Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee; Inova Health System
TACTIC 4: Develop a dog walking program for owners.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of people engaged in the dog walking program; Number of participants per quarter; Number of walks held annually
Owners: Animal Welfare League of Alexandria
TACTIC 5: Advocate for safer streets for people of all ages.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of walk audits done; Number of deficiencies identified as a result of walk audits; Number of improvements made to streets due to walk audits’ findings Owners: Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
TACTIC 6: Establish and implement a youth physical activity scholarship program to cover all fees for eligible youth.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Program established; Fundraising started; First scholarships awarded; Number of eligible youth who receive scholarships in the first year; Number of eligible youth who receive scholarships over three years; Fundraising goals met to sustain the program
Owners: ACT for Alexandria; Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities
Expand early intervention programming and counseling in the community.
TACTIC 1: Expand behavioral health screening for youth (5th grade and up).
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2024
Progress measures: Assessment of current behavioral health screening is completed; New age-appropriate screening tools are made accessible to youth both online and in person
Owners: Alexandria City Public Schools; Alexandria Community Services Board
TACTIC 2: Expand behavioral health counseling services for youth (5th grade and up).
Timing: Start in 2023, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Assessment of current behavioral health counseling services completed; Funding for additional behavioral health counseling provided; Increase in the number of youth receiving behavioral health counseling
Owners: Alexandria City Public Schools; Department of Community and Human Services; Alexandria Health Department
TACTIC 3: Expand mental health screenings for adults.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2024
Progress measures: Assessment of current behavioral health screening is completed; New screening tools are made accessible to adults both online and in person
Owners: Alexandria Community Services Board
TACTIC 4: Expand mental health counseling services for adults.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Assessment of current behavioral health counseling services completed; Funding for additional behavioral health counseling is provided; Alternative or in-kind resources for behavioral health counseling provided; Increase in the number of adults receiving behavioral health counseling
Owners: Alexandria City Public Schools; Alexandria Community Services Board; Neighborhood Health; George Mason University Center for Psychological Services
TACTIC 5: Expand programming for seniors to reduce social isolation.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Increase in the number of seniors participating in the programming; Percentage of program participants indicating that the programming has been helpful in reducing symptoms of depression or loneliness.
Owners: Senior Services of Alexandria
TACTIC 6: Advocate for mental health treatment in youth and adult detention centers.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Quantified existing need for mental health services in Alexandria/NOVA detention centers (e.g. number of patients in treatment, on waitlists, and unmet treatment needs); Best practices for increasing access to mental health care in detention centers identified; Best practices are shared with the community and discussed; State and local policies aimed at improving access to mental health services in youth and adult detention centers are adopted; Number of patients treated annually, number of encounters (patient visits), number of prescriptions, and number of services/resources provided since implementation of new policies and programs
Owners: Department of Community and Human Services, Alexandria Community Services Boards, Alexandria Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Services Unit
Incorporate mental health strategies into the school day.
TACTIC 1: Integrate Social, Emotional and Academic Learning (SEAL) activities across many different types of programs and classrooms.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Youth Risk and Behavior Survey data provided; ACPS Equity Audit complete
Owners: Children and Youth Master Plan Prevention Work Group (ACPS Student Support Teams staff)
TACTIC 2: Invest in professional development so educators and support staff can learn how to incorporate social-emotional learning approaches into the school day.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number/percentage of educators and staff trained in trauma-informed approaches; Number/percentage of educators and schools staff trained in mental health awareness; Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data; ACPS Equity Audit (climate survey)
Owners: Children and Youth Master Plan Prevention Work Group (ACPS Student Support Teams staff)
TACTIC 3: Streamline the youth mental services referral process.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Assessment of existing services, waitlist, and referral process completed; Service redundancies and gaps identified; Plans to create greater efficiencies and close gaps developed and implemented; Increase in school referrals to DCHS Youth Central Intake; Reduced wait time for appointments; Number of ACPS referrals to the DCHS Family Assessment and Planning Team
Owners: CYMP Prevention Work Group (DCHS Child and Behavioral Health Services)
TACTIC 4: Strengthen school and community-based education, outreach and access around family mental health.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of mental health support partnerships established to provide services to children and youth; Number of calls/emails to DCHS Youth Central intake; Number of youth and families receiving mental health services (in school and not) through CFBHS; Percentage increase in funding for public family behavioral health services; Percentage of youth and families receiving CFBHS services reporting their needs were met; Average wait time for students referred for DCHS services; Percentage of race and ethnicity DCHS provider/client match; Rates of depression and suicidal ideation among youth as measured by the Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Owners: CYMP Prevention Work Group (DCHS Child and Behavioral Health Services)
Normalize conversations about mental health.
TACTIC 1: Provide Adult Mental Health First Aid training to community providers and residents.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Total number of people who complete the training; Total number of targeted populations and sectors who complete training; Percentage of people who successfully complete youth mental health first aid training annually
Owners: Department of Community and Human Services
TACTIC 2: Provide Youth Mental Health First Aid training to community providers and residents.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Total number of people who complete the training; Total number of targeted populations and sectors who complete training; Percentage of people who successfully complete youth mental health first aid training annually
Owners: Department of Community and Human Services, Youth Development Team
TACTIC 3: Provide evidence-based simulated trainings for having conversations on mental health.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of people, including youth, who complete the training Owners: Department of Community and Human Services, Youth Development Team; Suicide Prevention Alliance of Northern Virginia
TACTIC 4: Create and deliver a mental health literacy program to eliminate mental health stigma.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Evidence-based Health Literacy program created; Number of youth who attend a program annually; Number of adults who attend a program annually; Percentage of youth whose health literacy increases (pre- and post-tests) as a result of attending a program; Percentage of adults whose health literacy increases (pre- and post-tests) as a result of attending a program
Owners: Department of Community and Human Services, Youth Development Team; Alexandria Community Services Board; NAMI-Northern Virginia; Public Health Advisory Commission; George Mason University Center for Psychological Services
Goal: Wealth building opportunities for all
Improving or maintaining optimal health requires financial resources. For example, health insurance is crucial for access to many healthcare services, but health coverage can be expensive, especially for those without coverage through an employer. Individuals may decide to postpone care because of these costs, which could lead to worse health outcomes for conditions such as cancer and diabetes.
Outside of direct healthcare, behavior and lifestyle changes such as eating healthier meals and living in neighborhoods with access to parks, healthy foods, and transit can be out of reach. Finally, poverty can take a significant toll on mental health. The constant stress of living in unstable conditions, struggling to pay bills, and long work hours can exacerbate existing mental illness and affect child brain development.
Increase quality, equity, and relevance of education for youth in and out of schools.
TACTIC 1: Monitor and engage with the Out of School Time/Youth Support Network.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of Steering Committee members who participate in community meetings; Number of health-related proposals submitted annually by the Steering Committee; Percentage of health-related proposals by the Steering Committee adopted by the Out of School Time/Youth Support Network; One government health provider and one nonprofit health provider serve as members of the Youth Support Network and number of Youth Support Network meetings they attend; Number of quarterly check-ins with the Out of School Time/Youth Support Network
Owners: Partnership for a Healthier Alexandria Steering Committee
TACTIC 2: Increase awareness among youth and their parents and guardians on the process, requirements and techniques for participating in higher education.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of youth who attend higher education preparation training programs or courses; Number of adults with children in grades 6-12 who attend higher education preparation training sessions; Percentage of youth with awareness of the higher education application process; Percentage of youth with awareness of the scholarships available for them; Percentage of youth who are the first in their family to attend higher education; Percentage of parents and guardians with awareness of the higher education application process; Percentage of parents and guardians with awareness of the scholarships available to their children
Owners: Project Discovery; Dream Project; AVID; Alexandria Workforce Development Center
TACTIC 3: Support efforts to advocate for and implement restorative justice in ACPS.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Identified campaigns, events, or workshops focused on restorative justice in ACPS hosted by Tenants and Workers United and/or Alex Teens to support; Number of Tenants and Workers United or Alex Teens community-lead campaigns or events
Owners: Alex Teens; Tenants and Workers United
TACTIC 4: Integrate ACPS Industry Advisory Boards and Career and Technical Education into middle schools.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2024
Progress measures: Resources obtained to expand career and technical programs into each ACPS middle school (e.g. funds, staff, classroom space, technology); Number of career & technical programs expanded into ACPS middle schools; Number of programs, slots, and participating middle schools; Expand TeensWork! (number of youth enrolled, Youth Employment Counselors and youth on waitlist)
Owners: Inova Alexandria Hospital; Alexandria City Public Schools Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee
Increase availability and lower costs of childcare and programming.
TACTIC 1: Advocate for policy changes at the federal and state level to make child care more accessible including revising child care subsidy amounts and eligibility requirements.
Timing: Start in 2023, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Case statement developed to show need for policy changes; Policy change to expand eligibility; Increased number of people using the program
Owners: Children, Youth and Family Collaborative Commission
TACTIC 2: Develop a multimedia, multilingual resource guide and create an awareness campaign that describes all types of childcare available, including any eligibility requirements.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2023
Progress measures: Final draft of multimedia resource guide developed and translated; Multimedia resource guide published and disseminated to key stakeholders and trusted community leaders; Number of multimedia resource guide views, shares, downloads, etc.; Percentage of eligible families enrolled in childcare assistance/ subsidy programs (stratify by race and ethnicity if possible)
Owners: Department of Community and Human Services, Early Childhood Division; Smart Beginnings Alexandria; Children, Youth and Families Collaborative Commission; Alexandria Libraries; Inova Alexandria Hospital; Alexandria Employment Commission
TACTIC 3: Advocate for greater investments in childcare at the local and state levels, including subsidies, funding for childcare facilities and higher pay for childcare workers.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Advocacy campaign developed; Funding increase allocated to childcare programs, facilities and workers; Increased median pay of childcare workers in Northern Virginia/Alexandria
Owners: Alexandria Chamber of Commerce; Smart Beginnings Alexandria; Social Services Advisory Board; Commission on Women; Economic Opportunities Commission; Children, Youth and Families Collaborative Commission; Public Health Advisory Commission
TACTIC 4: Expand the number of child care providers who operate in the evenings and on weekends.
Timing: Start in 2023, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Benchmark study completed that identifies barriers and solutions to providing childcare during alternative hours; Plan to address the barriers is developed and results are shared with the community; Number of child care providers who operate in evenings and weekends is increased from the time the study was done; Number of families on waitlists for alternative hours child care is decreased from the time the study was done
Owners: Department of Community and Human Services; Smart Beginnings Alexandria; Children, Youth and Families Collaborative Commission; Alexandria Chamber of Commerce
Address disparities in the criminal justice system.
TACTIC 1: Support the sustainability of the Alexandria Treatment Court.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of participants in the Treatment Court program at any one time; Number of participants who graduate from the Treatment Court Program
Owners: Alexandria Opioid Work Group
TACTIC 2: Sustain the Alexandria Crisis Intervention Training Program to provide jail diversion for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of individuals diverted from jail to mental health services; Number of police officers trained in Crisis Intervention annually; Percentage of the total number of police officers trained; Number of annual presentations to community groups about the Crisis Intervention Training Program
Owners: Alexandria Police Department; Department of Community and Human Services; Alexandria Community Services Board
TACTIC 3: Develop strategies and steps that will meet the requirement and goals of the Commonwealth of Virginia's Marcus Alert System Plan.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: City and community organizations and members meet to determine the best strategies and steps for Alexandria to achieve Virginia's Marcus Alert Plan; Number of annual presentations to community groups Alexandria's Marcus Alert System implementation plan, Periodic assessments of Alexandria's implementation work are done and reported to the community
Owners: Alexandria Police Department; Department of Community and Human Services, Community Service Board
TACTIC 4: Explore youth criminal justice best practices such as restorative justice, youth court, and other similar programs.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Best practices identified and assessed for their applicability in Alexandria
Owners: Alexandria Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Services Unit
TACTIC 5: Monitor and engage in the establishment and implementation of the Alexandria Community Police Review Board.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of Steering Committee meetings that include a discussion on the Community Police Review Board's establishment and implementation; Number of Steering Committee members who participate in community meetings on the establishment and implementation of the Alexandria Community Police Review Board; Number of proposals submitted by the Steering Committee on the establishment and implementation of the Alexandria Community Police Review Board; Inclusiveness and social and racial equity principles and actions included in Alexandria City Council resolution No. 2974, All Alexandria Committing to Race and Social Equity are met
Owners: Partnership for a Healthier Alexandria Steering Committee
TACTIC 6: Advocate for more public data and greater transparency of data and accountability involving Alexandria Police interactions with the public.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Assessment of current data transparency and report sufficiency completed; Conversation held with the Alexandria Police Department regarding results of assessment; Issues or concerns identified in the assessment are satisfactorily resolved
Owners: Grassroots Alexandria; Tenants and Workers United
TACTIC 7: Establish pathways to connect impacted community members to resources to promote a holistic integration back into the community.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of returning residents provided with resource toolkits; Number of returning residents connected to positive supports; Number of returning residents successfully completing probation
Owners: Friends of Guest House; Project ID
Increase access to employment resources and opportunities.
TACTIC 1: Enhance work-based learning opportunities and expand the number of opportunities for youth.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Implement plans to expand programming; Number of youth work programs expanded from summer-only to year-round; Number of additional slots or available hours for youth work programs; Number slots filled; Number of applicants
Owners: ACPS Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee; ACPS Industry Advisory Boards; Northern Virginia Community College (Alexandria Campus); Urban Alliance
TACTIC 2: Create a neighborhood-based, peer support infrastructure pilot project to advance upward mobility.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Funding obtained for a pilot project; Pilot project evaluated; Program expanded to more neighborhoods; Number of peer guides/mentors established; Number of individuals linked to peer guide/mentor; Individuals with living wage employment secured through program
Owners: Partnership for a Healthier Alexandria; Alexandria City Public Schools; Department of Community and Human Services; Alexandria Health Department
TACTIC 3: Support the City project to collect and map minority and immigrant businesses to strengthen existing businesses and encourage new businesses.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of Steering Committee members who participate in community meetings on the City’s project; Number of proposals submitted by the Steering Committee on the City’s project
Owners: Partnership for a Healthier Alexandria Steering Committee
TACTIC 4: Identify and assess best and promising practices for providing assistance to small businesses to help ensure their sustainability.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Assessment completed on best and promising practices; Increase number of small businesses reporting better assistance; Increased number of small businesses succeeding over a three year period
Owners: Alexandria Small Business Development Center; Alexandria Chamber of Commerce; Del Ray Business Association; Old Town Business Association; West End Business Association
Establish policies that advance wage equity and hiring opportunities.
TACTIC 1: Advocate for adoption of a $15 minimum wage in Virginia before January 1, 2026 (the date currently set by Virginia State Code).
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Campaign advocating for adoption of a $15 minimum wage in VA before 01/01/2026 is developed and launched; Raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour in the City’s annual legislative agenda; Minimum wage of $15 per hour in effect before January 1, 2026
Owners: Economic Opportunities Commission
TACTIC 2: Create and promote a “Hire Alexandrians” initiative for all development/building projects in Alexandria.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Hire Alexandrians initiative created by December 2021; Hire Alexandrians initiative launched; Number of local news stories about the Hire Alexandrians initiative annually; Number of Alexandria development/building projects that meet the employment criteria of the initiative
Owners: Economic Opportunities Commission; Carpenters’ Union
TACTIC 3: Advocate for adoption by Alexandria businesses of a voluntary Alexandria Living Wage Certification Program.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of Alexandria businesses that provide wages of (a) $15.70/hour (gold certification level), (b) $14.13/hour (silver certification level), (c) $11.23/hour (aspirational certification level) by December 1, 2021; Number of Alexandria businesses’ employees who earn (a) $15.70/hour, (b) $14.13/hour, (c) $11.23/hour; Number of Alexandria businesses that provide wages of (a) $15.70/hour, (b) $14.13/hour and (c) $11.23/hour by the end of calendar year 2025
Owners: Virginia Theological Seminary; Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy
Fund tech or other skills training for vulnerable populations.
TACTIC 1: Identify existing opportunities in the City for career exploration and workforce development programs.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Assessment of existing opportunities for career exploration and workforce development programs; A “menu” of options available in the City is developed; Share “menu” with agencies and groups with available programs to ensure that menu is accurate and up-to-date; Disseminate menu; Amount of engagement with menu
Owners: Alexandria Workforce Development Center
TACTIC 2: Identify sources of financial support for career exploration and workforce development programs.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Funding opportunities for career exploration and workforce development programs are identified; Career exploration and workforce development programs receive supplemental funding; Dollars received compared to total dollars applied for; Number of programs that receive funding; Number of applications submitted
Owners: Economic Opportunities Commission; Carpenters’ Union
TACTIC 3: Explore partnerships with Northern Virginia Community College and nonprofits to provide wraparound services to low-income college students.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2024
Progress measures: Number of partners providing wraparound/case management services to low-income students; Number of students receiving these services; Student retention
Owners: Northern Virginia Community College; Educational Opportunities for Alexandrians
Expand opportunities for community-centered financial resources.
TACTIC 1: Expand the Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Master Education Financial program to include people who are not fluent in English.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of classes offered in different languages increased; Before and after classes knowledge testing results of participants; Number of non-English speaking students who enroll in new courses each semester
Owners: Virginia Cooperative Extension; Volunteer Alexandria
TACTIC 2: Advocate for community banking policies that are friendly to low-income individuals and families.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Advocacy campaign developed and launched; Number of banking policies changed that are friendlier to low-income individuals and families
Owners: Economic Opportunities Commission; Credit Union; Alexandria City High School Academy of Finance
TACTIC 3: Expand access to credit for low-wealth individuals in Alexandria.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of financial training programs provided; Number of individuals who participated in the training programs; Access expanded to micro-businesses
Owners: Ethiopian Community Development Council, Inc.
Remove barriers to public transit.
TACTIC 1: Advocate for DASH to provide free transportation or reduced fares for low-income residents.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2024
Progress measures: Advocacy campaign developed and launched; Percentage of the eligible population who use public transportation before and after the change
Owners: Economic Opportunities Commission; Social Services Advisory Board
TACTIC 2: Support funding for service increases of the 2022 and 2030 Vision Plan networks.
Timing: Start in 2022, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Advocacy campaign developed and launched; Increased funding in the Alexandria City approved budget
Owners: Alexandria Transportation Commission; Economic Opportunities Commission; Social Services Advisory Board
TACTIC 3: Promote community engagement in the Alexandria Mobility Plan development to ensure that the voices of all communities are considered in the Plan’s development.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2023
Progress measures: Community engagement plan developed and launched; Inclusiveness and social and racial equity principles and actions included in Alexandria City Council resolution No. 2974, All Alexandria Committing to Race and Social Equity are met
Owners: Alexandria Department of Transportation and Environmental Services; Grassroots Alexandria; Tenants and Workers United
Eliminate the digital divide.
TACTIC 1: Institutionalize access to the high-speed internet for low-income individuals and families.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Households with internet subscription
Owners: Alexandria Commission on Information Technology
TACTIC 2: Provide devices to under-resourced residents.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of vulnerable residents who need computers annually; Number of computers provided to vulnerable residents annually
Owners: Computer CORE; Alexandria Workforce Development Center
TACTIC 3: Provide classes and tutoring in multiple languages to increase digital literacy.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of classes held annually; Number of classes held in different languages; Number of tutoring sessions provided; Number of participants in classes and tutoring sessions annually; Number of available seats in classes/tutoring sessions annually (to monitor supply & demand); Increase in digital literacy through before and after classes survey
Owners: Alexandria Libraries
TACTIC 4: Monitor and engage in the creation and implementation of Alexandria’s Digital Equity Plan.
Timing: Start in 2021, Complete by 2025
Progress measures: Number of community meetings on the creation and implementation of Alexandria’s Digital Equity Plan; Number of community members who participate in community meetings on the creation and implementation of Alexandria’s Digital Equity Plan; Social and racial equity principles and actions included in Alexandria City Council resolution No. 2974, All Alexandria Committing to Race and Social Equity are met
Owners: Alexandria Commission on Information Technology; Partnership for a Healthier Alexandria Steering Committee